Interested Article - Бхарати, Агехананда
- 2021-11-23
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Леопо́льд Фи́шер ( англ. Leopold Fischer ; монашеское имя — Сва́ми Агехана́нда Бха́рати , англ. Swāmī Agehānanda Bhāratī , хинди अगेहानन्द भारती ; 20 апреля 1923 , Вена , Австрия — 14 мая 1991 , , штат Нью-Йорк , США ) — австрийский и американский индолог и антрополог , специалист по тантризму и современному мистицизму . Монах ордена . Ввёл в научный оборот понятие « эффект пиццы ».
Родился 20 апреля 1923 года в Вене в семье Ханса и Маргарет Фишер. С тринадцати лет начал посещал Индийский клуб и изучать хинди и классический санскрит , что оказало влияние на его решение стать индологом . В это же время он был алтарником и намеревался стать священником, но разочаровался в том, как практикуется католичество . Позднее в своей автобиографии он писал: «К тому времени, когда мне исполнилось 15 лет, я нашёл альтернативу. Это было прощание с христианством и выбор в пользу индуизма » . В шестнадцать лет, после того как Адольф Гитлер осуществил аншлюс с Австрией, Фишер поклялся бороться за свободу Индии и вступил в Индийский добровольческий легион СС «Свободная Индия» и принял индуизм , взяв себе новое имя — Рамачандра, в честь бродячего индуистского проповедника Бхаи Сачидананда .
В 1941 году окончил в Вене .
В 1948 году окончил Институт востоковедения и Институт этнологии в Венского университета . Затем занимался исследованиями в области культурной антропологии , лингвистики , сравнительной философии . Преподавал в Делийском университете , Бенаресском индуистском университете , , Буддийской академии в Бангкоке и Токийском университете .
В 1949 году приехал в Бомбей , где встретился со многими многими индийцами, с которыми завязал знакомство, ещё находясь в Европе. Здесь он жил в ашрамах Рамакришны в Калькутте и Алморы .
В 1951 году , решив, что ни Рамакришна, ни Вивекананда не являются его учителями, Фишер уехал в Варанаси , где на берегах Ганги был посвящён Свами Вишвананда Бхарати в монахи ордена , приняв имя Агехананда Бхарати ( рус. блаженство посредством бездомности ) и став первым западным человеком, который стал полноценным индуистским монахом . Он совершил обязательное религиозное паломничество, пройдя босиком 1500 миль по Индии и питаясь посредством попрошайничества . Профессор- эмерит физики Колледжа искусств и наук Сиракузского университета позднее вспоминал, что увидев в Бенаресе в это время Бхарати в таком виде, двадцать лет спустя был ошеломлён, встретившись с ним в качестве профессора антропологии Сиракузского университета .
В 1956 году стал научным сотрудником Вашингтонского университета .
В 1957 году начал преподавать на факультете антропологии Сиракузского университета , где в 1961 году стал антропологии, в 1964 году стал ассоциированным профессором , в 1968 году — полным профессором, а в 1971 — 1977 годах и в 1985 году являлся заведующим кафедрой антропологии. В 1991 году стал форд-максвеллским профессором южноазиатских исследований .
В 1968 году получил американское гражданство .
В 1987 году по программе Фулбрайта преподавал в Западной Германии .
Являлся членом ряда научных организаций: Американская антропологическая ассоциация , , , Международная ассоциация общей семантики, Менса , , , , Сиамское общество , Международная академия прав человека, Нью-Йоркская академия наук .
,В общей сложности является автором более 500 работ . Кроме того, написал автобиографию «Одеяние цвета охры» .
Был полиглотом , разговаривая на 17 современных и классических языках.
Умер 14 мая 1991 года от рака в доме своего друга в .
Директор Центра Южной Азии, форд-максвеллский профессор югоазиатских исследований Сиракузского университета считает Бхарати «краеугольным камнем антропологии в Сиракузском университете» и уважаемой личностью среди исследователей Южной Азии во всё мире. Она отмечает, что в университете Бхарати среди прочего читал свой ключевой курс лекций по антропологии «Магия и религия», а также проводил обряд джатакармана для индийской общины и выступал в качестве индуистского священнослужителя в Хендрикской капелле .
Научные труды
- Bharati A. Western Science and Oriental Philosophy. Coimbatore: Gopal Bagh, 1953
- Bharati A. Aesthetical Norm and Value Modification in Modern India / ed. Prof. S. N. Ray, Bombay and Calcutta, 1961. Indian Renaissance Institute Monograph Series. № I.
- Bharati A. A functional analysis of Indian thought and its social margins. — The Chowkhamba Sanskrit studies, 1964. — 175 p.
- Bharati A. The Philosophical Potential of Indian Esotericism. Monograph No. V. Bombay & Calcutta: The Indian Renaissance Institute, 1965, 34 pp.
Bharati A. The Tantric Tradition
- Bharati A. The Tantric Tradition. — London: Rider & Co., The Hutchinson University Publishers, 1966. — 350 p.
- Bharati A. The Tantric Tradition. — Revised Edition. — Red Wheel Weiser, 1975. — 348 p. — ISBN 0877282536 .
- Bharati A. . — Hindustan Publishing Corporation, 1993. — 440 p. — ISBN 8170750229 .
- Bharati A. . — Nelson-Hall Co., 1972. — 362 p. — ISBN 0911012494 .
- Bharati A. . — Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson, 1976. — 254 p. — ISBN 0-915520-04-4 .
- Bharati A. Great Tradition and Little Traditions. Indological Investigations in Cultural Anthropology. Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office. Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Studies, Vol. XCVI, 1978, xvi+384 pp.
- Bharati A. Hindu Views and Ways and the Hindu-Muslim Interface: An Anthropological Assessment. — New Delhi: Munshiram Manoharlal, 1983. — 107 p. — ISBN 0915520540 .
- Bharati A. Radhakrishnan and the Other Vedanta // The Philosophy of Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan / ed., P. A. Schilpp. N.Y.: Open Court Publishers, 1952.
- Bharati A. Preface // Yuganaddha — The Tantric View of Life. Vol. III. Varanasi Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series, 1952
- Bharati A. Die Lage der Philosophie im heutigen Indien // . VII/3. 1953.
- Bharati A. Dr. Radhakrishnan Commemoration Volume, ed. Sri Jagat D. Singh. Fatehpur, 1953. pp. 50-84.
- Bharati A. Bericht ueber den 28. Indischen Philosophenkongress in Baroda // , 1954
- Bharati A. Bericht ueber den 1. Indischen Wissenschaftlerkongress in Hyderabad Dn. // , 1954
- Bharati A. Der Unterricht und das Studium der Philosphie an Indischen Universitaeten // . Vol. IX/1. 1955
- Bharati A. Lebensregeln und Meditation im Indischen Moenchstum // , 1955. Special Issue.
