Brooker, Peter, and Andrew Thacker, eds.
The Oxford Critical and Cultural History of Modernist Magazines: Volume I: Britain and Ireland 1880–1955 (2009)
Buxton, William J., and Catherine McKercher. «Newspapers, magazines and journalism in Canada: Towards a critical historiography.»
(1988) 28#1 pp. 103–126 ;
Cox, Howard and Simon Mowatt.
Revolutions from Grub Street: A History of Magazine Publishing in Britain
Würgler, Andreas. , , Mainz: (2010) retrieved: December 17, 2012.
Baughman, James L.
Henry R. Luce and the Rise of the American News Media
Brinkley, Alan.
The Publisher: Henry Luce and His American Century
, Alfred A. Knopf (2010) 531 pp.
Book review by ,
The New York Times
, April 19, 2010
Damon-Moore, Helen.
Magazines for the Millions: Gender and Commerce in the Ladies' Home Journal and the Saturday Evening Post, 1880–1910
Elson, Robert T.
Time Inc: The Intimate History of a Publishing Enterprise, 1923–1941
(1968); vol. 2:
The World of Time Inc.: The Intimate History, 1941–1960
(1973), official corporate history
Endres, Kathleen L. and Therese L. Lueck, eds.
Women’s Periodicals in the United States: Consumer Magazines
Haveman, Heather A.
Magazines and the Making of America: Modernization, Community, and Print Culture, 1741–1860
(Princeton UP, 2015)
Johnson, Ronald Maberry and Abby Arthur Johnson.
Propaganda and Aesthetics: The Literary Politics of Afro-American Magazines in the Twentieth Century
Mott, Frank Luther.
A History of American Magazines
(five volumes, 1930–1968), detailed coverage of all major magazines, 1741 to 1930 by a leading scholar.
Nourie, Alan and Barbara Nourie.
American Mass-Market Magazines
(Greenwood Press, 1990)
Rooks, Noliwe M.
Ladies' Pages: African American Women’s Magazines and the Culture That Made Them
(Rutgers UP, 2004)
Summer, David E.
The Magazine Century: American Magazines Since 1900
(Peter Lang Publishing; 2010) 242 pages. Examines the rapid growth of magazines throughout the 20th century and analyzes the form’s current decline.
Tebbel, John, and Mary Ellen Zuckerman.
The Magazine in America, 1741–1990
(1991), popular history
Wood, James P.
Magazines in the United States: Their Social and Economic Influence
Zuckerman, Mary Ellen.
A History of Popular Women’s Magazines in the United States, 1792–1995 (Greenwood Press, 1998)