Медаль Стюарта Баллантайна
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Медаль Сильвестра ( англ. Sylvester Medal ) — бронзовая медаль, которую присуждает Лондонское королевское общество с 1901 года за выдающиеся заслуги в области математики. Названа в честь известного английского математика Джеймса Джозефа Сильвестра . К медали прилагается денежная премия в размере 2000 фунтов стерлингов .
Год | Лауреат | Обоснование награды |
1901 | Анри Пуанкаре |
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«For his many and important contributions to mathematical science.»
1904 | Георг Кантор |
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«For his brilliant researches in the theories of aggregates and of sets of points of the arithmetic continuum, of transfinite numbers, and Fouriers series.»
1907 | Вильгельм Виртингер |
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«For his contributions to the general theory of functions.»
1910 |
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«For his researches in the theory of Abelian functions and for his edition of Sylvesters Collected Works.»
1913 | Джеймс Уитбред Ли Глейшер |
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«For his mathematical researches, especially those in connection with the theory of numbers and the theory of elliptic functions.»
1916 | Жан Гастон Дарбу |
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«For his distinguished contributions to mathematical science.»
1919 |
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«For his researches in pure mathematics, especially in connection with the partition of numbers and analysis.»
1922 | Туллио Леви-Чивита |
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«For his researches in geometry and mechanics.»
1925 | Альфред Норт Уайтхед |
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«For his researches on the foundations of mathematics.»
1928 | Уильям Генри Янг |
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«For his contributions to the theory of functions of a real variable.»
1931 | Эдмунд Тейлор Уиттекер |
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«For his original contributions to both pure and applied mathematics.»
1934 |
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«For his distinguished work on the foundations of mathematics.»
1937 | Огастес Эдвард Хаф Лав |
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«For his researches in classical mathematical physics, particularly the mathematical theories of elasticity and hydro-dynamics.»
1940 | Годфри Харолд Харди |
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«For his important contributions to many branches of pure mathematics.»
1943 | Джон Идензор Литлвуд |
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«For his mathematical discoveries and supreme insight in the analytical theory of numbers.»
1946 | Джордж Невилл Ватсон |
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«For his distinguished contributions to pure mathematics in the field of mathematical analysis and in particular for his work on asymptotic expansion and on general transforms.»
1949 | Луис Джоэл Морделл |
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«For his distinguished researches in pure mathematics, especially for his discoveries in the theory of numbers.»
1952 | Абрам Самойлович Безикович |
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«For his outstanding work on almost-periodic functions, the theory of measure and integration and many other topics of theory of functions.»
1955 | Эдвард Чарльз Титчмарш |
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«For his distinguished researches on the Riemann zeta-function, analytical theory of numbers, Fourier analysis, and eigen-function expansions.»
1958 | Макс Ньюман |
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«For his distinguished contributions to combinatory topology, Boolean algebras and mathematical logic.»
1961 | Холл, Филипп |
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«For his distinguished researches in algebra.»
1964 | Мэри Картрайт |
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«For her distinguished contributions to analysis and the theory of functions of a real and complex variable.»
1967 | Гарольд Дэвенпорт |
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«For his many distinguished contributions to the theory of numbers.»
1970 |
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«For his many distinguished contributions to applied mathematics, especially in his work on distribution theory.»
1973 | Джон Касселс |
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«For his numerous important contributions to the theory of numbers.»
1976 |
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«For his many distinguished contributions to probability theory and its applications.»
1979 | Грэм Хигман |
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«For his distinguished and profoundly influential contributions to the theory of finite and infinite groups.»
1982 | Джон Фрэнк Адамс |
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«For his solution of several outstanding problems of algebraic topology and of the methods he invented for this purpose which have proved of prime importance in the theory of the subject.»
1985 | Джон Григгс Томпсон |
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«For his fundamental contributions leading to the complete classification of all finite simple groups.»
1988 | Терри Уолл |
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«For his contributions to the topology of manifolds and related topics in algebra and geometry.»
1991 | Клаус Фридрих Рот |
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«For his many contributions to number theory and in particular his solution of the famous problem concerning approximating algebraic numbers by rationals.»
1994 |
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«For his major distinctive contributions to time series analysis, to optimisation theory, and to a wide range of topics in applied probability theory and the mathematics of operational research.»
1997 | Гарольд Коксетер |
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«For his achievements in geometry, notably projective geometry, non-euclidean geometry and the analysis of spatial shapes and patterns, and for his substantial contributions to practical group-theory which pervade much modern mathematics.»
2000 | Найджел Хитчин |
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«For his important contributions to many parts of differential geometry combining this with complex geometry, integrable systems and mathematical physics interweaving the most modern ideas with the classical literature.»
2003 | Леннарт Карлесон |
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«For his deep and fundamental contributions to mathematics in the field of analysis and complex dynamics.»
2006 | Питер Свиннертон-Дайер |
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«For his fundamental work in arithmetic geometry and his many contributions to the theory of ordinary differential equations.»
2009 | Джон М. Болл |
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«For his seminal work in mechanics and nonlinear analysis and his encouragement of mathematical research in developing countries.»
2010 |
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«For his highly influential and elegant work on the development of topology, geometry and quantum field theory, bridging the gap between physics and pure mathematics.»
2012 |
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«For his original theorems and remarkable discoveries in nonlinear partial differential equations, including applications to water waves.»
2014 | Бен Грин |
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«For his famous result on primes in arithmetic progression, and his subsequent proofs of a number of spectacular theorems over the last five to ten years.»
2016 | Тимоти Гауэрс |
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«For his groundbreaking results in the theory of Banach spaces, pure combinatorics, and additive number theory.»
2020 |
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«For work that has played a major role in driving the theory of elliptic curves, through the Birch-Swinnerton-Dyer conjecture and the theory of Heegner points.»
2021 |
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«For her research on quotients in algebraic geometry, including links with symplectic geometry and topology, which has had many applications.»
2022 |
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«For his many important contributions to the study of prime numbers and solutions to equations in integers.»
2023 | Майлз Рид |
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«For his exceptionally creative research and fundamental insights into higher-dimensional algebraic geometry, in particular the minimal model program for 3-folds, and for untiring work for the community of algebraic geometers.»