- Bharati A. Tools for Critical Evaluation of Indian Classical Vocal Music // The Institute of Music and Culture Bulletin, 1955
- Bharati A. Universitaeterziehung und Hochschulbildung im heutigen Thailand // , 1956
- Bharati A. A Note on Buddhist Logic // Visvajyoti Buddha Jayanti. Special Issue. Hoshiarpur, 1956
- Bharati A. Comparative Studies in Indian and Western Music // , 1956
- Bharati A. Buddhistische Geisteswelt" (review; Mensching) // , 1956
- Bharati A. Der Buddha und seine Lehre" (review; H.V. Guenther) // , 1957
- Bharati A. Indian Thought Viewed from a Western Critical Viewpoint" (transcribed lectures), Pts. 1 & 2 // Journal of Philosophical Studies (Tetsugaku Kenkyu), Faculty of Letters, Kyoto University, Vol. XXXIX, Nos. 6 & 7. 1957
- Bharati A. Inductive Reasoning: a Study of Tarka in Indian Logic (review; Bagchi) // , Vol. X/5, 1957
- Bharati A. Philosophical Essays (review; Damle) // X/3, 1957
- Bharati A. The Nature of Philosophy (review; Damle) // , Vol. X/5, 1957
- Bharati A. History of Philosophy — Eastern and Western" (review; S. Radhakrishnan) // , Vol. X/5. 1957
- Bharati A. The Loves of Krishna in Indian Art (review; Archer) // , Vol. XVII/2. 1958
- Bharati A. Die geistigen Kraefte Asiens in der Krise der Gegenwart // , Vol. XII/6, 1958
- Bharati A. The Central Philosophy of Buddhism (review; T.R.V. Murti) // , XI/2, 1958
- Bharati A. The Padarthatattvanirupanam of Raghunatha Siromani" (review; Karl H. Potter) // , XI/8, 1958
- Bharati A. Geschichte der Indischen Philosophie, Vol. II" (review; Frauwallner) // XIV/3, 1958
- Bharati A. Philosophie und Psychologie im Abhidharma" (review; H.V. Guenther) // , XII/2, 1958
- Bharati A. Philosophie und Psychologie im Abhidharma" (review; Guenther) // , XVIII/2. 1958
- Bharati A. — The Jewel Ornament of Liberation" (review; Guenther) // , Vol. XVII/4. 1958
- Bharati A. Modern Hindi Grammar (review; Saihgal) // , XVIII/4. 1958
- Bharati A. Time and Modality (review article A. N. Prior) // XII/3. 1958
- Bharati A. Yoga — Immortality and Freedom" (review; Mircea Eliade) // , Vol. XII/4, 1958
- Bharati A. Popular Essays in Indian Philosophy: Art Experience, the Quest after Perfection" (review; M. Hiriyanna) // XII/4. 1958
- Bharati A. A Note on Albert Schweitzer // XV/I. 1960.
- Bharati A. Philosophisches „klar“ // . № 77. 1960
- Bharati A. Ueber Eliades Yogaauffassung // Zeitschrift fuer Religions — und Geistesgeschichte XII/2, Cologne, Germany.
- Bharati A. Weltprobleme am Himalaya (review; W. Leifer) // XV/7, 1960
- Bharati A. Dattatreya (review; H. H. Chamaraja Wadiyar of Mysore) // XIII/4, 1960
- Bharati A. Philosophical Analysis (review; J.O. Urmson) // XIII/4, 1960
- Bharati A. Indian Philosophical Studies (review; M. Hiriyanna) // XIII/5, 1960
- Bharati A. Die Philosophie des Buddhismus (review article; Frauwallner) // VIII/1, 1960
- Bharati A. The Saundaryalahari (review; W. Norman Brown) // Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenlaendischen Gesellschaft, Vol. 110/1, 1960
- Bharati A. Das Pancatantra und seine Morallehre (review; W. Ruben) // XIX/4, 1960
- Bharati A. Existentialism and Religious Belief" (review; D.E. Roberts) // XIII/7, 1960
- Bharati A. Mahatma Gandhi — eine Philosophische un Anthropologische Studie // XV/11, 1960
- Bharati A. Essays in Moral Philosophy (review; A.I. Melden, ed.) // XIII/8, 1960
- Bharati A. Albert Schweitzer im Lichte Indischen Denkens // Albert Schweitzer: Sein Denken und sein Weg (Festschrift) / Tubingen & Stuttgart: , 1961
- Bharati A. Sandhabhasa or Intentional Language in Tantras // , September Issue Vol. 1961.
- Bharati A. Das Pancatantra und seine Morallehre" (review; W. Ruben) // Philosophy: East and West. Honolulu: , 1961
- Bharati A. The Hevajra Tantra" (review; D.L. Snellgrove) // . Vol. XX/2. 1961
- Bharati A. The Brahma Sutras" (review; S. Radhakrishnan) // . Vol. XX/3. 1961
- Bharati A. Detto (review in German) // . XIV/4. 1961
- Bharati A. Mudra — a Study in Symbolic Gestures in Japanese Buddhist Sculpture" (review article; Dale Saunders; jointly with Leon N. Hurvitz, University of Washington, Seattle) // , 1961
- Bharati A. Detto (shorter review) // XX/4., 1961
- Bharati A. Meditationssutren des Mahayana Buddhismus (review; R. von Muralt) // . №. 8, 1961
- Bharati A. Modern Hindu Exegesis of a Mahayana Buddhist Text // Philosophy: East and West, University of Hawaii Press, April '62, 10 pp.
- Bharati A. The Later Philosophy of Wittgenstein // XVI, 1962, p. 158-60
- Bharati A. The Naturalistic Tradition of Indian Thought (review; D. Riepe) // Nov/Dec., 1962. p. 425ff.
- Bharati A. Philosphie und Religion Indiens" (review; H. Zimmer) // , April 1962 pp. 337-381
- Bharati A. The Concept of Man: a Study in Comparative Philosophy" (review; S. Radhakrishnan) // XV/8, August, 1962. pp. 376-379
- Bharati A. Kinship-term Avoidance in Hindi Speaking Middle Class Groups; the Delhi Area and Urban Uttar Pradesh" (report), American Anthropological Association Abstracts of the 61st Annual National Meeting, Washington, DC, 1962. p.4.
- Bharati A. Indian Idealism and Modern Challenges" (review; P.T. Raju), Panjab University Publications, Chandigarh // XV/6, 1962. pp. 265—267
- Bharati A. Theory and Practice of Mandala" (review; G. Tucci, trl. of Teoria e prattico del Mandala) // XXII/1, 1962. p. 130f.
- Bharati A. Politische Polemiken im Staatslehrbuche des Kautilya" (review; Friedrich Wilhelm). Serie Munchener Indologische Studien. // XXII/1, 1962. p. 129 f.
- Bharati A. Indo-Scythian Studies — Khotanese Texts. Vol. IV" (review; H.W. Bailey) // XXII/1, p. 113f.
- Bharati A. Medical Research and Disease Apprehension Patterns in Cross-Cultural Perspective // The Cancer Relief Society Souvenir Volume ed. K. G. Thankama. Ernakulam: The Cancer Relief Society, 1962.
- Bharati A. Paralelismos sincretisticos. Un Metodo Euristico // Folia Humanistica, 1963. Vol. I, No. 1, 29-35, No. 2, 152-60, No. 3, 251-61
- Bharati A. Der Ganapatha zu den Adhayayas IV und V der Grammatik Paninis" (review), (R. Harre, publ. O. Harrassowitz, Wiesbaden, Germany) // XXVII/2, February 1963, p. 246-8.
- Bharati A. Attitudes of Hindu Scholars and Nationalists toward Pre-Nazi Germany and the Third Reich // Abstracts of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, 1963. XV/8.
- Bharati A. Cultural Stagnation and the Transition Situation: the Indian Minority in East Africa // Abstracts of the 15th Annual Meeting of the Association for Asian Studies, 1963. XV/22.
- Bharati A. The Wisdom of Buddhism" (review; Ch. Humphreys, Guruvayurappan Publications, Ernakulam, India, p. 19-27.)
- Bharati A. The Kamasutra of Vatsyayana (review; R. Burton, Dutton & Co.) // XXII/3, 1963.
- Bharati A. Cultura y Etica: un Analisis Critico del Pensiamento Schweitzeriano y humanistico // Folia Humanistica Karl Jaspers Special Issue (I,5), Barcelona, Spain, May 1963. 465-473, 5 (cont.) I,6 (June issue), 535-541.
- Bharati A. Sensa and Sensibilia (review; J.L. Austin, Oxford University Press) // , XVI/4, June 1963. , 174-6.
- Bharati A. Philosophical Papers (review; J.L. Austin, Oxford University Press) // XVI/5, 1963. 168-174.
- Bharati A. The Gandhari Dharmapada" (review; J. Brough, London Oriental Series) // XXII/4, August 1963. 509.
- Bharati A. Pilgrimage in the Indian Tradition // History of Religions, Vol. III, No. 1, Summer, 135-168, Chicago University Press .
