Премия Ласкера
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Премия Ласкера — Дебейки за клинические медицинские исследования ( англ. Lasker-DeBakey Clinical Medical Research Award ) — одна из четырёх ежегодных премий, присуждаемых Фондом Альберта и Мэри Ласкеров . Награда Ласкера-Дебейки присуждается врачам, ведущим клиническую практику за выдающуюся работу в области понимания, диагностики, профилактики и лечение болезней . Эта награда была переименована в 2008 году в честь американского кардиохирурга Майкла Э. Дебейки . Ранее она называлась «Премия Альберта Ласкера за клинические медицинские исследования» ( англ. Albert Lasker Clinical Medical Research Award ). Денежное содержание премии — 250 тысяч долларов .
Ниже приведён список лауреатов премии, начиная с 1946 года .
Год | Лауреат | Обоснование награды | |
1946 |
Оригинальный текст
For pioneering the treatment of syphilis with penicillin.
Карл Ландштейнер
Филип Левин |
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For the discovery of the RH factor as a cause of hemolytic disease of the newborn and of severe hemolysis arising from incompatible blood transfusions.
1947 |
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For contributions to our knowledge of influenza, and the development of a vaccine effective against Types A and B, successfully used during World War II.
1949 |
Филип Хенч
Эдуард Кендалл |
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For studies of adrenal hormones, culminating in the first use of cortisone in severe rheumatoid arthritis and other severe inflammatory disorders.
Макс Тейлер |
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For the development of two effective vaccines against yellow fever.
1950 | Георгиос Папаниколау |
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For outstanding contributions to the early diagnosis of cancer of the cervix through cytological methods (the Pap smear).
1951 |
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For developing cancer detection clinics for detection of early cancer or precancerous lesions in presumably healthy people.
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For research in epilepsy.
1952 |
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For leadership in the development of community wide fluoridation programs.
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For the isolation of niacin, the anti-pellagra vitamin, and for other distinguished contributions to nutrition research.
1953 | Пол Дадли Уайт |
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For distinguished achievement in the pathology, diagnosis and treatment of heart diseases, rheumatic and coronary.
1954 |
Альфред Блейлок
Хелен Брук Тауссиг |
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For distinguished contributions to surgery, especially in newborn children with congenital heart defects.
1955 |
К. Уолтон Лиллехай
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For advances in open-heart surgery making possible more direct and safer approaches to the heart.
Hoffmann-La Roche
Research Laboratories
Squibb Institute for Medical Research |
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For establishing the efficacy of isoniazid drugs in the treatment of tuberculosis.
1956 |
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For discovering that excessive oxygen administration is the cause of retinopathy of prematurity in premature babies.
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For contributions to cardiovascular research and his advancement of the concept that experimental atherosclerosis is basically a metabolic disease that is preventable and reversible.
Джонас Солк |
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For developing a safe and effective injectable vaccine against poliomyelitis.
1957 |
Натан Клайн
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For studies of the use of reserpine in the treatment of certain mental illnesses.
Пьер Деникер
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For the development of chlorpromazine as a therapeutic agent in schizophrenia.
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For original contributions to understanding infectious diseases in animals and man and the discovery of new microbiological principles.
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For studies on the use of reserpine in the treatment of hypertension
1958 |
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For contributions concerning the causes, diagnosis and treatment of hypertension.
1959 |
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For distinguished achievement: performing the first successful operation on an inborn cardiovascular defect.
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For his demonstration of the ability of one virus to modify the course of infection by another and for his discovery of Coxsackie virus.
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For outstanding studies which have added significantly to our knowledge and ability to control acute respiratory diseases.
1960 |
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For pioneering the development and use of anticoagulant drugs.
1962 |
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For contributions to the understanding, diagnosis, and treatment of rickettsial diseases, including the demonstration of chloramphenicol as a cure for typhoid fever and scrub typhus.
1963 | Майкл Дебейки |
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For his brilliant leadership and professional accomplishments, which were responsible in a large measure for inaugurating a new era in cardiovascular surgery.
Чарлз Брентон Хаггинс |
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For discoveries concerning the role of the endocrine system in the pathogenesis and treatment of certain cancers, such as cancer of the prostate.
1964 | Натан Кляйн |
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For the introduction and use of iproniazid in the treatment of severe depressions.
1965 | Альберт Сейбин |
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For the development of a live, oral polio-virus vaccine.
1966 | Сидни Фарбер |
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For original use of aminopterin and methotrexate in the control of acute childhood leukemia, and for his constant leadership in the search for chemical agents against cancer.
