Interested Article - Премия по квантовой электронике IEEE
- 2020-04-09
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Премия по квантовой электронике IEEE ( англ. IEEE Quantum Electronics Award ) — награда, которая вручается (ранее известное как Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, LEOS ) Института инженеров электротехники и электроники (IEEE) за выдающийся технический вклад в квантовую электронику . Награда учреждена в 1978 году . Премия состоит из 4 тысяч долларов США и медали.
Список награждённых
Год | Лауреат | Обоснование награды |
1978 |
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«In recognition of outstanding contributions to the theory and application of ferrite, nonreciprocal, and parametric devices and laser resonator modes and devices»
1979 |
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«For the invention and operation of the „first“ glass laser, fiber-optics, and contributions to optical fibers»
1980 |
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«In recognition of his pioneering contributions to lasers and electrooptics»
1981 |
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«For his theoretical contributions which provide fundamental understanding for practical designs of optical dielectric waveguides»
1982 |
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«For technical contributions and teaching in the field of optical communications, including semiconductor lasers, fibers, and integrated optics»
1983 |
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«For his contributions to electro-optics, waveguide devices, optical fibers, and semiconductor lasers»
1984 |
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«For his contributions to optical waveguide devices and laser modelocking»
1985 |
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«For fundamental contributions to lasers, Raman scattering and non-linear optical processes»
1986 | Peter Smith |
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«For pioneering contributions to waveguide gas lasers, stabilized lasers, bistable optical devices and to the understanding of fundamental limits on nonlinear optical switching devices»
1987 | Артур Ашкин |
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«For his seminal experimental and theoretical work which initiated worldwide study of laser radiation pressure and for his continuing exceptional contributions to the development of this field»
1988 | William Bridges |
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«For his contributions to the discovery of the Argon, Krypton, and Xenon ion lasers»
1989 |
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«For his numerous contributions to the field of quantum electronics, including the invention of the unstable optical resonator and for contributions to the theory of mode-locked lasers»
1990 |
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«For pioneering and fundamental contributions to the field of picosecond optoelectronics and ultrafast optical phenomena»
1991 |
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«For fundamental contributions and technical leadership in the fields of quantum electronics and optical communications»
1992 |
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«For their invention & development of the
Neodymium:YAG laser
1993 | Frederick Leonberger |
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«For his pioneering contributions to the development of a variety of new photonic devices and their use in important signal processing functions»
1994 |
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«For pioneering contributions to quantum electronics including the invention of the FM laser, methods of UV and X-ray generation and lasing without inversion»
1995 |
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«For his seminal contributions to the field of nonlinear optics and the understanding of electronic excitations in quantum confined systems»
1996 |
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«For pioneering inventions and contributions to solid-state lasers, optical parametric oscillators, and nonlinear optics»
1997 |
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«For pioneering work in ultrafast optics, optical diagnostics and novel methods of mode- locking»
1998 |
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«For his seminal and wide-ranging theoretical contributions to the semiconductor laser field including the double-heterostructure laser, the distributed-feedback laser and intersubband lasers»
1999 |
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«For his contributions to the derivation of the master equation for signal transmission in fibers, discovery of optical solitons and the theoretical developments for application of solitons to all optical high speed communication systems»
2000 |
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«For the invention and first demonstration of the technique for producing amplitude squeezed light semiconductors»
2001 | Линн Молленауэр |
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«For seminal contributions to the generation, understanding, and system application of optical solitons»
2002 |
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«For pioneering contributions to blue, green, and white light emitting diodes and blue semiconductor lasers»
2003 |
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«For field-opening contributions to the foundation of laser physics»
2004 | Жерар Муру |
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«For pioneering contributions to ultrafast optics including optical sampling and intense fs pulses»
2005 |
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«For pioneering contributions to the development of femtosecond and attosecond science»
2006 | Ференц Краус |
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«For outstanding contributions to the field of ultrafast science in particular to the generation of single attosecond pulses»
2007 | Саджив Джон |
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«For the invention and development of light-trapping crystals and the elucidation of their properties and applications»
2008 |
Horace P. Yuen |
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«For pioneering and seminal contributions to the theory of the generation, detection, and applications of novel states of light»
2009 |
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«For field opening contributions to electromagnetically induced transparency and to quantum dot based information processing»
2010 | Масатака Накадзава |
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«For seminal contribution and leadership in the advancement of optical communications and fiber lasers through the invention of the compact erbium-doped fiber amplifier (
2011 |
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«For seminal contributions to ultrafast optical signal processing, including development of ultrashort pulse arbitrary waveform generation technology and its applications»
2012 |
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«For sustained contributions to fiber-optic telecommunication technology through innovative research and authorship of numerous widely-respected books in the field»
2013 | Weng Chow |
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«For contributions to semiconductor-laser theory, in particular the implementation and verification of many-body effects»
2014 |
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«For contributions to nonlinear optics, including room temperature slow light and the nonlinear optics of composite materials»
2015 |
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«For seminal contributions to novel laser systems, laser-surface photochemistry, and integrated linear and nonlinear Si waveguides»
2016 | David Villeneuve |
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«For seminal contributions to the development of attosecond science and its application to atomic and molecular spectroscopy»
2017 | Jia-Ming Liu |
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«For pioneering and lasting contributions to ultrafast laser-matter interactions and nonlinear dynamics of lasers»
2018 |
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«For seminal contributions to development of ultrashort pulse lasers and applications to nonlinear fiber optics allowing temporal and spectral versatility»
См. также
- . Дата обращения: 26 февраля 2017. 27 февраля 2017 года.
- от 27 февраля 2017 на Wayback Machine (англ.)
- от 27 февраля 2017 на Wayback Machine (англ.)
- 2020-04-09
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