- Bharati A. Cultural Hurdles in Development Administration, Chapter in Development Administration: Problems and Concepts. Syracuse University Press , 1963. 68-84.
- Bharati A. Syncretistic Trends in Indian Pilgrimage," Abstracts of the 62nd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, San Francisco, November), 1963. p.5
- Bharati A. Kinship-term Avoidance and Substitution in North Indian Middle Class Milieux. // Sociologus XIII/2, Fall Issue, 1963. 112/120.
- Bharati A. The Life and Teaching of Naropa" (review; H.V. Guenther) // XXIII/4, August 1964, 637-39.
- Bharati A. Western Psychotherapy and Hindu Sadhana" (review; H. Jacobs) // XXIII/4, August 1964, 639-41.
- Bharati A. India of Vedic Kalpasutras" (review; Ram Gopal) // XXIII/4, August 1964, 841-2.
- Bharati A. Foundations of Empiricism" (review; J.K. Feibleman) // XVIII/2, March/April l964, 111-2.
- Bharati A. Inside the Great Mirror" (review, J.K. Feibleman) // XVIII/2, March/April l964, 108-110.
- Bharati A. Paz Mundial: Analysis de una Possibilidad // Folia Humanistica (Barcelona, Spain), Pauling Special Issue, 11/15, 1964. 209-217.
- Bharati A. Possession and Divination among Lohana Hindus in East Africa," Abstracts of 63rd Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (Detroit), 1964. p.6.
- Bharati A. The Indians in East Africa — a Survey of Problems of Transition and Adaptation // (Berlin), 14/2, October 1964, 169-77.
- Bharati A. Contemporary Ethical Theories (review, L.J. Binkley) // XVII/4, July-August 1964, 220-223.
- Bharati A. Experience and Culture — The Philosophy of Georg Simmel" (review; R. Weingarten) // XVII/4, July-August 1964, 223f.
- Bharati A. Political Pressures and Reactions in the Asian Minority in East Africa," Syracuse University Overseas Center. Occasional Publications, December 1964, p. 18.
- Bharati A. A Contemporary Interpretation of Ahimsa // Gandhi: His relevance for Our Time (R. R. Diwakar Festschrift), Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1964, 261-270.
- Bharati A. Symbolik der Beruehrung in der Hinduistisch-Buddhistischen Vorstellungswelt // Studium Generale (Heidelberg-Berlin), Vol. 17/10, 1964, 609-620.
- Bharati A. Love, Miscegenation, and Anthropology // Transition (Kampala/Ibadan), No. l7, December 1964, Special Issue on 'Love', 15-19.
- Bharati A. The Tantric Elements in Indian Pilgrimage," in Abstracts of the 175th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, April 1965, p.14.
- Bharati A. L'Enseignement du Vimalakirti (review; E. Lamotte) // XXVI/3-4, Ascona-Switzerland & New York, 1965. 366-369 p.
- Bharati A. Untersuchungen zur Kritik des Phaenomenalistischen Agnostizismus und des Subjektiven Idealismus" (review; A. Konrad) // XVIII/1, Munich, 1965. 42-45 p.
- Bharati A. A Social Survey. // Portrait of a Minority: The Asians in East Africa, ed. D.P. Ghai. Nairobi-London-New York: Oxford University Press , 1965. 55 pp.
- Bharati A. Relativism and the Study of Man (review; J.W. Wiggins) // XVIII/2, Munich, 1965. 169-172.
- Bharati A. Perception, Understanding and Society" (review; F.P. Chambers) // XVIII/2, Munich, 1965. 110-112.
- Bharati A. Prospects for Secularism in India. // Jawaharlal Nehru: A Critical Tribute, Manaktala & Sons, Bombay, for the Cultural Freedom League (Indian Branch), Bombay, 1965. pg. 86-92.
- Bharati A. Interpretation of Deflective Parlance in India: a Paradigm for the Ethnography of Communication // Abstracts of the 64th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, p.8, Washington, D.C. 1965.
- Bharati A. Die Echtheit in Anthropologischer und Konfliktpsychologischer Sicht (review; H. Stoffer) // XVIII, 1965, p. 158-60, Munich, Germany.
- Bharati A. Die Religioes-Magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstaemme Indiens: die Bhagoria-Bhils" (review; M. Hermanns) // 67 No. 5, Pts 1, 1300-1, October 1965.
- Bharati A. Spirit and Man: an Essay on Being and Value" (review; N. Rothenstreich) // XVII/6, 350-54.
- Bharati A. Philosophy and Linguistic Analysis" (review; M.J. Charlesworth) // XVIII/5, 1965. 291-297
- Bharati A. Sakta and Vajrayana — Their Place in Indian Thought. // Studies of Esoteric Buddhism and Tantrism. Festschrift in Commemoration of the 150th Anniversary of the Founding of Koyasan, ed. Gisho Nakano, Koyasan University, Koyasan, Japan, 1965, 73-99.
- Bharati A. Patterns of Identification among the East African Indians // 15/2, Berlin 1965, p. 128-142.
- Bharati A. The Asian Entrepreneur in East Africa // Abstracts of the 8th Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association, Philadelphia, 1965, p. 16.
- Bharati A. Doctrine and Argument in Indian Philosophy (review article based on Ninian Smart's book) // XX/1, 1966, Meisenheim/Glan, p. 163-171.
- Bharati A. Puritanism and Secularism: Aspects of India's Official Culture // Abstracts of the 176th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, 1966, 62-63 p.
- Bharati A. Vedanta and the Science of Reality (R.K. Yyer) // Vol. XXV/3. 1966.
- Bharati A. Gesellschaft fuer die Erforschung des Buddhismus // , 1966, Vol. 21/4
- Bharati A. LSD, Medicine, and the Law // Interim-Mensa International No. 90, London 1966.
- Bharati A. Clarity is Not Enough (review; M.D. Lewis ed.) // Vol. 19/2, Munich.
- Bharati A. Language, Meaning, and Persons (review; N.K. Bannerji) // Vol. 9/2 Munich.
- Bharati A. The Unwanted Elite in East Africa // Transaction, St. Louis, Mo., Vol. III/5.
- Bharati A. Der Mithhras Kult (review; Vermasseren) // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion Vol. V/2.
- Bharati A. The Indian Spirit (review; K. Satchidarandamurty) // Vol. 25/4.
- Bharati A. El Significado de la Antropologia a ambos Lados de Atlantics // Folia Humanistica Vol. IV/43-44.
- Bharati A. Hindu Polytheism (review article; Danielou) // , New York and Ascona, Switzerland, Vol. XXVIII/1.
- Bharati A. East-West Parallels (review; W. F. Wertheim) // , Vol. 86/2, 222-223 p.
- Bharati A. The Destiny of the Veda in India (review; Louis Renou) // , Vol. XXVI/1.
- Bharati A. Nietzsche: the Man and his Philosophy (review; Holingdale) // . 1966. 19/4 (Munich).
- Bharati A. The Decline of Teknonymy: Changing Husband-Wife Appellations in Modern India // AAA abstracts 1966.
- Bharati A. Language and Culture (report; Landar) // AAA 65th Annual Meeting Program Proceedings. 1966
- Bharati A. Dual Area Programs and the Department of Anthropology // Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Vol. 66, 1967. p.8.
- Bharati A. Bhang and Ganja: Secular and Religious Use of Stimulants in South Asia // Abstracts of the 66th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, 1967. p. 8.
- Bharati A. Parampara — and Spurious Elements in the Hindu Renaissance // Abstracts of the 177th Annual Meeting of the American Oriental Society, Vol. 177, 1967. p.6.
- Bharati A. Control Mechanisms in Buddhist and Hindu Tantras // Journal of Existential Psychiatry, Winter 1967.
- Bharati A. Ideology and Content of Caste among the Indians in East Africa" (book-chapter) // Caste in Overseas Indian Communities, ed. Barton M. Schwartz, Chicago: Science Research Associates, pp. 83-126.
