Interested Article - Келлер, Альберт Галлоуэй

А́льберт Га́ллоуэй Ке́ллер ( англ. Albert Galloway Keller ; 10 апреля 1874 31 октября 1956 ) — американский социолог.


Окончил Йельский университет (бакалавр, 1896; доктор, 1899). Ученик Уильяма Самнера . Преподавал в Йельском университете в 1899-1942 годах (с 1907 года – профессор).


Научные труды

  • The Beginnings of German Colonization , , May 1901.
  • The Colonial Policy of the Germans , , February 1902.
  • Homeric Society: A Sociological Study of the Iliad and the Odyssey , New York: Longmans, Green, and Company, 1902.
  • Queries in Ethnography , New York: Longmans, Green, 1903.
  • Notes on the Danish West Indies , Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, vol. 22, no. 1, 1903.
  • Portuguese Colonization in Brazil , New Haven, 1906.
  • Colonization: A Study of the Founding of New Societies , Boston: Ginn & Company, 1908.
  • Race Distinction , New Haven: Department of Anthropology, Yale University, 1909.
  • Physical and Commercial Geography: A Study of Certain Controlling Conditions of Commerce , with Herbert Ernest Gregory and Avard Longley Bishop, Boston: Ginn & Company, 1910.
  • Commercial and Industrial Geography , with Avard Longley Bishop, Boston: Ginn & Company, 1912.
  • Societal Evolution: A Study of the Evolutionary Basis of the Science of Society , New York: Macmillan Company , 1915; later editions in 1931 and 1947.
  • Industry and Trade: Historical and Descriptive Account of Their Development in the United States , with Avery Longley Bishop, Boston: Ginn & Company, 1918.
  • Through War to Peace: A Study of the Great War as an Incident in the Evolution of Society , New York: Macmillan Company , 1921.
  • Starting Points in Social Science , Boston: Ginn & Company, 1925.
  • Man's Rough Road: Backgrounds and Bearings From Mankind's Experience , New York: Frederick A. Stokes Company, 1932; acondensed edition of Sumner's, Keller's, and Davie's, The Science of Society; and Reminiscences (mainly personal) of William Graham Sumner; New Haven: Yale University Press , 1933.
  • Brass Tacks , New York: , 1938.
  • Net Impressions , New Haven: Yale University Press , 1942.
  • «A Byzantine admirer of ‘western’ progress: Cardinal Bessarion», in Cambridge Historical Journal (Cambridge). Vol. 11 (1953–55), pp. 343–348.



Источник —

Same as Келлер, Альберт Галлоуэй