Interested Article - Премия «Еврофизика»
- 2021-02-14
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Премия «Еврофизика» ( англ. EPS Europhysics Prize) — международная награда в области физики конденсированного состояния , присуждаемая Европейским физическим обществом (European Physical Society, EPS) раз в два года. До 1999 года спонсировалась фирмой Hewlett-Packard , затем фирмой Agilent Technologies .
Награда состоит из денежной премии (51 тысяча швейцарских франков в 2006 году) и сертификата. Среди награждённых — 13 лауреатов Нобелевской премии .
Год | Лауреат | Обоснование награды |
1975 |
Леонид Келдыш Ярослав Покровский Michel Voos |
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For the condensation of excitons.
1976 |
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For contributions to the physics of liquid crystal.
1977 |
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For amorphous silicon devices.
1978 | Жорес Алфёров |
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For heterojunctions.
1979 |
Эрик Эш
Юрий Гуляев K.A. Ingebrigtsen |
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For the physical principles of surface acoustic wave devices.
1980 |
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For original methods for the calculation of the electronic properties of materials.
1982 | Клаус фон Клитцинг |
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For experimental demonstration of the quantized Hall resistance.
1983 | Isaac F. Silvera |
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For atomic and solid hydrogen.
1984 |
Герд Карл Бинниг
Генрих Рорер |
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For the scanning tunnelling microscope.
1985 |
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For the experimental study of low dimensional physics.
1986 |
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For neutron spin echo spectroscopy.
1987 | Игорь Янсон |
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For point-contact spectroscopy in metals.
1988: |
Йоханнес Георг Беднорц
Карл Александр Мюллер |
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For the discovery of high-temperature superconductivity.
1989 |
Hans-Rudolf Ott Гилберт Лонзарик |
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For pioneering investigations of heavy-fermion metals
1990 |
Микеле Парринелло |
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For a novel and powerful method for the ab-initio calculation of molecular dynamics
1991 |
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For synthesis of a new class of organic metals and the discovery of their superconductivity and novel magnetic properties.
1992 |
Герхард Эртль
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For pioneering studies of surface structures, dynamics and reactions through the development of novel experimental methods.
1993 |
Борис Альтшулер
Аркадий Аронов Анатолий Ларкин от 16 сентября 2014 на Wayback Machine |
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For theoretical work on coherent phenomena in disordered conductors.
1994 |
Харольд Крото Ричард Смолли |
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For new molecular forms of carbon and their production in the solid state.
1995 |
Якир Ааронов
Майкл Берри |
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For the introduction of fundamental concepts in physics that have profound impact on condensed matter science.
1996 | Ричард Френд |
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For pioneering work on semiconducting organic polymer materials and demonstration of an organic light emitting diodes.
1997 |
Альбер Ферт
Петер Грюнберг Стюарт Паркин |
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For the discovery and contribution to the understanding of the giant magnetoresistance effect in transition-metal multilayers and demonstrations of its potential for technological applications.
1998 |
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For original contributions to the theory of strongly correlated electron systems.
1999 |
от 6 сентября 2014 на Wayback Machine |
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For developing novel techniques for noise measurements in solids leading to experimental observation of carriers with a fractional charge.
2000 |
Paolo Carra
Gerrit van der Laan |
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Pioneering work in establishing the field of magnetic x-ray dichroism.
2001 |
Сумио Иидзима
Корнелис Деккер Томас Эббесен Пол Макьюэн |
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Discovery of multi-and single-walled carbon nanotubes and pioneering studies of their fundamental mechanical and electronic properties
2002 |
Jonathan Friedman Dante Gatteschi |
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For the development of the field of quantum dynamics of nanomagnets, including the discovery of quantum tunnelling and interference in dynamics of magnetization.
2003 |
Mark Warner |
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For the discovery of a new class of materials called liquid crystal elastomers.
2004 |
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For the realisation and demonstration of the quantum bit concept based on superconducting circuits.
2005 |
Хидэо Оно |
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For their work on ferromagnetic semiconductors and spintronics.
2006 |
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For the development and application of the dynamical mean field theory.
2008 |
Андрей Гейм
Константин Новосёлов |
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For discovering and isolating a single free-standing atomic layer of carbon (graphene) and elucidating its remarkable electronic properties.
2010 |
Hartmut Buhmann
Чарльз Кейн Юджин Меле Лоуренс Моленкамп Чжан Шоучэн |
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For the theoretical prediction and the experimental observation of the quantum spin Hall effect and topological insulators.
2012 |
Claudio Castelnovo Santiago Grigera Alan Tennant |
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For the prediction and experimental observation of magnetic monopoles in spin ice.
2014 |
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For the discovery and investigation of electron liquids at oxide interfaces.
2016 |
Alexey N. Bogdanov |
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For the theoretical prediction, the experimental discovery and the theoretical analysis of a magnetic skyrmion phase in MnSi, a new state of matter.
2018 |
Lucio Braicovich
Giacomo Claudio Ghiringhelli |
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For the development and scientific exploration of high-resolution Resonant Inelastic X-ray Scattering (RIXS)
2020 |
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For his pioneering studies on quantum coherence in solid-state systems, and their applications for sensing, and, in particular, for major breakthroughs in the study of the optical and spin properties of nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond
- от 11 декабря 2014 на Wayback Machine (англ.)
- (англ.)
- от 24 сентября 2015 на Wayback Machine (англ.)
- (неопр.) . Дата обращения: 8 января 2015. 17 января 2015 года.
- 2021-02-14
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