- Bharati A. Axiomatische Philosophie: ein Beitrag zur Selbstkritik der Philosophie" (review; F. Austeda) // , Vol. 21/3, pp. 453-465.
- Bharati A. Die Politische Willensbildung in Indien" 1900-1960" (review; D. Rothermund) // , May 1967, pp. 516-517.
- Bharati A. Hindu Culture and Personality" (review; P. Spratt) // , Vol. XXVI, May 1967. pp. 519-520.
- Bharati A. Manicudavadanoddhrta: a Buddhist Rebirth Story in the Newari Language" review; S. Lienhard) // , Vol. Vol. 87, June 1967., pp. 200.
- Bharati A. The Patimokkha: 227 Fundamental Rules for a Bikkhu" (review; Ven. Nanamoli Thera) // , Vol. XXVI, May 1967. pp. 540-541.
- Bharati A. Pruefung und Initiation im Buche Pausya und in der Biograpie des Naropa (review; R. Wilhelm) // , Vol. 86, 1967, pp. 431.
- Bharati A. Sri Guru Granth Sahib" (review; ed. Gopal Singh // , Vol. XXVK, 1967. pp. 744-745.
- Bharati A. Religious Observances in Tibet" (review; R. B. Ekvall) // , June 1967, pp. 154-157.
- Bharati A. The Wisdom Gone Beyond: an Anthropology of Buddhist Texts" (review; H.H. Prince Dhani Nivat) // , Vol. XXVI, May 1967. p. 541
- Bharati A. The Structure of Language: Readings in the Philosophy of Language (review; J. A. Fodor & J.J. Katz ed. // Vol. XX/5, 1967, pp. 292-296 (Munich).
- Bharati A. Das System des Advaita nach der Lehre Prakasatmans (review; K. Camman) // , Vol. XX/5, Munich, 1967. pp. 305-307.
- Bharati A. Mandanamisra's Vibhramavivekah mit einer Studie zur Entwicklung der Indischen Irrtunslehre (review; L. Schmithausen) // , Vol. XX/5, Munich, 1967. pp. 305-307.
- Bharati A. Personale Anthropologie: Aufriss der humanen Struktur (review; A. Vetter) // , Vol. XX/5, Munich, 1967. pp. 315-316.
- Bharati A. Tibetan Mysticism without Mystification (review; Herbert V. Guenther) // , Vol. XXVII/1, 1967, pp. 156-158.
- Bharati A. Problems Relating to Islamicity and Indianness // I. Faruqi, ed. Pakistan: the Modernization of an Islamic State, MIMEO only, Syracuse University, Dept. of Religion, 1967. pp. 3-34.
- Bharati A. The Place of the Hidden Moon (review; E.D. Dimock) // , Vol. 69/5, Oct. 1967. pp. 525-526.
- Bharati A. British Analytical Philosophy (review; B. Willian & A. Montefiore, eds.) // , Vol. XX/6, June 1967, 338-341 pp.
- Bharati A. Krishna: Myths, Rites, and Attitudes (review; Milton Singer) // , Vol. 69/6, 1967. 762-763 pp.
- Bharati A. The Mahinmastava or Prasie of Siva's Greatness (review; Norman Brown) // , 1968. Vol. 29/2-3, 270 p.
- Bharati A. Great Tradition and Little Traditions: an Anthropological View of Eastern Societies // Th. Cummings, ed. Anthropological Backgrounds of Adult Education, Center for the Liberal Education for Adults, 1968. 72-94 pp.
- Bharati A. Linguistica Antropologica y Antropologia // Folia Humanistica, May 1968. 403-419 pp.
- Bharati A. Hindu Culture and Personality (review; P. Spratt) // , Vol. 70/1, February 1968., 142 p.
- Bharati A. Philosophy in America (review; Max Black, ed.) // , Vol. XXI/2, 1968. 94-97 pp.
- Bharati A. Monastic and Lay Institutions in the Hindu Renaissance Today: Polarization or Continua? // Bulletin of the American Anthropological Association, 1968. Vol. 1/3, 13 p.
- Bharati A. Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhuh of Sri Rupa Gosvami (review; Bhakti Hridaya Bon Maharaj) // , Vol. XXVII/2, February 1968, 412-413 pp.
- Bharati A. Yoga and Yantra: their Interrelation and their Significance for Indian Archaeology (review; P.H. Pott) // , Vol. 30/1, 1968.
- Bharati A. Die Religioes-Magische Weltanschauung der Primitivstaemme Indiens: (Vol. II) — die Bhilala, Korku, Gond, Baiga" (review; M. Hermanns) // 70/3, June 1968, 610-611 pp.
- Bharati A. The Three Jewels. An Introduction to Buddhism (review; Bhikkhu Sangharakshita) // , Vol. 88/2, 391-392 pp.
- Bharati A. The Indian Mind. Essentials of Indian Philosophy and Culture (review; Charles A. Moore, ed.) // , Vol. 88/2, 391 p.
- Bharati A. The Great Integrators: the Saint-Singers of India (review; V. Raghavan) // , Vol. 88/2, 384.
- Bharati A. Under the Bo Tree. Studies in Caste, Kinship, and Marriage in the Interior of Ceylon (review; Nur Yalman) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 80-81 pp.
- Bharati A. F.D. Lessing's Lamaist Iconography of the Peking Temple Yung-ho-kung (review; J.B. Kruger & E.D. Francis) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 66 p.
- Bharati A. Myth and Cosmos. Readings in Mythology and Symbolism (review; J. Middleton, ed.) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 75.
- Bharati A. The Pillow Book of Sei Shonagaon (review; I. Morris) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 77.
- Bharati A. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, Tibet, China, Japan (review; Hajime Nakamura) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 79 p.
- Bharati A. Gods and Rituals. Readings in Religious Beliefs and Practices (review; J. Middleton) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie Vol. 74-75 pp.
- Bharati A. Two Plays of Ancient India. The Little Clay Cart and the Minister's Seal (review; I.A.B. van Buitenen) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 23-24 pp.
- Bharati A. Essays in Idleness. The Tsure-tsure-guza of Kenko (review; Donald Keene) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 59 p.
- Bharati A. An Anthology of Sanskrit Court Poetry: Vidyakara's Subhasita — Ratnakosa (review; D.H. Ingalls) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 55 p.
- Bharati A. A Thousand Lives Away. Buddhism in Contemporary Burma (review; Winston L. King) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 60.
- Bharati A. The Forest of Symbols. Aspects of Ndembu Ritual (review; Victor Turner) // Bibliographie zur Syumbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 113.
- Bharati A. Burmese Supernaturalism. A Study in the Explanation and Reduction of Suffering (review; Melford E. Spiro) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 108.
- Bharati A. Three Ways of Asian Wisdom, Hinduism, Buddhism and Zen and their Significance for the West (review; Nancy Wilson Ross) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie,Vol. I, 95.
- Bharati A. The I-Ching or Book of Changes (review; Richard Wilhelm) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 120.
- Bharati A. Shinto, the Way of the Gods (review; Floyd H. Ross) // Bibliographie zur Symbolik, Mythologie und Ikonographie, Vol. I, 95.
- Bharati A. Sri Rupa Gosvami's Bhakti-rasamrta-sindhuh (review; B.H. Bon Maharaj) // , Vol. 30, 2/3, 266-267.
- Bharati A. Baha'i Statistics and Self-fulfillment Design: Comment on James K. Keene's Redefinition of Religion // Journal for the Scientific Study of Religion , Vol. VII/2, p. 281
- Bharati A. The Two-Storey World" (review; James K. Feibleman) // , Vol. 21/6, 347-349 p.
- Bharati A. The Revolution in Ethical Theory" (review; George C. Kerner) // , Vol. 21/5, 289-290 p.
- Bharati A. The Genesis of Twentieth Century Philosophy" (review; Harry Prosch) // , Vol. 21/5, 288-289 p.