1967 |
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For original contributions toward the conquest of cholera.
1968 | Джон Х. Гиббон мл. |
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For designing and developing the heart-lung machine.
1969 | Джордж Котциас |
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For the demonstration of the effectiveness of L-DOPA in the treatment of Parkinson’s disease.
1970 |
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For pioneering contributions to the pathogenesis and treatment of severe immunodeficiency diseases, including the first successful allogeneic bone marrow transplants.
1971 |
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For the demonstration of the life-saving effectiveness of drugs in the treatment of moderate hypertension.
1972 |
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For contributions to the successful chemotherapeutic treatment of gestational choriocarcinoma.
Денис Парсонс Беркитт |
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For identifying Burkitt’s tumor and developing a successful chemotherapeutic treatment.
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For contributions concerning the treatment of premalignant and malignant cancers of the skin.
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For contributions to combination chemotherapy in the treatment of lymphoma and acute leukemia in adults.
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For contributions to combination chemotherapy in the treatment of acute leukemia in children.
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For contributions to combination chemotherapy in the treatment of Hodgkin’s disease.
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For contributions to topical chemotherapy in the treatment of mycosis fungoides.
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For contributions to the supportive care, by platelet transfusion, of patients receiving intensive chemotherapy.
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For leadership in expanding the frontiers of cancer chemotherapy.
1973 |
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For the development of the closed-chest defibrillator and the pacemaker.
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For the development of open and closed chest defibrillators, and for originating the technique of external cardiac massage.
1974 |
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For conceptual and technical contributions to total hip joint replacement, which opened new horizons of research and treatment in arthritis and crippling joint diseases.
1975 |
Годфри Хаунсфилд
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For discoveries that led to a revolution in diagnostic radiology, enabling scanning by computer-assisted tomography (CAT).
1976 |
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For advancing the concept of alpha and beta adrenergic receptors, which opened the door to the development of propranolol.
Джеймс Блэк |
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For the development of propranolol as a major treatment of heart disease.
1977 |
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For pioneering the clinical application of ultra-sound as a non-invasive tool in the medical diagnosis of abnormalities of the heart.
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For pioneering the development of ultrasound technology in medicine.
1978 |
Майкл Гейдельбергер |
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For the development of a polysaccharide vaccine against pneumococcal diseases.
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For the development of a polysaccharide vaccine against meningococcal diseases.
1980 |
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For illuminating the genetics of RH factor, and for directing essential research into hemolytic disease of the newborn.
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For developing an anti-RH vaccine, leading to the conquest of hemolytic disease of the newborn.
1981 |
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For developing a noninvasive glucose analogue-based method for mapping brain function, paving the way for the development of PET scanning.
1982 |
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For pioneering contributions to the understanding of hereditary diseases, the development of effective genetic counseling procedures, and initiation of possible treatment by replacement of missing enzymes.
Элизабет Нойфельд |
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For clarifying the molecular basis and diagnosis of certain hereditary lysosomal storage disorders that may cause growth abnormalities, mental retardation, blindness, deafness and death.
1983 |
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For combining the techniques of cardiac catheterization and coronary artery cinematography, thus inaugurating the modern era of diagnosis and treatment of coronary artery disease.
1984 | Пол Лотербур |
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For theoretical and technical contributions that made possible a new form of medical imaging, based on nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR).
1985 |
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For shaping the character of modern breast cancer treatment, thus lengthening and enriching the lives of women suffering from this disease.
1986 |
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For contributions concerning the impact of retroviral infection on the human immune system.
Роберт Галло
Люк Монтанье |
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For the discovery of the retrovirus now known as HIV-1 as the cause of acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS).
1987 |
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For landmark clinical trials of lithium as therapy and prophylaxis for manic depressive illness, initiating a revolution in the treatment of mental disease.
1988 |
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For postulating the physiological basis of narcotic addiction and for developing methadone treatment for heroin addiction.
1989 |
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For developing RU486, the first safe and effective contragestive medication.
1991 | Кань Ютвай |
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For pioneering the use of recombinant DNA technology for diagnosing human genetic diseases, including the hemoglobinopathies.
1993 | Дональд Меткалф |
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For the discovery of the colony-stimulating factors, two of which are widely used to treat patients with cancer and diseases of blood cell formation.
1994 |
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For defining the role of pulmonary surfactant and developing a life-saving artificial surfactant used in premature infants around the world.
1995 | Барри Маршалл |
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For the discovery that Helicobacter pylori causes peptic ulcer disease.
