Interested Article - Лавридж, Артур
- 2020-06-22
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Артур Лавридж ( англ. Arthur Loveridge ; 28 мая 1891 , Пенарт , Великобритания — 16 февраля 1980 , Остров Святой Елены , Великобритания) — британский биолог и герпетолог , исследователь Африки (преимущественно Танзании ) и Новой Гвинеи. Дал имена нескольким описанным им видам гекконов .
Родился в Пенарте . Естествознанием интересовался с детства. Работал в музеях, затем участвовал в Первой мировой войне. В последние годы жил на Острове Святой Елены , где умер и был похоронен. Был женат на Мэри Виктории Слоан (ум. 1972), имел сына.
В его честь названы виды и подвиды животных: , , , , , , , van Bruggen, 1995 и Van Bruggen, 1990
Таксоны, описанные Лавриджем
Амфибии: Barbour & Loveridge, 1928 , Barbour & Loveridge, 1928
Рептилии: Aldabrachelys Loveridge & Williams, 1957 , Loveridge, 1920 , Loveridge, 1953 , Afroedura Loveridge, 1944 Gekkonidae
Избранная библиография
- Allen, G. M. & Loveridge A. Mammals from the and , Tanganyika Territory in Proceedings of the , Vol 38, No 9, Boston, 1927.
- Barbour, T. & Loveridge, A, in Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College , Vol. L, No. 2, 1928.
- , Observations on the Nesting Habits of the Palm Swift (Tachornis parva, Licht) made by Mr Arthur Loveridge in German East Africa in Memoirs and Proceedings of the , Session 1916—1917, Vol 61, Part II, Manchester, 1917.
- Gans, Carl, in , Vol 37, No. 2, 1981.
- Green, A. A. (editor), Obituary: The Late Professor Arthur Loveridge in St. Helena News Review , Vol XII, No. 2098, 22 February 1980.
- Loveridge A. East African Reptiles and Amphibians in the United States National Museum : United States National Museum: Bulletin 151 , Washington, Smithsonian Institution , 1929.
- Loveridge A. Field Notes on Vertebrates Collected by the Smithsonian-Chrysler East African Expedition of 1926 in Proceedings of the United States National Museum , Vol 73, Article 17, No 2738, Washington, 1928.
- Loveridge A. Forest Safari , London, , 1956.
- Loveridge A. I Drank the Zambezi , London, Lutterworth Press, 1953.
- Loveridge A. A List of the Amphibia of the British Territories in East Africa (Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory and Zanzibar), Together with Keys for the Diagnosis of the Species in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1930.
- Loveridge A. A List of the Lizards of British Territories in East Africa (Uganda, Kenya Colony, Tanganyika Territory, and Zanzibar) With Keys for the Diagnosis of the Species in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. The Lizards of Tanganyika Territory , Dar es Salaam, The Government Printer.
- Loveridge A. Many Happy Days I’ve Squandered , London, Robert Hale, 1949 .
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Birds (Chiefly Nesting Habits and Endo-Parasites), Collected 1920—1923 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge, A. Notes on East African Lizards Collected 1920—1923, with the Description of Two New Races of in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Mammals, Collected 1915—1922 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Mammals, Collected 1920—1923 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Scorpions and Solifugae , Collected 1916—1923 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1925.
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Snakes, Collected 1918—1923 in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. Notes on East African Tortoises, Collected 1920—1923, with the Description of a New Species of Soft Land Tortoise in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1923.
- Loveridge A. Notes on the Three British Ophidia in , Vol XLVI, Cardiff, 1913.
- Loveridge A. On Natrix Olivacea (Peters), From , and Other Notes on Reptiles and A. Fish in Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London , London, 1925.
- Loveridge A. Preliminary Description of a New Tree Viper of the Genus Atheris from Tanganyika Territory in Proceedings of the New England Zoological Club , Vol XI, 1930.
- Loveridge A. Rambles in Search of Frogs in Equatoria in , Cambridge, 1935.
- Loveridge A. Reptiles of the Pacific World (re-edition in 1946 and reimprint in 1957), 1945.
- Loveridge A. A Scientist’s Trip to Eastern Africa in Harvard Alumni Bulletin , 30 October 1930, Cambridge, 1930.
- Loveridge A. A Serpent-Seeking Safaria in Equatoria in , Vol L & LI, June & July 1940, New York, 1940.
- Loveridge A. The Snakes of Tanganyika Territory , Dar es Salaam, The Government Printer.
- Loveridge A. Tomorrow’s a Holiday , London, Robert Hale, 1951.
- Beolens B, Watkins M, Grayson M. 2011. The Eponym Dictionary of Reptiles . Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press. xiii + 296 pp. ISBN 978-1-4214-0135-5 . («Loveridge», p. 161).
- van Bruggen A. C. (англ.) // Basteria : journal. — 2001. — Vol. 65 . — P. 27-32 . 19 января 2019 года.
- Gans C. (англ.) // Herpetologica : journal. — 1981. — Vol. 37 , no. 2 . — P. 117-121 .
- Anonym. Arthur Loveridge (1891–1980) (англ.) // The Journal of the Herpetological Association of Africa : journal. — 1980. — Vol. 23, , no. 1 . — P. 117-121 . — doi : .
- 2020-06-22
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