- Bharati A. The Indian Minority in Zambia, Rhodesia, and Malavi" (review; Floyd & Lillian Dotson) // , Vol. 380, 202-203 pp.
- Bharati A. Infinity: an Essay in Metaphysics" (review; Jose A. Benardete) // , Vol. 21/4, 236-238.
- Bharati A. Hindi Grammar and Reader" (review; E. Bender) // , Vol. 88/3, 1968, 571-572.
- Bharati A. Urdu Grammar and Reader" (review; E. Bender) // , Vol. 88/3, 1968. 571-572.
- Bharati A. The Glass Curtain between Asia and Europe" (review; Raghavan Iyer) // , Vol. 88/3, 1968, 568-569.
- Bharati A. Three Ways of Wisdom. Hinduism, Buddhism, and Zen and their Significance for the West: (review; Nancy Wilson Ross) // , Vol. 88/3, 1968, 567-568 pp.
- Bharati A. Yoga and Yantra: their Interrelations and their Significance for Indian Archaeology (review; P.H. Pott) // , Vol. 88/3, 1968, 196, 569-71 pp.
- Bharati A. The Indians in Uganda" (review; H. Stephen Morris) // , 1969. Vol. 381, 190-91 pp.
- Bharati A. Mkha `Grub Rje's Fundamentals of the Buddhist Tantras" (review; F. Lessing & A. Wayman) // , 1969. Vol. 28/2, 421-422 pp.
- Bharati A. Explanation and Human Action" (review; A.R. Louch) // , 1969. 22/1, 38-40 pp.
- Bharati A. Hinduistische und Islamische Kunst Indiens" (review; H.G. Franz), Leipzig (East Germany), Seeman Buch und Kunstverlag // , 28/2, February 1969, 420-421 pp.
- Bharati A. Moral Strategy" (review; James K. Feibleman), The Hague; M. Niejhoff // , 1969. Vol. 22/1, 40-42 pp.
- Bharati A. References to Tibet in Medieval Indian Documents // , Vol. 3, Indiana University , 1969. 46-71 pp.
- Bharati A. Strukturale Anthropologie (review; C. Levi-Strauss) // , Vol. 23/4, 1969. 659-661 pp.
- Bharati A. Culture and Cultures: a Linguistic Approach // Proceedings of the 14th International Congress of Philosophy at Vienna. Herder Verlag, Vienna, Vol. IV, 1969. 447/449 pp.
- Bharati A. The Use of `Superstition' as an Anti-traditional Device in Urban Hinduism (abstract) // Abstracts of the 68th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association (New Orleans), Washington D.C., 1969. II/3,8.
- Bharati A. Ways of Thinking of Eastern Peoples: India, China, Tibet, Japan (review; Hajime Nakamura) // , Vol. 22/2, 1969. 101-106 pp.
- Bharati A. Resemblance and Identity: An Examination of the Problem of Universals (review; P. Butchvarov) // , Vol. 22/2, 1969, 94-96 pp.
- Bharati A. Principals of Empirical Realism" (review; Donald C. Williams) // , Vol. 22/2, 1969, 99-101 pp.
- Bharati A. Ancient India: a History of its Culture and Civilization (review; D.D. Kosambi) // Folia Humanistica, Vol. VII/77, 1969. p. 467.
- Bharati A. Rebellious Prophets: A Study of Messianic Movements in Indian Religions (review; St. Fuchs) // Folia Humanistica, Vol. VII/77, 1969. p. 467.
- Bharati A. Polarizacion Conceptual en la Antropologia Moderna // Folia Humanistica, Vol. VII/77, 1969. 455-465 pp.
- Bharati A. Revivalist Movements within Religions // Guru Nanak's 500th Birthday Supplement, the Sunday Post, Nairobi, Kenya, 1969, 14-18.
- Bharati A. Studies of Nayaka-nayika-bheda (review; Rakesagupta) // , Vol. 89/3, 668-669 pp.
- Bharati A. Tibet's Terrifying Deities: Sex and Aggression in Religious Acculturation" (review article; Fokke Sierksma) // , Vol. 31/1, 1969, 89-92 pp.
- Bharati A. Les Enseignements Iconographiques de l"Agnipurana (review; deMallmann) // , Vol. 31/1, 1969, 92-93 pp.
- Bharati A. Etude Iconographique sur Manjusri (review; de Mallmann) // . Vol. 31/1, 1969, 92-93 pp.
- Bharati A. Existential Foundations of Psychology (review; A. van Kamm) // , Vol. 22/2, 1969, 96-98 pp.
- Bharati A. Das Leben Buddhas: ein Chinesisches Holzschnittfragment" (review; Grimm) // , Vol. 28/4, 1969, 839-840 pp.
- Bharati A. Ritual Songs and Folksongs of the Hindus of Surinam (review; U. Arya) // , Vol. 28/4, 1969, 869-870 pp.
- Bharati A. The Hindu Renaissance and its Apologetic Patterns // , Vol. 29/2, 1970. 267-288.
- Bharati A. Samkara and Bradley: a Comparative and Critical Study" (review; S.N.L. Shrivastava/Motilal Banarsidas, Delhi 1968) // , XXIX/2, 1970. 466-467 pp.
- Bharati A. Five Indian Movies: Introduction to the South Asia Film Festival" (S.U. internal publication, MIMEO only).
- Bharati A. Ehre und Beleidigung: Grundfragen des strafrechtlichen Ehrenschutzes" (review; Hans Hirsch, C. Miller Verlag, Karlsruhe 1969) // , Vol. 24/4, 1970, 634/636 pp.
- Bharati A. The Logic of Invariable Concommitance in the Tattvacintamani" (1970), (review; C. Gekoop, S. Reidel Publ., Dordrecht, Holland) // , Vol. 90/2, 1970, 349-351 pp.
- Bharati A. Reals in Jaina Metaphysics (review; Hari Satya Bhattacharya, Seth Shantidas Khetsi Charitable Trust, Bombay) // , Vol. 90/2, 1970, 349-351 pp.
- Bharati A. The Cambridge History of Later Greek and Early Medieval Philosophy (1967), (review article; A.H. Armstrong, ed., Cambridge, University Press) // , Vol. 23/5, 1970, 285-287 pp.
- Bharati A. The Navya-Nyaya Doctrine of Negation: the Semantics and Ontology of Negative Statements in Navya-Nyaya Philosophy" (review; Bimal Krishna Matilal, Harvard Oriental Series No. 46, Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press 1968) // , Vol 23/5, 285-287 pp.
- Bharati A. Gandhi's Interpretation of the Gita: an Anthropological Analysis. // S.N. Ray, ed. Gandhi, India and the World, Hawthorne Press, Melbourne Australia, 1970; U.S. Edition: Philadelphia: . 1970. 57-70 pp.
- Bharati A. Pilgrimage Sites and Indian Civilization. // J.W. Elder ed. Chapters in Indian Civilization, Vol. I., Dubuque: Kendall/Hunt Publishers, 1970. 83-126 pp. (first ed. Wisconsin 1967).
- Bharati A. A History of Asians in East Africa; c. 1886-1945 (review; J.S. Mangat, London: Oxford University Press 1969) // , Vol. XXIX/3, 1970. 678-680 pp.
- Bharati A. Die philosophischen Grundlagen der wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnis (review; A. Fischer, Springer Verlag Vienna/New York, 1967) // , Vol. 24/3, 1970. 461-463 pp.
- Bharati A. Formal Education as Tradition-Enhancing Input in Modern India // American Anthropological Association Bulletin 3/3, p. 27.
- Bharati A. The Royal Song of Saraha: a Study in the History of Buddhist Thought (review; H.V. Guenther, Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1969) // , Vol. XXX/1, 1970. 216-217 pp.
- Bharati A. Wahrnehmen, Beobachten, Konstituieren: Phaenomenologie und Begriffsbestimmung der ersten Erkenntnisakte (review; Y. Reenpaa, V. Klostermann, Frankfuert 1969) // Vol. 24/4, 1970. 633-634 pp.
