Interested Article - Бейкеровская лекция

Бейкеровские медаль и лекция ( англ. Bakerian Medal and Lecture ) — ежегодное отличие Лондонского королевского общества , наипрестижнейшая его лекция в области физических наук. Присуждается с 1775 года. Вместе с медалью вручается 10 тысяч фунтов стерлингов . Является одной из старейших научных премий [ источник не указан 1066 дней ] .


21-й век

  • 2023 for his research on computational theory and commercial systems for geometrical analysis of images, and for being a pioneer and leading scientist in machine learning for vision, especially image recognition
  • 2022 Мишель Симмонс for seminal contributions to our understanding of nature at the atomic-scale by creating a sequence of world-first quantum electronic devices in which individual atoms control device behaviour
  • 2021 Каспи, Виктория for her research focused on neutron stars and their utility for constraining basic physics
  • 2020 Джеймс Хаф for his world-leading work on suspensions systems for the test masses used in laser interferometry, pivotal to the successful detection of gravitational waves
  • 2019 Эдвард Хайндс for his achievements in controlling individual atoms, molecules and photons
  • 2018 Сьюзан Соломон her contributions in atmospheric science especially on polar ozone depletion
  • 2017 Энди Хоппер «Computing for the future of the planet» ( от 5 апреля 2017 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2016 Нобелевская премия по физике — 2020 Андреа Гез «The Monster at the heart of our galaxy» ( от 5 апреля 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2015 «The long road to the Higgs boson - and beyond» ( от 20 декабря 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2014 «It’s magnetic resonance - but not as you know it» ( от 27 декабря 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2013 «Making the tiniest machines»
  • 2012 «Metals and the conducting and superconducting states of matter»
  • 2011 «Carbon storage: caught between a rock and climate change» ( от 20 декабря 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2010 «Plastic electronics: their science and applications» ( от 20 декабря 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2009 «Mathematics in the real world: From brain tumours to saving marriages»
  • 2008 Робин Кларк «Raman microscopy, pigments and the arts/science interface» ( от 20 декабря 2016 на Wayback Machine )
  • 2007 Джозеф Силк «The dark side of the Universe»
  • 2006 «The mesoscopic world - from plastic bags to brain disease - structural similarities in physics»
  • 2005 Джон Пендри «Negative refraction, the perfect lens and metamaterials»
  • 2004 «Semiconductor nanostructures and new quantum effects»
  • 2003 Крис Добсон «Protein folding and misfolding: from theory to therapy»
  • 2002 Арнольд Волфендейл «Cosmic rays: what are they and where do they come from?»
  • 2001 «Magnets, microchips, memories and markets: statistical physics of complex systems»

20-й век

19-й век

18-й век

  • 1800 Томас Юнг «On the Mechanism of the Eye»
  • 1799
  • 1798 «Observations upon an unusual Horizontal Refraction of the Air; with Remarks on the Variations to which the lower Parts of the Atmosphere are sometimes subject»
  • 1797 «Experiments upon the Resistance of Bodies moving in Fluids»
  • 1796
  • 1795
  • 1794 «Observations on the Theory of the Motion and Resistance of Fluids; with a Description of the Construction of Experiments, in order to obtain some fundamental Principles»
  • 1793 «An Account of a New Pendulum»
  • 1792 «An Account of the Discoveries concerning Muscular Motion, which have been lately made, and are commonly known by the name of Animal Electricity»
  • 1791 «On the Method of Measuring Distances by means of Telescopes furnished with Micrometers»
  • 1790 «A Description of a new Pyrometer»
  • 1789 «Magnetical Experiments and Observations»
  • 1788 «On an Improvement in the Blow Pipe»
  • 1787 «Of the Methods of manifesting the Presence, and ascertaining the Quality, of small Quantities of Natural or Artificial Electricity»
  • 1786 «Magnetical Experiments and Observations»
  • 1785 «Magnetical Experiments and Observations»
  • 1784 «An Account of some Experiments made with the new improved Air Pump»
  • 1783 «Description of an improved Air Pump»
  • 1782 «An Account of some Experiments relating to the Property of Common and Inflammable Airs of pervading the Pores of Paper»
  • 1781 «An Account of some Thermometrical Experiments»
  • 1780 «Thermometrical Experiments and Observations»
  • 1779 Ян Ингенхауз «Improvements in Electricity»
  • 1778 Ян Ингенхауз «Electrical Experiments to explain how far the Phenomena of the Electrophorus may be accounted for by Dr Franklins Theory of Positive and Negative Electricity»
  • 1777
  • 1776
  • 1775 «Experiments made in order to ascertain the nature of some Mineral Substances, and in particular to see how far the Acids of Sea-Salt and of Vitriol contribute to Mineralize Metallic and other Substances»


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Same as Бейкеровская лекция