Interested Article - Кормош, Юдит

Ю́дит Ко́рмош ( венг. Kormos Judit [ˈkormoʃ ˈjudit] ; род. 1970) — британский лингвист, уроженка Венгрии. Она является профессором и директором по исследованиям в дистанционной программе MA TESOL на факультете лингвистики и английского языка в Ланкастерском университете, Великобритания. Она известна своей работой по мотивации в изучении второго языка и саморегуляции в написании второго языка. В настоящее время её интерес к дислексии в изучении второго языка.


Кормош окончила Университет им. Этвёша Лоранда в Будапеште, Венгрия в 1994 году. Кормош получила докторскую степень в Университете им. Этвёша Лоранда в 1999 году. Её докторскую степень контролировал Дёрнеи, Золтан . Кормош заняла должность лектора в Ланкастерском университете в 2008 году и была повышена до уровня Readership в 2012 году.


  • Kontráné Hegybíró, E., & Kormos, J. (2006). Testing for language teachers . Budapest: Okker Kiadó.
  • Kormos, J. (2006). Speech production and second language acquisition. (Cognitive sciences and second language acquisition). Mahwah, N.J.: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
  • Kormos, J., & Kontra, E. H. (2008). Language learners with special needs: an international perspective . Bristol: Multilingual Matters.
  • Kormos, J., & Smith, A. M. (2012). Teaching foreign languages to learners with specific learning differences. Bristol: Multilingual Mattters.
  • Kormos, J. (Editor) (2014). Speech production and second language acquisition . Routledge . ISBN 978-0805856583
  • Dóczi, B., & Kormos, J. (2016). Longitudinal developments in vocabulary knowledge and lexical organization . New York: Oxford University Press.
  • Kormos, J. (2017). The Second Language Learning Processes of Students with Specific Learning Difficulties . (Second Language Acquisition Research Series). New York: Routledge
  • Kormos, J. (1999). Simulating conversations in oral proficiency assessment: A conversation analysis of role-plays and non-scripted interviews in language exams. , 16 (2), 163—188. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (1999). Monitoring and self-repair in L2. , 49 (2), 303—342. doi:
  • , & Kormos, J. (2000). The role of individual and social variables in task performance. , 4 (3), 275—300. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (2000). The timing of self-repairs in second language speech production. , 22 (2), 145—169. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (2000). The role of attention in monitoring second language speech production. , 50 (2), 343—384. doi:
  • Németh, N., & Kormos, J. (2001). Pragmatic aspects of task performance: The case of argumentation. , 5 (3), 213—240. doi:
  • Kormos, J., Kontra, E. H., & Csölle, A. (2002). Language wants of English majors in a non-native context. , 30 (4), 517—542. doi:
  • Albert, Á., & Kormos, J. (2004). Creativity and narrative task performance: An exploratory study. , 54 (2), 277—310. doi:
  • Kormos, J. & Dénes M. (2004). Exploring measures and perceptions of fluency in the speech of second language learners. , 32 (2), 145—164.
  • Kormos, J., & Csizér, K. (2007). An interview study of inter-ethnic contact and its role in language learning in a foreign language environment. , 35 (2), 241—258. doi:
  • Kormos J. & Csizér K. (2008). Age‐related differences in the motivation of learning English as a foreign language: Attitudes, selves, and motivated learning behavior. , 58 (2), 327—355. doi:
  • Kormos, J., & Sáfár, A. (2008). Phonological short term-memory, working memory and foreign language performance in intensive language learning. , 11 (2), 261—271. doi:
  • Kormos, J., Csizér, K., & Sarkadi, Á. (2009). The language learning experiences of students with dyslexia: lessons from an interview study. , 3 (2), 115—130. doi:
  • Csizér, K., & Kormos, J. (2009). Modelling the role of inter-cultural contact in the motivation of learning English as a foreign language. , 30 (2), 166—185. doi:
  • Csizér, K., Kormos, J., & Sarkadi, Á. (2010). The dynamics of language learning attitudes and motivation : lessons from an interview study of dyslexic language learners. , 94 (3), 470—487. doi:
  • Csizér, K., & Kormos, J. (2010). A comparison of the foreign language learning motivation of Hungarian dyslexic and non-dyslexic students. , 20 (2), 232—250. doi:
  • Kiddle, T., & Kormos, J. (2011). The effect of mode of response on a semi-direct test of oral proficiency. , 8 (4), 342—360. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (2011). Task complexity and linguistic and discourse features of narrative writing performance. , 20 (2), 148—161. doi:
  • Kormos, J., Kiddle, T., & Csizér, K. (2011). Goals, attitudes and self-related beliefs in second language learning motivation : an interactive model of language learning motivation. , 32 (5), 495.
  • Kormos, J., & Trebits, A. (2012). The role of task complexity, modality and aptitude in narrative task performance. , 62 (2), 439—472. doi:
  • Declerck, M., & Kormos, J. (2012). The effect of dual task demands and proficiency on second language speech production. , 15 (4), 782—796. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (2012). The role of individual differences in L2 writing. , 21 (4), 390—403. doi:
  • Kormos, J., & Kiddle, T. (2013). The role of socio-economic factors in motivation to learn English as a foreign language: the case of Chile. , 41 (2), 399—412. doi:
  • Kormos, J., Csizér, K., & Iwaniec, J. (2014). A mixed method study of language learning motivation and inter-cultural contact of international students. , 35 (2), 151—166. doi:
  • Kormos, J., & Csizer, K. (2014). The interaction of motivation, self-regulatory strategies, and autonomous learning behavior in different learner groups. , 48 (2), 275—299. doi:
  • Lambert, C., & Kormos, J. (2014). Complexity, accuracy and fluency in task-based second language research: toward more developmentally-based measures of second language acquisition. , 35 (5), 607—614. doi:
  • Jahan, A., & Kormos, J. (2015). The impact of textual enhancement on EFL learners’ grammatical awareness. , 25 (1), 46-66. doi:
  • Préfontaine, Y., & Kormos, J. (2015). The relationship between task difficulty and second language fluency in French: a mixed-methods approach. , 99 (1), 96-112. doi:
  • Mazgutova, D., & Kormos, J. (2015). Syntactic and lexical development in an intensive English for Academic Purposes programme. , 29, 3-15. doi:
  • Préfontaine, Y., Kormos, J., & Johnson, D. E. (2016). How do utterance measures predict raters’ perceptions of fluency in French as a second language? , 33 (1), 53-73. doi:
  • Préfontaine, Y., & Kormos, J. (2016). A qualitative analysis of perceptions of fluency in second language French. , 54 (2), 151—169. doi:
  • Lambert, C., Kormos, J., & Minn, D. (2017). Task repetition and second language speech processing. , 39 (1), 167—196. doi:
  • Kormos, J. (2017). The effects of specific learning difficulties on processes of multilingual language development. , 37, 30-44. doi:
  • Indrarathne, B., & Kormos, J. (2017). Attentional processing of input in explicit and implicit learning conditions: an eye-tracking study. , 39 (3), 401—430. doi:
  • Kormos, J., & Nijakowska, J. (2017). Inclusive practices in teaching students with dyslexia: Second language teachers’ concerns, attitudes and self-efficacy beliefs on a massive open online learning course. , 68, 30-41. doi:
  • Kormos, J., & Prefontaine, Y. (2017). Affective factors influencing fluent performance: French learners’ appraisals of second language speech tasks. , 21 (6), 699—716. doi:
  • Indrarathne, B., & Kormos, J. (2018). The role of working memory in processing L2 input: insights from eye-tracking. , 21 (2), 355—374. doi:
  • Kormos, J., Kosak-Babuder, M., & Pizorn, K. (2018). The role of low-level first language skills in second language reading, reading-while-listening and listening performance: a study of young dyslexic and non-dyslexic language learners. . doi:
  • Indrarathne, H. D. B. N., Ratajczak, M. P., & Kormos, J. (2018). Modelling Changes in the Cognitive Processing of Grammar in Implicit and Explicit Learning Conditions: Insights from an Eye-Tracking Study. , 68 (3), 669—708. doi:
  • Kosak-Babuder, M., Kormos, J., Ratajczak, M., & Pizorn, K. (2019). The effect of read-aloud assistance on the text comprehension of dyslexic and non-dyslexic English language learners. , 36 (1), 51-75. doi:
  • Michel, M., Kormos, J., Brunfaut, T., & Ratajczak, M. (2019). The role of working memory in young second language learners’ written performances. , 45, 31-45. doi:


  1. (англ.) Library of Congress .


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