- Bharati A. Kierkegaard's Authorship (review; G.E. & G.B. Arbaugh, Allen & Unwin Pub. London 1968) // , Vol. 23/6, 1970. 364-366 pp.
- Bharati A. The Use of `Superstition'as an Anti-Traditional Device in Urban Hinduism // Contributions to Indian Sociology (new series), No. 4, Vikas Publications., Delhi, 1970
- Bharati A. // № 2 . — P. 267–287. — doi : . ( . — 1970. — Vol. 29, Бхарати А. // Неприкосновенный запас . — 2016. — № 1 . )
- Bharati A. Non-linguistic Philosophy" (review; A.C. Ewing, G. Allen & Unwin Publ., London 1968) // , Vol. 24/1, 45-5, 1971. p. 47.
- Bharati A. Innere Entwicklungshilfe: Eine Ethnologische Studie in Suedindien" (review; U. von Ehrnefels, Suedasieninst. Heidelberg 1969) // , Vol. 73/2, 1971. 384-385 pp.
- Bharati A. Advaita Vedanta: a Philosophical Reconstruction" (review, Eliot Deutsch, East West Center Press, Honolulu 1969) // 26/1, 1971. 129-131 pp.
- Bharati A. Hinduism and Modernization. // Religion and Change in Modern Asia, ed. Robert F. Spencer, Minneapolis, , 1971, 67-105 pp.
- Bharati A. Readings in the Philosophy of the Social Sciences (review; May Brodbeck, ed. Collier-Macmillan publ., London) // Philosophischer Literaturanzeiger 24/1, 1971. 40-43 pp.
- Bharati A. Existence as Dialectical Tension (review; A.R. Luther. Nijhoff, The Hague,l962) // 24/3, 1971. 174-175 pp.
- Bharati A. Speech Acts: an Essay in Philosophy of Language" (review; J.R. Searle, Cambridge University Press l96l) // 24/6, 1971. 359-360 pp.
- Bharati A. Asian Ideas of East and West: Tagore and his Critics in Japan, China, and India" (review article; Stephen N. Hay) // , 1972, VII/l-2.
- Bharati A. Freewill and Determinism: a Study of Rival Concepts of Man, (review; R.L.Franklin, Routledge & Kegan Paul, London l968) // 26/1, 1972, 131-133.
- Bharati A. Philosophic Foundations of Genetic Psychology and Gestalt Psychology" (review, Ash Govar; M. Nijhoff, The Hague l968) // 26/1, 1972, 129-131.
- Bharati A. East West Studies in the Problems of the Self" (review; P.T. Raju & A. Castell, eds; M. Nijhoff, The Hague 1968 // 26/1, 1972, 126-129.
- Bharati A. Anthropological Approaches to the Study of Religion: Ritual and Belief Systems. // Biennial Review of Anthropology 1971, ed., Bernard J. Siegal, Stanford University Press , 1972, 230-263 pp.
- Bharati A. Language and Philosophy" (review, Sidney Hook, ed.; New York University Press 1968) // 1972, 25/2, 115-117.
- Bharati A. In Memorium David McCutcheon. // David McCutcheon Memorial Volume, ed. P. Lal, Writers Workshop, Calcutta) 1972, 1-4.
- Bharati A. Analysis Antropologico con Enfoque Cultural de la Sexualidad Humana" article, 2 pts.) // Folia Humanistica, X/114, 1972, 505-517, 570-581.
- Bharati A. Actual and Ideal Himalayas: Hindu and Buddhist Views of the Mountains // Abstracts of the 71st Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, Washington, D.C., 1972, p. 25.
- Bharati A. The Meanings of Gandhi" (review; Paul P. Power, ed., University of Hawaii Press 1971) // , 1972, Vols. 23/1-2.
- Bharati A. Le Yoga Tantrique" (review; J. Evola, Fayard Publ., Paris 1971) // , 1972, Vol. 23, 1/2.
- Bharati A. Return to the Source" (review; DelVasto) // . xxxii/No. 1, Nove. 72, 195-196 (publ. Schocken Books, New York 1972).
- Bharati A. Sprachtheorie: Grundbegriffe und Methoden zur Untersuchung der Sprachstruktur" (review; Rudolf Freundlich (Springer-Verlag, Vienna & New York 1971) // , Vol. 25/6, 1972, 360-361 pp.
- Bharati A. Analytical Philosophy of Knowledge" (review; A. Danto, Cambridge University Press 1968) // , Vol. 26/4, 1972, 650-651 pp.
- Bharati A. Symposium on J.L. Austin (review article; K.T. Fann, ed., Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1969) // , Vol. 27/1, March 1973, 146-152 pp.
- Bharati A. Philosophy, Science, and Method: Essays in Honor of E. Nagel (review article; editors S. Morgenbesser, S.P. Suppes, M. White; publ. MacMillan Co., New York 1969) // , Vol. 27/2, 1973, 156-157 pp.
- Bharati A. Discussions of Wittgenstein" (review; Rush Rhees, publ. Routledge & Kegan Paul, London 1970) // , Vol. 27/2, 1973. 330-332 pp.
- Bharati A. Russell and Moore: the Analytic Heritage (review; A.J. Ayer, publ. MacMillan Co., London 1971) // , Vol. 26/4, 1973. 228-229 pp.
- Bharati A. My Life with a Brahmin Family (review; Lizelle Raymond, Penguin Books, Baltimore 1971) // Vol. 93/3, 1973. p. 388.
- Bharati A. Hinduism, Psychotherapy, and the Human Predicament. // Richard H. Cox, ed., Religious Systems and Psychotherapy, Charles C. Thomas Publ., Springfield, Ill., 1973. 167-180 pp.
- Bharati A. The Language of Modern Hinduism: Cognitive Models and Ethno-Scientific Analysis. // Robert J. Miller, ed., Religious Ferment in Asia, (Studies on Asia, 2nd Series, Grant K. Goodman, gen.ed.), 1974. 63-80 pp.
- Bharati A. // Tibet Society Bulletin (Bloomington, Ind.), Vol. 7, 1974, 1-11.
- Bharati A. The concept of Knowledge (review; P. Butchvarov, Northwestern University Press, 1971) // , Vol. 27/2, 1974, 110-113 pp.
- Bharati A. Separate Realities: Sense and (mostly) Nonsense, // Abstracts of the 74th Annual Meeting of the American Anthropological Association, (Mexico D.F.). Washington: American Anthropological Association, 34.
- Bharati A. Alienation (review; Rachard Schacht) // Vol. 27/6, 1974, 335-340 pp. (publ. Allen & Unwin, London 1971).
- Bharati A. Semantics: an Interdisciplinary Reader in Philosophy, Linguistics, and Psychology" (review; D.D. Steinberg & L.A. Jakobobits, eds., London & New York: Cambridge University Press 1972) // , Vol. 26/7, 1974, 356-359 pp.
- Bharati A. The Kapalikas and Kalamukhas: Two Lost Saivite Sects (review; D. M. Lorenzen, University of California Press, 1972) // , Vol. 95/1, 1975. 155-156.
- Bharati A. Godmen of India (review; P. Brent, New York & Chicago, Quadrangle Books 1972) // , Vol. 95/1, 1975. p. 196.
- Bharati A. The Afro-Asian Movement (review; David Kimche, Jerusalem: Israel University Press 1973) // , Vol. 95/1, 1975. 156/157.
- Bharati A. Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society Vol. LXX & Supplementary Volume 1969-70 (review; Methuen, London 1971) // , Vol. 29/1, 160-162 pp.
- Bharati A. The Future (if any) of Tantrism // Loka: Journal from Naropa Institute New York: Doubleday Anchor Press, 126-130 pp.
- Bharati A. Monastic and Lay Buddhism in the 1971 Sri Lanka Insurgency // XL/1-2, 1975. 102-112 pp.
