Interested Article - 1234qwer1234qwer4

ru -N Русский — язык этого участника.
zxx -5 This user has knowledge of no linguistic content .
de -4 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch auf .
de-x-formal -4 Dieser Benutzer beherrscht Deutsch (Sie-Form) auf .
en -3 This user has knowledge of .
gsw -1 Dää Benutzer cha Alemannisch .
la -1 Hic usor lingua Latina conferre potest.
mul -1 This user has knowledge of multiple languages .
mis -0 This user has knowledge of (or understands it with considerable difficulty).
This user would like to create a more helpful userpage, but currently, there are too many unfinished tasks to be done on WMF projects.
W?F This opposes the WMF as Wikipedia.
Этот пользователь имеет статус в . Wikisource
Note: English babel information might apply only to written English.

I am mostly active on the Russian and English Wikipedias as well as Wikimedia Commons, but you can find me on Wikidata and the German Wikipedia, too. Lately, I have become more active on Meta-Wiki, and I also visit other projects, such as Wiktionary, from time to time.

My socks

Other projects

To do

  • Create a to do list (instead of having hundreds of open tabs and bookmarks on each device)

Humourous quote

Actually Wikipedia has lots of stupid rules like this one, that no one knows how they came to be. Around here, we call that sort of thing "consensus".


Same as 1234qwer1234qwer4