Interested Article - Мид-Смит, Элизабет

Элизабет Томасина Мид-Смит известна под псевдонимом Л. Т. Мид ( англ. Elizabeth Thomasina Meade Smith ; 1844 , Бандон графство Корк , Ирландия - 26 октября 1914 , Великобритания ) — ирландская писательница , редактор , феминистка . Элизабет Мид-Смит по праву считается «прародительницей» такого направления в литературе, как «школьные романы».


Дочь протестантского священника. С детства хотела стать писательницей. Отправилась в Лондон, где проводя много времени в читальном зале Британского музея , самостоятельно подготовила себя к писательской карьере. Дебютировала в 1861 году. Её первые произведения появились когда Элизабет было 17 лет.

Наиболее известны её романы для девочек и женщин, которые сразу стали пользоваться огромной популярностью (некоторые из них выходили в серии «Маленькие женщины» — «Девичий мирок», «Школьная королева», «Чудесный замок» и др.).

Писательница пробовала свои силы и в других жанрах, создав целый ряд сентиментальных, религиозных, исторических, приключенческих и детективных романов и повестей. Её литературное наследие состоит из 300 произведений, включая короткие рассказы и статьи в журналах. В первые несколько лет после её смерти появилось не менее одиннадцати новых книг под её именем.

Редактировала популярный женский журнал «Аталанта».

В сентябре 1879 года вышла замуж за Альфреда Тулмина Смита.