1996 |
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For the development of the Hemophilus influenza type b vaccine, a polysaccharide-conjugate vaccine that has all but eliminated childhood meningitis.
1997 |
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For the understanding and demonstration that low-dose vitamin A supplementation in millions of third world children can prevent death from infectious diseases as well as blindness.
1998 |
Альфред Кнудсон
Питер Ноуэлл Дженет Роули |
Оригинальный текст
For incisive studies in patient-oriented research that paved the way for identifying genetic alterations that cause cancer in humans and that allow for cancer diagnosis in patients at the molecular level.
1999 |
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For developing an innovative approach to drug design based on protein structure and using it to create the ACE inhibitors, powerful oral agents for the treatment of high blood pressure, heart failure, and diabetic kidney disease.
2000 |
Харви Джеймс Алтер
Майкл Хаутон |
«За открытие вируса гепатита C и разработку методов анализа в крови, который снизил риск заболевания гепатитом С до практически нуля по сравнению с 30 % в 1970-х годах» | |
2001 | Роберт Джеффри Эдвардс |
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For the development of in vitro fertilization, a technological advance that has revolutionized the treatment of human infertility.
2002 |
Виллем Йохан Колф
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For the development of renal hemodialysis, which changed kidney failure from a fatal to a treatable disease, prolonging the useful lives of millions of patients.
2003 |
Марк Фельдман
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For the discovery of anti-TNF therapy as an effective treatment for rheumatoid arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.
2004 |
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For revolutionizing the surgical removal of cataracts, turning a 10-day hospital stay with high morbidity into an outpatient procedure with minimal complications.
2005 |
Алек Джеффрис
Эдвин Саузерн |
«За развитие двух важных технологий — метода Саузерн-блоттинга и генетической дактилоскопии — которые вместе совершили революцию в генетике человека и в судебной диагностике.» | |
2006 | Аарон Бек | «За развитие когнитивной терапии, которая трансформировала понимание и лечение многих психических расстройств, включая депрессию, суицидальное поведение, генерализованную тревогу, приступы паники, и расстройств пищевого поведения.» | |
2007 |
Альберт Старр |
Оригинальный текст
For the development of prosthetic mitral and aortic valves, which have prolonged and enhanced the lives of millions of people with heart disease.
2008 | Акира Эндо | «За открытия статинов — препаратов с замечательными свойством снижения уровня LDL-холестерина, которые свершили революцию в профилактике и лечении ишемической болезни сердца.» | |
2009 |
Брайан Друкер
Чарльз Сойерс |
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For the development of molecularly-targeted treatments for chronic myeloid leukemia, converting a fatal cancer into a manageable chronic condition.
2010 | Наполеоне Феррара |
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For the discovery of VEGF as a major mediator of angiogenesis and the development of an effective anti-VEGF therapy for wet macular degeneration, a leading cause of blindness in the elderly.
2011 | Ту Юю |
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For the discovery of artemisinin, a drug therapy for malaria that has saved millions of lives across the globe, especially in the developing world.
2012 |
Томас Старзл |
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For the development of liver transplantation, which has restored normal life to thousands of patients with end-stage liver disease.
2013 |
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For the development of the modern cochlear implant — a device that bestows hearing to individuals with profound deafness.
2014 |
Алим-Луи Бенаби
Мэлон Делонг |
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For the development of deep brain stimulation of the subthalamic nucleus, a surgical technique that reduces tremors and restores motor function in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease.
2015 | Джеймс Эллисон |
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For the discovery and development of a monoclonal antibody therapy that unleashes the immune system to combat cancer.
2016 |
Чарльз Моэн Райс |
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For development of a system to study the replication of the virus that causes hepatitis C and for use of this system to revolutionize the treatment of this chronic, often lethal disease.
2017 |
Дуглас Лоуи
Джон Шиллер |
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For technological advances that enabled development of HPV vaccines for prevention of cervical cancer and other tumors caused by human papillomaviruses
2018 |
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For the discovery and development of propofol, a chemical whose rapid action and freedom from residual effects have made it the most widely used agent for induction of anesthesia in patients throughout the world.
2019 |
Деннис Слэмон Аксель Ульрих |
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For their invention of Herceptin, the first monoclonal antibody that blocks a cancer-causing protein, and for its development as a life-saving therapy for women with breast cancer
2020 | Премия не присуждалась | ||
2021 |
Каталин Карико
Дрю Вайсман |
Оригинальный текст
For the discovery of a new therapeutic technology based on the modification of messenger RNA—enabling rapid development of highly effective Covid-19 vaccines