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Universidad Estatal de Feira de Santana, Departamento de Ciencias Biológicas
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van den Berg, C.; A. Ryan; P. Cribb; M.W. Chase. 2002. Molecular phylogenetics of Cymbidium (Orchidaceae: Maxillarieae): sequence data from Internal Transcribed Spacers (ITS) of nuclear ribosomal DNA and plastid matK. Lindleyana 17 (2): 102—111.
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Freudenstein, J. V.; C. van den Berg; D. H. Goldman; P. J. Kores; M. Molvray; M. W. Chase. 2004. An expanded plastid DNA phylogeny of Orchidaceae and analysis of jacknife branch support strategy. American Journal of Botany 91: 149—157.
Goldman, D. H.; Janzen, R. K.; C. van den Berg; Leitch, I.; Fay, M.; Chase, M. W. 2004. Molecular and cytological examination of Calopogon (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae): circumscription, phylogeny, polyploidy, and possible hybrid speciation. American Journal of Botany 91: 707—723.
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Andrade, IM; SJ Mayo, C van den Berg, MF Fay, M Chester, C Lexer, D Kirkup. 2007. A Preliminary Study of Genetic Variation in Populations of Monstera adansonii var. klotzschiana (Araceae) from North-East Brazil, Estimated with AFLP Molecular Markers. Ann Bot (Lond).: