Interested Article - Cite interview


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Полная версия (со всеми доступными полями)
{{cite interview |last= |first= |subject= |subject-link= |last2= |first2= |subject2= |subjectlink2= |last3= |first3= |subject3= |subjectlink3= |last4= |subject4= |interviewer= |cointerviewers= |title= |type= |url= |format= |program= |callsign= |city= |date= |year= |month= |page= |pages= |accessdate= |archiveurl= |archivedate= |quote=}}
Типичная версия (с оптимальным набором полей)
{{cite interview |last= |first= |subject-link= |interviewer= |title= |callsign = |city= |date= |program= |accessdate=}}
Пример 1

{{cite interview |last= Blackmun |first= Harry |subject-link= Harry Blackmun |interviewer= [[Ted Koppel]] |program= [[Nightline (US news program)|Nightline]] |callsign= [[American Broadcasting Company|ABC]] |city= [[New York]] |date= 1994-04-05 |accessdate= 2007-03-30}}

(1994-04-05). (Interview). Interviewed by . {{ }} : |access-date= требует |url= ( справка ) ; |title= пропущен или пуст ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |callsign= игнорируется ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |city= игнорируется ( |location= предлагается) ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |program= игнорируется ( справка )

Пример 2
{{cite interview
  | last        = Nader
  | first       = Ralph
  | subject-link = Ralph Nader
  | interviewer = Ray Suarez
  | title       = Talk of the Nation
  | program     = [[National Public Radio]]
  | callsign    = [[WBUR]]
  | city        = Boston, Massachusetts
  | date        = 1998-04-16
  | accessdate  = 2007-03-30

Nader, Ralph (1998-04-16). "Talk of the Nation" (Interview). Interviewed by . {{ }} : |access-date= требует |url= ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |callsign= игнорируется ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |city= игнорируется ( |location= предлагается) ( справка ) ; Неизвестный параметр |program= игнорируется ( справка )

Вертикальная заготовка Краткие комментарии
 {{cite interview
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 | subject        = 
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 | cointerviewers = 
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 | program        = 
 | callsign       = 
 | city           = 
 | date           = 
 | year           = 
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 | page           = 
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 Prerequisites*  Brief Instructions
 --------------  -----------------------
 REQUIRED**      (no wikilink)
 last            (no wikilink)
 REQUIRED**      (no wikilink)
 last/subject    (no wikilink)
 last/subject    (no wikilink)
 last2           (no wikilink)
 last/subject    (no wikilink)
 last2/subject2  (no wikilink)
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 last3/subject3  (no wikilink)
 last3/subject3  (no wikilink)
                 Transcript; Video; Audio
                 name of program or publisher
                †preferred (no wikilink)
                 alternative to date
                 alternative to date
The field listed below is a prerequisite for the field to the left. For example last is a prerequisite to first meaning first will not be displayed even if it has a value unless last also has a value.
∗∗ One of last and subject needs to be provided. Subject has precedence.
This is the preferred field with its alternates listed below.


Источник —

Same as Cite interview