Interested Article - Пасха
- 2021-11-09
- 1
Модуль для расчёта Пасхи и связанных с нею дат.
- method = {Julian=Старый стиль; Eastern=Orthodox=Восточная традиция; Western=Roman=Западная традиция}
- day = {Пасха; Семидесятница; Прощёное воскресенье; Чистый понедельник; Вербное воскресенье; Троица}
- {{#invoke:Пасха|Calculate|{{CURRENTYEAR}}}} — 2024-05-05
- {{#invoke:Пасха|Calculate|method=Western|format=[[j xg]]|day=Пасха|2002}} — 31 марта
- {{#invoke:Пасха|Calculate|method=Восточная традиция|format=[[j xg]]|day=Троица|{{#expr:{{CURRENTYEAR}}+1}} — 8 июня
См. также
- — оригинал скрипта.
local m = {}
local EasterData = {
defaultMethod = 2, -- метод пасхалии по умолчанию, если не указан тип
defaultFormat = "Y-m-d", -- формат вывода даты по умолчанию
noFormat = "none", -- предотвратить форматирование окончательной даты
defaultOffset = 0, -- дата Пасхи
minimumOffset = -71, -- Неделя о мытаре и фарисее
maximumOffset = 70, -- Неделя 3-я по Пятидесятнице
-- API
apiEaster = "Calculate", -- открытое функционное имя
argEasterYear = 1, -- индекс или имя аргумента с годом
argEasterMethod = "method", -- индекс или имя аргумента с методом пасхалии
argEasterOffset = "day", -- индекс или имя аргумента со смещением в днях относительно расчитанного пасхального воскресенья
argEasterFormat = "format", -- индекс или имя аргумента с форматом вывода даты (#time style)
-- errors
errorMissingYear = "Отсутствует обязательный аргумент с годом",
errorInvalidYear = "Неверный аргумент со значением года '%s'",
errorInvalidOffset = "Неверный аргумент 'day': '%s'",
errorInvalidMethod = "Неверный аргумент 'method': '%s'",
errorYearOutOfRange = "Пасхальные даты доступны между 326 и 4099 годами; год: %d",
errorIncorrectMethod = "Западная или православная Пасха существует с 1583 года; год: %d",
errorUnknownMethod = "Неизвестный метод пасхалии: %d",
methods = {
["Julian"] = 1,
["Старый стиль"]= 1, -- синоним для Julian
["Eastern"] = 2,
["Orthodox"] = 2, -- синоним для Eastern
["Восточная традиция"] = 2, -- синоним для Eastern
["Western"] = 3,
["Roman"] = 3, -- синоним для Roman
["Западная традиция"] = 3, -- синоним для Roman
relativeDates = {
["Семидесятница"] = -63,
["Septuagesima"] = -63,
["Sexagesima"] = -56,
["Fat Thursday"] = -52,
["Прощёное воскресенье"] = -49,
["Quinquagesima"] = -49,
["Чистый понедельник"] = -48,
["Пепельная среда"] = -46,
["Ash Wednesday"] = -46,
["Вербное воскресенье"] = -7,
["Palm Sunday"] = -7,
["Великий четверг"] = -3,
["Maundy Thursday"] = -3,
["Великая пятница"] = -2,
["Good Friday"] = -2,
["Великая суббота"] = -1,
["Holy Saturday"] = -1,
["Пасха"] = 0,
["Easter"] = 0,
["Вознесение"] = 39,
["Ascension Thursday"] = 39,
["Троица"] = 49,
["Pentecost"] = 49,
["Corpus Christi"] = 60,
["Праздник Тела и Крови Христовых"]=60,
local function formatEasterError(message, ...)
if select('#', ... ) > 0 then
message = string.format(message, ...)
return "<span class=\"error\">" .. message .. "</span>"
local function loadEasterYear(year)
if not year then
return false, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorMissingYear)
local result = tonumber(year)
if not result or math.floor(result) ~= result then
return false, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorInvalidYear, year)
return true, result
local function loadEasterMethod(method, year)
local result = EasterData.defaultMethod
if method then
result = EasterData.methods[method]
if not result then
return false, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorInvalidMethod, method)
if year < 1583 then
result = 1
return true, result
local function loadEasterOffset(day)
if not day then
return true, ""
local data = EasterData.relativeDates
local offset = tonumber(day)
if not offset then
offset = data[day]
if not offset or offset ~= math.floor(offset) or offset < EasterData.minimumOffset or offset > EasterData.maximumOffset then
return false, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorInvalidOffset, day)
if offset < -1 then
return true, string.format(" %d days", offset)
elseif offset == -1 then
return true, " -1 day"
elseif offset == 0 then
return true, ""
elseif offset == 1 then
return true, " +1 day"
else -- if offset > 1 then
return true, string.format(" +%d days", offset)
local function loadEasterFormat(fmt)
if fmt == EasterData.noFormat then
return true, nil
elseif not fmt then
return true, EasterData.defaultFormat
return true, fmt
PURPOSE: This function returns Easter Sunday day and month
for a specified year and method.
