Interested Article - Переския

???????? , ????? ????????? ( ???. Pereskia ), — ??? ???????????????? ???????? ????????? ?????????? ( Cactaceae ).


??????? ????????? ???????? Pereskia ???? ? ????? ???????????? ??????? ??????-????? ?? ???????? ( ??. Nicolas-Claude Fabri de Peiresc , 1580—1637) .

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?????? ?????????????? ???????? ???? Pereskia ???? ???????????? ??????? ???????? ? ????????? ??????? ?????? The Gardeners Dictionary ? 1754 ????: ?? ??????? ? ????????? ??? ????????, ??????? ? ????? ?????? ???? ???????? ? ??? Cactus ? ?????????? Cactus pereskia . ???? ??? ????????, ??????? ?????? ??????? Pereskia aculeata , ???? ???????? ? ?????: ? ???????, ??? ???????? ? ????? ?????? 1703 ???? ????? ?????? .


Pereskia Mill. , ?????? ?????????? ? Gard. Dict. Abr., ed. 4.: s.p. (1754) .


???????????? (?????????? ?? ?????? ?????????????? ????? ) :

  • Carpophillus Neck. (1790), opus utique oppr.
  • Peirescia Zucc. (1837), orth. var.


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  1. . . ???? ?????????: 31 ????? 2023. 30 ????? 2023 ????.
  2. ? . . ???? ?????????: 31 ????? 2023. 31 ????? 2023 ????.
  3. ? (????.) . Plants of the World Online . ???? ?????????: 31 ????? 2023. 5 ?????? 2023 ????.


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Same as Переския