Родился в 1821 году в Ирландии, ещё ребёнком был привезён своим отцом в Америку, где последний поселился в штате
. Будучи молодым человеком, он совершил на
судне путешествие вокруг света, которое описал в книге под заглавием: «Etchings of a whaling cruise, with notes of are sidence on the island of Zanzibar».
В 1849 году он посетил Калифорнию, в 1851 году, в качестве газетного корреспондента, отправился в Европу, объехал Италию, Сицилию и Палестину и в 1853 году издал книгу «Yusuf», в которой дал описание этих путешествий. Затем, правительство Соединённых Штатов отправило его в качестве таможенного чиновника на северо-восточный берег Тихого океана. Плодом его пребывания здесь было сочинение «Adventures in the Apache country».
В 1861 году Броун снова отправился в Европу и объехал, кроме Германии, Польши и России, также Исландию и Алжир. Отчет об этих путешествиях напечатан в иллюстрированных самим автором сочинениях: «The land of Thor» и «An american family in Germany».
В 1868 году он был назначен посланником в Китае, но в 1870 году отозван оттуда.
1841 —
Confessions of a quack, or, The auto-biography of a modern Aesculapian
, James B. Marshall Publisher, Louisville, Kentucky, 1841.
1850 —
, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1850,
1850 —
, Printed by J.T. Towers, Washington, 1850,
1853 —
, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1853
1858 —
Indian affairs in the Territories of Oregon and Washington: letter from the Secretary of the Interior, transmitting, in compliance with the resolution of the House of Representatives of the 19th instant, the report of J. Ross Browne, special agent, on the subject of Indian affairs in the Territories of Oregon and Washington
, January 25, 1858, referred to the Committee on Indian Affairs and ordered to be printed. Ex. doc. / 35th Congress, 1st Session, House of Representatives, no. 39, Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1858,
1860 —
, Harpers New Monthly Magazine, December 1860.
1860 —
Report of the Secretary of the Interior, communicating, in compliance with a resolution of the Senate, the correspondence between the Indian Office and the present superintendents and agents in California, and J. Ross Browne, Esq.: together with the report of the Commissioner of Indians Affairs, inclosing the same to the department.
Executive Document of the Senate, Congress of the United States, 1860,
1861 —
The Old Sea King: or, the wonderful adventures of Little Miché
, Harper’s Weekly, no. 212, January 19, 1861, p. 44-45,
1861—1862 —
The Coast Rangers: a chronicle of adventures in California
, Paisano Press, Balboa Island, Calif. 1959, reprinted from Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, volumes 23-24, 1861-62. Part 2 title: «The Indian Reservations»
1864 —
, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1864
1864 —
, Published by Harper Brothers in 1864, reprint.
1864—1865 —
A tour through Arizona: San Francisco, California to Casa Grande, Arizona in October and November of 1864.
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Oct.-Dec., 1864, Jan.-March, 1865,
1865 —
, Harpers New Monthly Magazine, May, 1865.
1865 —
Down in the cinnabar mines; a visit to New Almaden in 1865
, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, October 1865, (v. 31, no. 185),
1865 —
The Bodie Bluff mines located in Mono county, California belonging to the Empire gold & silver mining co. of New York. With pen and pencil
, Clark & Maynard, New York, 1865,
1865 —
A trip to Bodie Bluff and the Dead Sea of the West.
Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, Sept. 1865, no. 184,
1866 —
An American Family in Germany
, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1866,
1866 —
The Reese River country
, Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, June 1866 (v. 33, no. 193),
1867 —
, Harper and Brothers, New York, 1867
1867 —
, United States Department of the Treasury, Washington, General Printing Office, 1867.
, part of
Reports upon the mineral resources of the United States
1868 —
Explorations in Lower California
, Three papers in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, October, November & December 1868,
1869 —
Adventures in the Apache Country: A Tour Through Arizona and Sonora, with Notes on the Silver Regions of Nevada
, Harper & Brothers, 1869. Also published in Harper’s New Monthly Magazine, no. 173 (Oct. 1864) — 178 (Mar. 1865) (also numbered v. 29-30)
1869 —
Sketch of the settlement and exploration of Lower California
, H. H. Bancroft, San Francisco, 1869,
— Also included as Part 2 of «Resources of the Pacific Slope»
1869 —
, coauthor Alexander S. Taylor, D. Appleton and Company, New York, 1869
1870 —
The policy of extending local aid to railroads, with special reference to the proposed line through the San Joaquin Valley to the Colorado River
, Alta California printing House, San Francisco, 1870,
1872 —
Reclamation of marsh and swamp lands and projected canals for irrigation in California: with notes on the canal systems of China, and other countries
, Alta California printing House, San Francisco, 1872,
1875 —
Address to the territorial pioneers of California, on the twenty-fifth anniversary of the admission of the State into the Union
, San Francisco News Letter and California Advertiser, San Francisco, 1875,