INPUTS: Year - Any year between 326 and 4099.
Method - 1 = the original calculation based on the
Julian calendar
2 = the original calculation, with the
Julian date converted to the
equivalent Gregorian calendar
3 = the revised calculation based on the
Gregorian calendar
RETURNS: 0, error message - Error; invalid arguments
month, day - month and day of the Sunday
The code is translated from DN OSP 6.4.0 sources.
The roots of the code might be found in
This algorithm is an arithmetic interpretation
of the 3 step Easter Dating Method developed
by Ron Mallen 1985, as a vast improvement on
the method described in the Common Prayer Book
Published Australian Almanac 1988
Refer to this publication, or the Canberra Library
for a clear understanding of the method used
Because this algorithm is a direct translation of
the official tables, it can be easily proved to be
100% correct
It's free! Please do not modify code or comments!
local function calculateEasterDate(year, method)
if year < 326 or year > 4099 then
-- Easter dates are valid for years between 326 and 4099
return 0, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorYearOutOfRange, year)
if year < 1583 and method ~= 1 then
-- Western or Orthodox Easter is valid since 1583
return 0, formatEasterError(EasterData.errorIncorrectMethod, year)
-- intermediate result
local firstDig = math.floor(year / 100)
local remain19 = year % 19
local temp = 0
-- table A to E results
local tA = 0
local tB = 0
local tC = 0
local tD = 0
local tE = 0
-- Easter Sunday day
local d = 0
if method == 1 or method == 2 then
-- calculate PFM date
tA = ((225 - 11 * remain19) % 30) + 21
-- find the next Sunday
tB = (tA - 19) % 7
tC = (40 - firstDig) % 7
temp = year % 100
tD = (temp + math.floor(temp / 4)) % 7
tE = ((20 - tB - tC - tD) % 7) + 1
d = tA + tE
if method == 2 then
-- convert Julian to Gregorian date
-- 10 days were skipped in the Gregorian calendar from 5-14 Oct 1582
temp = 10
-- only 1 in every 4 century years are leap years in the Gregorian
-- calendar (every century is a leap year in the Julian calendar)
if year > 1600 then
temp = temp + firstDig - 16 - math.floor((firstDig - 16) / 4)
d = d + temp
elseif method == 3 then
-- calculate PFM date
temp = math.floor((firstDig - 15) / 2) + 202 - 11 * remain19
if firstDig > 26 then
temp = temp - 1
if firstDig > 38 then
temp = temp - 1
if firstDig == 21 or firstDig == 24 or firstDig == 25 or firstDig == 33 or firstDig == 36 or firstDig == 37 then
temp = temp - 1
temp = temp % 30
tA = temp + 21
if temp == 29 then
tA = tA - 1
if temp == 28 and remain19 > 10 then
tA = tA - 1
-- find the next Sunday
tB = (tA - 19) % 7
tC = (40 - firstDig) % 4
if tC == 3 then
tC = tC + 1
if tC > 1 then
tC = tC + 1
temp = year % 100
tD = (temp + math.floor(temp / 4)) % 7
tE = ((20 - tB - tC - tD) % 7) + 1
d = tA + tE
-- Unknown method
return 0, formatEeasteError(EasterData.errorUnknownMethod, method)
if d > 61 then
-- when the original calculation is converted to the Gregorian
-- calendar, Easter Sunday can occur in May
return 5, d - 61
elseif d > 31 then
return 4, d - 31
return 3, d
local function Easter(args)
local ok
local year
ok, year = loadEasterYear(args[EasterData.argEasterYear])
if not ok then
return year
local method
ok, method = loadEasterMethod(args[EasterData.argEasterMethod], year)
if not ok then
return method
local offset
ok, offset = loadEasterOffset(args[EasterData.argEasterOffset])
if not ok then
return offset
local format
ok, format = loadEasterFormat(args[EasterData.argEasterFormat])
if not ok then
return format
local month, day = calculateEasterDate(year, method)
if month == 0 then
return day
local result = string.format("%04d-%02d-%02d%s", year, month, day, offset)
if format then
result = mw.language.getContentLanguage():formatDate(format, result)
return result
m[EasterData.apiEaster] = function (frame)
return Easter(frame.args)
return m
- 2021-11-09
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