- Bharati A. Studies in the Language and Culture of South Asia, ed. E. Gerow & M.D. Laing, Seattle; University of Washington Press, 1973, review // 77/4, December 75, 943-944 pp.
- Bharati A. The Tantric View of Life," by Herbert V. Guenther, Berkeley: Shambala Publishers 1972, review // , 25/3 1975, p. 374.
- Bharati A. Essays on J.L. Austin (review; G.J. Warnock, Clarendon Pr., Oxford 1973) // 28/6, 1975. 347-350.
- Bharati A. The Himalayas as a Culture Area: a Novel Methodological Perspective. // Giri Raj Gupta (ed.), Indian Sociology, Vol. I, Contemporary India; Sociological Aspects. New Delhi: Vikas Publishers, 1976, 98-116 pp.
- Bharati A. The Achilles of Rationalist Argument (review; Ben Lazarre Mijuskovic, S. Martinus Mijhoff Publ., the Hague 1974) // 29/1m 1976, 35-36 p.
- Bharati A. Sadhuization — an Indian Paradigm for Political Mobilization // Aspects of Political Mobilization in South Asia, ed., Robert I. Crane. South Asia Series I., Foreign and Comparative Studies, Maxwell School of Citizenship and Public Affairs, Syracuse University 1976, 109-129.
- Bharati A. Monastic and Lay Buddhism in the l97l Sri Lanka Insurgency // Religion and Social Conflict in South Asia: ed. Bardwell L. Smith, Leiden: E.J. Brill , 1976, 102-113 pp.
- Bharati A. Making Sense out of Tantrism and Tantrics // LOKA 2, ed. Rick Fields, New York: Anchor Books, 1976, 52-55 pp.
- Bharati A. Actual and Ideal Himalayas // Himalayan Anthropology. ed. J. Fisher, in Series World Anthropology, Sol Tax Gen. Ed., Mouton Publ., The Hague, Netherlands, and Aldine Publ., Chicago, 1976
- Bharati A. Techniques of Control in the Esoteric Traditions of India and Tibet // The Realm of the Extrahuman: Ideas and Actions (see above).
- Bharati A. The Great Universe of Kota: Stress, Change, and Mental Illness in an Indian Village (review; G.M. Carstairs & R.L. Kapur, University of California Press l976) // Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science, September l976, 141-142 pp.
- Bharati A. The Nature of Necessity (review; Alvin Plantinga, Oxford: Clarendon Press l974) // 29/5, 1976, 294-295 pp.
- Bharati A. Husserlian Meditations - How Words Present Things (review; R. Sokolowski, Evanston: Northwestern University Press, 1974), // 29/5, 1976, 290-294.
- Bharati A. Agency and Urgency: the Origin of Moral Obligation" (review; Thomas E. Wren, New York: Precedent Publ. Inc. 1974) // 29/4, 1976, 251-253 pp.
- Bharati A. Las Minorias Hispanicas in Norteamerica. Informe Cultural Anthropologico." (The Hispanic Minorities in North America; cultural anthropological report). // Folia Humanistica XV/l70, Feb. 1977, 93-105 pp.
- Bharati A. Ritualistic Tolerance and Ideological Rigor: the Paradigm of the Expatriate Hindus in East Africa // Contributions to Indian Sociology (New Series), Vol. l0/2, Dec. '76 (available 1977), 317-341.
- Bharati A. The Cosmology of Freedom (review; Robert C. Neville, New-Haven: Yale University Press l974) // 3l/2. April-June 1977, 327-329.
- Bharati A. Swami (review; Douglas Boyd & Robert Briggs, New York: Random House l976) // XXXVI/4, 1977, 779-780.
- Bharati A. Cultural Hurdles in Development Administration. // Anthropology in the Development Process, eds. H.H. Mathur & Ch. von Furer-Haimendorf. New Delhi: Vikas Publishers, 1977. 104-121 pp.
- Bharati A. The Philosophy of History (review; Patrick Gardiner; London: OUP l974) // 40/4 (1977), 232-234 pp.
- Bharati A. Explorations in the Anthropology of Religion — Essays in Honor of Jan van Baal" (review — W.E.A. van Beek, J.H. Scherer, edds., The Hague: M. Nijhoff l975) // , Vol. 12 3/4, 1977, 541-543 pp.
- Bharati A. The Tibetan Book of the Dead. The Great Liberation through the Hearing of the Bar Do" (review — Francesca Fremantle and Chyogyam Trungpa, Berkeley & London: Shambhala Publishers, l975) // Tibet Society Bulletin ll, 1977, 29-30 pp.
- Bharati A. The Changing Face of Tibet; the Impact of the Chinese Communist Ideology on the Landscape" (review — Pradyumna R. Karan, Lexington: University of KenTucky Press, l976) // Tibet Society Bulletin II, 1977, 30-32 pp.
- Bharati A. Tibetan Sacred Art. The Heritage of Tantra" (review — Detlef Lauf, Boulder & London: Shambhala Publishers, l976) // Tibet Society Bulletin, II, 1977, 32-34 pp.
- Bharati A. The Banyan Tree. Overseas Emigrants from India, Pakistan, and Bangladesh" (review —Hugh Tinker. Oxford: University Press l977) // XXXVII/2, 397-398.
- Bharati A. Text and Context: Collaboration or Collision? // Anthro Advocate, Seattle: University of Washington Department of Anthropology, Vol. 4/2, 1978, 13-14 pp.
- Bharati A. "Readings in Semantics," (review article, Farhang Zabeeh, E.D. Klemke, Arthur Jacobsen, eds. Urbana: University of Illinois Press (1975) // 3l/2, 1978, 154-159 pp.
- Bharati A. Foreword // H. Daniel Smith: The Smith Agama Collection. Sanskrit books and manuscripts relating to Pancaratra Studies — a descriptive catalog. Syracuse: Foreign and Comparative Studies Program, South Asia Special Publication, 1978, vvi sq.
- Bharati A. Determinants and Controls of Scientific Development (review article, Karin d. Knorr, H. Straser, H.G. Zilian, eds. Dordrecht/Netherlands: D. Reidel Publ. l975) // 31/2, 1978, 160-166 pp.
- Bharati A. Rudolf Carnap — Logical Empiricist. Materials and Perspectives," (review Jaakoo Hintikka, ed., Dordrecht/Netherlands: D. Reidel Pbl. l975) // 31/1, 51-54 pp.
- Bharati A. Philip S. Staniford and Field-work in India" (letter to the editor) // Phoenix (New Directions in the Study of Man), II/l, 1978, p. 58.
- Bharati A. Search for the Absolute in Neo-Vedanta" (review — K.C. Bhattacharya, Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press l976) // 31/3, 1978, 275-278 pp.
- Bharati A. Indian Expatriates in North America and the Neo-Hindu Movements, // Abstracts of the Tenth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences, Vol, I, New Delhi, 1978, p. 131/132.
- Bharati A. Bicultural Commitment and the Anthropologist: on Being Emic or Etic at the Proper Tiem // Abstracts of the Tenth International Congress of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences., Vol. II, New Delhi, p. ll4. Sol Tas, Gen. Ed., The Hague: Mouton Publ., 1978, 77-83 pp.
- Bharati A. The Concepts of Space and Time: their Structure and their Development" (review article - Milic Capek, ed., Synthese Library Vol. 74, Dordrecht/Netherlands: D. Reidel Publ., 1976) // , Vol. 31/4, (Oct.-Dec.), 1978, 371-377 pp.
- Bharati A. Tibetan Frontier Families (review, Barbara Nimri Aziz. Durham: Carolina Academic Press, l978) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1979. 39-42 pp.
- Bharati A. Tibetan Studies — presented at the Seminar of Young Tibetologists (review article, Martin Brauer & Per Kvaerne, eds., Zurich Volkerkundemuseum der Universitat Zurich, l978) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. l2, 43-50.