Избранные произведения для детей и юношества

  1. Scamp and I: A Story/Study of City Byways (1872)
  2. Lettie’s Last Home (1876)
  3. David’s Little Lad (1877)
  4. Water Lilies and Other Tales (1878)
  5. The Children’s Kingdom: The Story of a Great Endeavor (1878)
  6. Outcast Robin, or Your Brother and Mine: A Cry from the Great City (1878)
  7. Great St. Benedict’s: A Tale (1879, aka Dorothy’s Story, or Great St. Benedict’s )
  8. Water Gipsies: A Story of Canal Life in England (1879, as …or [ The Adventures of] Tag, Rag and Bobtail 1893)
  9. Dot and Her Treasures (1879)
  10. Andrew Harvey’s Wife (1880)
  11. A Dweller in Tents (1880)
  12. Mou-Setse, a Negro Hero, with The Orphan’s Pilgrimage (1880)
  13. Mother Herring’s Chicken (1881)
  14. The Children’s Pilgrimage (1883)
  15. Scarlet Anemones (1884, repr 1897 as … & Ellie and Esther )
  16. The Autocrat of the Nursery (1884)
  17. The Angel of Love (1885)
  18. A Little Silver Trumpet (1885)
  19. A World of Girls: The Story of a School (1886)
  20. The Palace Beautiful: A Story for Girls (1887)
  21. Sweet Nancy (1887, aka …& Two Lilies)
  22. Deb and the Duchess: A Story for Girls (1888, as … for Boys and Girls 192-)
  23. Nobody’s Neighbors (1888)
  24. A Band of Three (1888)
  25. The Golden Lady (1889)
  26. Polly: A New-Fashioned Girl (1889, 1910)
  27. The Little Princess of Tower Hill (1889)
  28. Those Boys, a Story for All Little Fellows (189-?, 1912)
  29. The Honorable Miss: The Story of an Old-Fashioned Town (2v., 1890)
  30. Frances Kane’s Fortune, [or] What Gold Cannot Buy (1890)
  31. A Girl of the People (1890)
  32. Little Trouble-the-House (1890)
  33. Engaged to Be Married: A Tale of Today (1890, repr 1917 as Daughters of Today )
  34. The Heart of Gold (1890)
  35. Dickory Dock (1890)
  36. Just a Love Story (1890, repr 1900 as The Beauforts )
  37. The Beresford Prize (1890)
  38. Marigold (1890)
  39. Hepsy Gipsy (1891)
  40. A Sweet Girl Graduate (1891, updated c. 1910 as Priscilla’s Promise)
  41. The Children of Wilton Chase (1891)
  42. Little Mary and Other Stories (1891)
  43. Bashful Fifteen (1892)
  44. Jill, A Flower Girl (1892)
  45. Four on an Island: A Story of Adventure (1892, aka: A Book for the Little Folks )
  46. The Lady of the Forest: A Story for Girls (1892)
  47. Out of the Fashion (1892)
  48. Beyond the Blue Mountains (1893)
  49. Betty, A School Girl (1894)
  50. Red Rose and Tiger Lily; or, In a Wider World (1894)
  51. Girls, New And Old (1895)
  52. The House of Surprises: A Story for Girls (1896)
  53. Good Luck: A Story for Girls (1896)
  54. A Girl in Ten Thousand (1896, repr [date?] as …, & My Sister Kate )
  55. Playmates: A Story for Boys and Girls (1896)
  56. The Merry Girls of England (1896)
  57. A Little Mother to the Others (1896)
  58. Wild Kitty: A School Story (1897, aka A Story of Middleton School )
  59. Bad Little Hannah: A Story for Girls (1897)
  60. Catalina: Art Student (1897)
  61. A Handful of Silver (1897)
  62. A Bunch of Cherries: A Story of Cherry Court School (1898)
  63. Cave Perilous (1898)
  64. The Rebellion of Lil Carrington (1898)
  65. Mary Gifford, M.B./S.(1898)
  66. Me and My Dolls: The Story of the Joys and Troubles of Miss Bo-Peep and Her Doll Family…[&] The Strange Adventures of Mopsy and Hans (1898)
  67. A Public School Boy: A Memoir of H. S. Wristbridge (1899)
  68. The Desire of Men: An Impossibility (1899)
  69. The Odds and the Evens (c. 1899)
  70. A Brave Poor Thing (1899)
  71. The Temptation of Olive Latimer (1899)
  72. Light o' the Morning: The Story of an Irish Girl (1899)
  73. How Nora Crena Saved Her Own (19--)
  74. The Time of Roses: A Story for Girls (1900)
  75. A Lonely Puppy, & The Tambourine Girl (1890)
  76. Daddy’s Girl (1900, repr 1911 as … & Consuelo’s Quest of Happiness )
  77. A Big Temptation and Other Stories (1900)
  78. Miss Nonentity: A Story for Girls (1900)
  79. Girls of the True Blue: A School Story (1901)
  80. The New Mrs. Lascelles (1901, repr 1916 as Mother Mary: A Story/Study for Girls )
  81. The Cosey Corner, Or How They Kept A Farm (1901)
  82. A Sister of the Red Cross: A Tale of the South African War (1901, aka A Story of Ladysmith )
  83. A Very Naughty Girl (1901)
  84. The Rebel of the School (1902)
  85. The Girls of the Forest (1902)
  86. The Squire’s Little Girl (1902)
  87. Drift (1902)
  88. The Princess Who Gave Away All, & The Naughty One of the Family (1902)
  89. Margaret (1902)
  90. Queen Rose: A Girl’s Story (1902)
  91. The Manor School (1903)
  92. Peter the Pilgrim: The Story of a Boy and His Pet Rabbit (1903)
  93. The Witch Maid (1903)
  94. A Gay Charmer: A Story for Girls (1903)
  95. Stories from the Old, Old Bible (1903)
  96. That Brilliant Peggy (1903)
  97. Tic-Tac-Too, & Butterfly Valley (1903)
  98. Petronella, & The Coming of Polly (1904)
  99. The Girls of Mrs. Pritchard’s School (1904)
  100. A Madcap (1904)
  101. Nurse Charlotte (1904)
  102. A Modern Tomboy: A Story for Girls (1904)
  103. A Bevy of Girls (1905)
  104. A Young Mutineer: A Story for Girls (1905)
  105. The Colonel and the Boy (1906)
  106. A Golden Shadow (1906)
  107. The Hill-Top Girl (1906)
  108. Turquoise and Ruby (1906)
  109. Sue: The Story of a Little Heroine and Her Friend (1906; aka [A] Young Heroine: A Story of Sue and Her Friend? )
  110. Queen of the Day (1906)
  111. A Girl from America (1907)
  112. The Red Cap of Liberty (1907)
  113. The Little School-Mothers: A Story for Girls (1907)
  114. The Scamp Family: A Story for Girls (1907)
  115. Three Girls from School (1907)
  116. The Lady of Jerry Boy’s Dreams: A Story for Girls (1907)
  117. The Court Harman Girls (1908)
  118. Betty of the Rectory (1908)
  119. Sarah’s Mother (1908, repr 1914 as Colonel Tracy’s Wife )
  120. The School Queens: A Story for Girls (1908/10)
  121. Blue of the Sea (1909)
  122. Blue Shoes and Black (1909)
  123. Daddy’s Boy (1909)
  124. Betty Vivian: A Story of Haddo Court School (1910)
  125. Rosa Regina: A Story for Girls (1910)
  126. Nance Kennedy (1910)
  127. Pretty-Girl and the Others (1910)
  128. Their Little Mother: A Story for Girls (1910)
  129. The Girls of Merton College (1911)
  130. For Dear Dad: A Story for Girls (1911)
  131. Corporal Violet (1912)
  132. How It All Came Round (1912)
  133. Kitty O’Donovan: A School Story (1912)
  134. The Chesterton Girl Graduates: A Story for Girls (1913)
  135. The Girls of King’s Royal: A Story for Girls (1913)
  136. The School Favorite: A School Girls Story (1913)
  137. Golden Hours Story Book (1913)
  138. A Band of Mirth (1914)
  139. The Wooing of Monica (1914)
  140. The Queen of Joy (1914)
  141. The Girls of Castle Rocco: A Home Story for Girls (1914)
  142. Greater Than Gold (1915)
  143. The Daughter of a Soldier: A Colleen of South Ireland (1915)
  144. Jill, the Irresistible (1915)
  145. Winter Fun for Merry Hearts (1915)
  146. Hollyhock: A Spirit of Mischief (1916)
  147. Better Than Riches (1917)
  148. Cassie, & Little Mary (1919)



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Same as Мид-Смит, Элизабет