Interested Article - Премия Ньютона Лэйси Пирса

Премия Ньютона Лэйси Пирса по астрономии ( англ. Newton Lacy Pierce Prize in Astronomy ) — награда Американского астрономического общества , присуждается ежегодно молодым (в возрасте до 36 лет) астрономам за выдающиеся достижения в наблюдательной астрономии .

Лауреаты премии Ньютона Лэйси Пирса


  1. Обоснование награды: In recognition of using data from a variety of x-ray satellites to identify reflection spectra and broadened iron lines from accretion disks in active galactic nuclei.
  2. Обоснование награды: In recognition of work which has been important in increasing our understanding of the structure and elemental abundances of the gaseous component of the galaxy, especially of the galactic halo, as well as in discovering new facets of the high velocity cloud phenomenon in the galactic periphery.
  3. Обоснование награды: In recognition of her outstanding achievement in observational cosmology using data from X-ray through radio wavelengths to explore previously unknown populations of distant galaxies, giving a view of galaxies early in the history of the universe and showing that they are major contributors to the extragalactic background.
  4. Обоснование награды: For his systematic discovery of high redshift quasars in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey.
  5. Обоснование награды: For his outstanding contributions to x-ray astronomy.
  6. Обоснование награды: For his outstanding contributions to sub-mm and far-IR astronomy.
  7. Обоснование награды: For his work on the interactions between neutron stars and their surroundings, which led to our appreciation of the wide diversity of magnetized neutron stars.
  8. Обоснование награды: For her influential contributions to both the theoretical and observational fields of galaxy evolution. Dr. Kewley has pioneered new and improved techniques to determine key physical parameters as the star formation rate, chemical compositions, and energy source (massive stars versus AGN), which have brought new insights into the history of star-forming galaxies.
  9. Обоснование награды: In recognition of his work to explore and understand the nature of gamma-ray burst sources, both as a successful observer of these enigmatic and highly transient phenomena, and through his work to synthesize these observations into a coherent model of the mechanisms and astrophysical sites of gamma-ray burst formation.
  10. Обоснование награды: For his insightful work into the physical understanding of the formation and evolution of galaxies, groups an clusters, including the coupled evolution of the luminous, dark matter and black hole components.
  11. Обоснование награды: For the impact he has had on the study of exoplanets, his contributions to our understanding of the unexpected diversity of exoplanet properties, and the extraordinary entrepreneurial spirit and capability he has shown in the development of one of the most successful systems for detecting transiting extra-solar planets (HATNet).
  12. Обоснование награды: For major contributions to understanding fundamental relationships between extrasolar planets and their parent stars, including finding a variety of orientations between planetary orbital planes and the spin axes of their stars, developing a rigorous understanding of planet detection rates in transit and direct imaging experiments, and examining possible correlations between planet frequency and the mass and metallicity of their host stars.
  13. Обоснование награды: For major contributions to the field of stellar and Galactic astrophysics, including establishing a fundamental relation of stellar astrophysics, the initial-final mass relation, that maps the fraction of mass loss that stars experience over their lives.
  14. Обоснование награды: For her multi-wavelength work on Type II quasars that has characterized these sources in detail and led to the current “standard model” of quasars, as well as her work on finding direct evidence for AGN-driven outflows, regarded as an essential ingredient in galaxy formation models for regulating star formation.
  15. Обоснование награды: For her transformational work in the characterization of exoplanet atmospheres.
  16. Обоснование награды: For her research on the astrochemistry and astrophysics of ices and molecules in star-forming regions and protoplanetary disks.
  17. Обоснование награды: For his work on the chemical abundances of stars in dwarf galaxies. He has done pioneering work in isolating metallicity variations in late-type stars through medium-resolution spectroscopy and in identifying different stellar populations within faint and distant dwarf galaxies.
  18. Обоснование награды: For her work on high-redshift star-forming galaxies and for pioneering new quantitative techniques for determining the importance of submillimeter galaxies in galaxy evolution.
  19. Обоснование награды: For his transformational work on the star-formation histories of dwarf galaxies in the Local Group.
  20. Обоснование награды: For her breakthrough studies of massive stars and their explosive end states.
  21. Обоснование награды: For her leading contributions that have dramatically advanced our understanding of the formation rate, composition, and evolution of planets around low-mass M dwarf stars.


  1. . Дата обращения: 20 мая 2022. 5 марта 2016 года.


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