Он стал научным сотрудником Академии маркетинговых наук и членом
. Николлс также состоял в региональной группе экспертов по социальным предприятиям по
Юго-Восточной Англии
и являлся неисполнительным директором крупной компании
справедливой торговли
Рецензируемые журнальные статьи
‘Strategic Options in Fair Trade Retailing', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management (2002), 30.1, стр. 6-17, А. Николлс (2002);
‘The Child-Parent Purchase Relationship: Pester Power, Human Rights and Retail Ethics', Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 11, стр. 75-8, А. Николлс и П. Куллен (2004);
‘Fair Trade New Product Development’, Service Industries Journal, 24.2, стр. 102—117, А. Николлс (2004);
‘Implementing E-Value Strategies in UK Retailing', International Journal of Retail and Distribution Management, 33.6, стр. 426—443, А. Николлс и А. Ватсон (2005)
‘Playing the Field: A New Approach to the Meaning of Social Entrepreneurship’, Social Enterprise Journal, 2.1, стр. 1-5, А. Николлс (2006);
‘Rediscovering Consumer-Producer Involvement: A Network Perspective on Fair Trade Marketing in the UK ', European Journal of Marketing, 40.11-12, стр. 1236—1253, А. Николлс и А. Александр (2007)
‘Purchase Decision-Making in Fair Trade and the «Ethical Gap»', Journal of Strategic Marketing, 14, pp. 369—386, А. Николлс и Н. Ли (2007).
Fair Trade: Market-Driven Ethical Consumption, London: Sage, авторы А. Николлс и С. Опал (2005)
Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Paperback Edition, Oxford University Press, А. Николлс (2008).
Главы книг
‘Social Entrepreneurship: The Emerging Landscape', in Financial Times Handbook of Management: Third Edition (2004), стр. 636-43
‘Introduction: The Nature of Social Entrepreneurship', in Nicholls, A. (ed.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Oxford University Press (2006), стр. 1-35;
‘Social Entrepreneurship: The Structuration of a Field’, in Nicholls, A. (ed), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Oxford University Press (2006), стр. 99-118;
‘Social Entrepreneurship', in Carter, S. and Evans-Jones, D. (eds.), Enterprise and Small Business: Principles, Practice and Policy. 2nd Edition, FT Prentice Hall, 2006, стр. 220—242
‘Capturing the Performance of the Socially Entrepreneurial Organisation (SEO): An Organisational Legitimacy Approach’, in Robinson, J., Mair, J., and Hockerts, K. (eds), International Perspectives on Social Entrepreneurship Research, Palgrave MacMillan (forthcoming)
Nicholls, A., and Young, R. (2008), ‘Introduction: The Changing Landscape of Social Entrepreneurship', in Nicholls, A. (ed.), Social Entrepreneurship: New Models of Sustainable Social Change, Paperback Edition, Oxford University Press.
Другие публикации
What is the Future of Social Enterprise in Ethical Markets?, London, Office of The Third Sector.
The Landscape of Social Finance, Skoll Centre for Social Entrepreneurship Research Paper.