Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/wiki/ on line 523

Warning: filesize(): stat failed for /home2/cache/similar_articles_cache/11/ba/11ba8dc3ce4f1e6e37d4de094999f38c.cache in /home/wiki/ on line 102

Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/wiki/ on line 390

Notice: Only variables should be passed by reference in /home/wiki/ on line 390

Warning: Undefined array key 0 in /home/wiki/ on line 370

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 370

Warning: Undefined array key "page_added_dt" in /home/wiki/ on line 36

Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 79

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 79

Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 82

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 82

Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 83

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 83

Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 84

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 84

Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 85

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Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 86

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Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 98

Warning: Undefined variable $img2 in /home/wiki/ on line 119

Warning: Undefined variable $uri in /home/wiki/ on line 139

Warning: Undefined variable $img2 in /home/wiki/ on line 163

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Warning: Undefined array key 7286714 in /home/wiki/ on line 164

Warning: Trying to access array offset on value of type null in /home/wiki/ on line 164
article title for Gadget-featuredlists.js on

Interested Article - Gadget-featuredlists.js

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/* <nowiki>
 * ?????? ??? [[??:????]]
 * ?????????? — ?? [[?????????:???????/?????? ??????? «????????? ?????? ? ???????»]]
 * ?? ?????? ????? [[?:Claymore/goodarticles.js]] ? [[?:Serpent Vlad/featuredarticles.js]], 
 * ????????: GNU GPL
 * ??????: Claymore, Serpent Vlad, Saint Johann, NoFrost

if( typeof( wfAnchorEncode ) != "function" ) {
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function isOfficer() {
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function sendError( textError ) {
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			sendError('??? ???? (???? ??? ??????? ???????) ? ??????? ????????? ? ????????? ?????? ??? ??????? (???????? ??????????? ? ???????) — ? <onTextDownload>');
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			alert( '?????????????? ?????????? – ?? ???? ???????? ?????!' );
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	mw.notify( '<b>???????? ?? ???????!</b> ??????????? ???????? ?? [[?????????? MediaWiki:Gadget-featuredlists.js|?? ???? ????????]]. <a href="javascript:location.reload()">????????????? ????????</a>' );
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			sendError('??? ???? (???? ??? ??????? ???????) ? ??????? ????????? ? ????????? ?????? ??? ??????? (???????? ??????????? ? ???????)');
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			alert( '?????????????? ?????????? – ?? ???? ???????? ?????!' );
			sendError('?? ???? ???????? ?????');
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			alert('?????????????? ??????????: ?? ??????? ????????????? ?????? ? ?????? <?????????:????????? ? ????????? ?????? ? ???????>');
			sendError('?? ??????? ????????????? ?????? ? ?????? [[?????????:????????? ? ????????? ?????? ? ???????]]');
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		if( typeof( result.error ) != 'undefined' ) {
			alert( "?? ??????? ????????? ????????: " + );
			sendError( + ' — ? <onArxivDownload>');

	mw.notify( '???????? ??????? ????????? ?? ?????????. <a href="javascript:location.reload()">????????????? ????????</a>' );

	'deny' : function() {
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???????? —

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Same as Gadget-featuredlists.js