- Bharati A. The Diamond Light: an introduction to Buddhist Meditations" (review-Janice Dean Willis, New York: Simon & Schuster, l973) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1979. p. 50.
- Bharati A. The Traditional Architecture of the Kathmandu Valley (review — Wolfgang Korn, Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, Biblioteca Himalayica Series, Vol. III/6/2, l976) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1979. p. 50-51.
- Bharati A. Secret Doctrines of the Tibetan Books of the Dead" (review article: DetlefI. Lauf, Boulder: Shambala Publishers, l978) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1979. 56-58 pp.
- Bharati A. Glimpses of Abhidharma (review — Chyogyam Trungpa Rinpoche, Boulder: Shambala Publishers, l978) // Tibet Society Bulletin, Vol. 12, 1979. p. 58.
- Bharati A. Drepung Loseling Magazine (DRELOMA) — Official Newsletter of the Drepung Loseling Library Society, Vol. I, No. l, l978" report // Tibet Society Bulletin Vol. 12, 1979. 58-59 pp.
- Bharati A. Modern Literary Tibetan" and "Tibetan-English Dictionary of Modern Tibetan"(reviews: Melvyn C. Goldstein, Kathmandu: Ratna Pustak Bhandar, l977 & l975) // Tibet Society Bulletin Vol. 12, 1979. 59-62 pp.
- Bharati A. The Cultural Heritage of Ladakh, Vol. I (review - David L. Snellgrove & Tadeusz Skorupski, Boulder: Prajna Press 1977) // Tibet Society Bulletin Vol. 12, 1979. 62-63 pp.
- Bharati A. Inequality Among Men (review: Prof. Andre Beteille, Oxford: Basil Blackwell, l977) // Vol. 81/3, 1979. p. 690.
- Bharati A. True and False Prophets of Today's Hinduism // ASIA (The Asia Society, Inc., New York, N.Y.), Nov.-Dec., 1979. pp. 4-37.
- Bharati A. Tibetan Buddhism in America: the Late Seventies // The Tibet Journal (Dharamshala, India). Vol. 4/2 (Fall), 1979. pp. 3-12.
- Bharati A. Systemic Dissimulation in Modern Indian Religous Parlance // Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Asian Studies, l979. Vol. IV: South and Southwest Asia. Hong Kong: Asian Research Services, pp. 769-784, and (2) in Journal of Social Studies, Dacca (Bangladesh) No. 6, dec. '79, pp. 120-149.
- Bharati A. Indian Expatriates in North America and Neo-Hindu Movements // / Yadava J. S., Vinayshil G. (Eds.). — New Dehli: Concept Publishing Company, 1980. — P. 245–255.
- Bharati A. Sacred Journeys: the Conversion of Young Americans to the Divine Light Mission" (review: James V. Downtown, Jr. New York: Columbia University Press, l979) // South Asia in Review, Vol. IV/4. 1980. p. 4.
- Bharati A. Comment on Gabriella Eichinger Ferro-Luzzi's `The Female Lingam' // - Vol. 21/1, Feb., pp. 54-55.
- Bharati A. Rise of Anthropology in India," Vols. I & II (review: P.L. Vidyarthi, ed., Delhi: Concept Publishing, l978) // Vol. 82/1, pp. 215-216.
- Bharati A. The Hindu Hearth and Home" (review: R.S. Khare, Durham N.C.: Carolina Academic Press, 1976) // Vol. 82/1, p. 216-217.
- Bharati A. Karma-cola: Marketing the Mystic East (review: Gita Mehta, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1980) // ASIA, May-June l980, p. 48.
- Bharati A. Uttari Amerika Vicc Bharati Parvasi Ate Nava Hindu Andolan" (Panjabi translation of "Indian Expatriates in North American and the Neo-Hindu Movements," presented at the Xth International Congress, see 1978 entries) // Khoj Darpan, Vol. VII/l3, Guru Nanak Dev University, Amritsar (India), 1980. pp. 173-184.
- Bharati A. Cats, Brunches, and the Open Society — Memories of Mohini Road // S.H. Ray, ed., The World Her Village. A Book of Ellen Roy. Calcutta: Ananda Publishing Co., 1980. pp. 101-109.
- Bharati A. Hindu Tantrism (review — S. Gupta, Hoens, Goudriaan; Leiden: E.J. Brill l979, series Handbuch der Orientalistik II/4/2) // , Vol. XXXIX/4.August, 1980. p. 831-833.
- Bharati A. Sacred and Profane Dimensions of Love as Exemplified in the Gitagovinda by Jayadeva (review - Lee Siegel, Delhi: Oxford University Press, 1978) // South Asia: Journal of South Asian Studies, (University of Western Australia) l980/2, p. 189-190.
- Bharati A. Casteneda and His Apologists: a Dual Mystical Fantasy // Richard B. deMille, ed., The Don Juan Papers — Further Castenada Controversies. Santa Barbara, California, Ross — Erikson Publishers, 1980. pp. 147-151.
- Bharati A. Indian Expatriates in North America and the Neo-Hindu Movements // J.S. Yadava & Vinayshil Gautam, eds., The Communication of Ideas. New-Delhi: Concept Publishers, 1980. pp. 245-257.
- Bharati A. Mindscapes and Science Theories short comment on Magoroh Maruyama's article // , Vol. 2l/5, October, 1980. p. 600.
- Bharati A. Peasant Society and Redfield's Fields // Reviews in Anthropology, Vol. 7, No. 3, Summer 1980, pp. 303-323.
- Bharati A. The Play of the Gods. Locality, Ideology, Structure and Time in the Festivals of a Bengali Town" (review, Akos Ostor, Chicago University Press, l980) // South Asia in Review, (Columbia, MO), Vol. 5, 2-3, p. 9.
- Bharati A. Contributions to South Asian Studies." (Book note, Gopal Krishna, ed., Delhi: Oxford University Press, l979) // , Vol. 83/1, 1980. p. 230.
- Bharati A. The Changing Munda. (Book note, Sachchidananda, Delhi: Concept Publishing, 1979) // , Vol. 83/1, 1980. p. 23l.
- Bharati A. The Transformation of a Sacred Town: Bhubaneswar, India. (Book note, Susan Seymour, ed., Boulder, CO: Westview Press, l980), // , Vol. 83/1, 1980. p. 231.
- Bharati A. The Tribal World and its Transformation." (Book note, Bhupinder Singh & J.S. Bhandari, eds., Delhi: Concept Publishing, l980) // , Vol. 83/1, p. 232.
- Bharati A. The Sacred Complex of Kashi: A Microcosm of Indian Civilization" (review, P.L. Vidyarthi, Delhi: Concept Publishing, l979) // 83/4, Dec., 1981. p. 981.
- Bharati A. Process, Performance, and Pilgrimage. A Study in Comparative Symbology. (review, Victor Turner, New-Delhi: Concept Publishing, l979) // 83/4, 1981. 965-966 pp.
- Bharati A. Flowers of Emptiness: Reflections on an Ashram" (short review, Sally Belfrage, Dial Publishing, New York, l98ё) // Asia Feb. '82, p. 7.
- Bharati A. Comment on M. Winkelman's "Magic: A Theoretical Reassessment // , Vol. 23/1, Feb., 1981. p. 45.
- Bharati A. Western Sociologists on Indian Society: Marx, Weber, Spencer, Durkheim, Pareto (review, G.R. Madan, London: Routledge & Kegan Paul, l979) // , Vol. 17/1, March '82, pp. 190-191.
- Bharati A. Social Sciences, Arts and Sciences, and Occam's Razor // Syracuse Scholar, Spring l982, Syracuse University, pp. 95-l00.
- Bharati A. Holy Guests and Worldly Natives: Hindu Monasteries in the Kumaon Region // Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Asian Studies, l981. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, 1982, pp. 725-737.
- Bharati A. Grundfragen der Ethnologie: Beitraege zur Gegenwaertigen Theorie-diskussion (review; W. Schmied-Kowarzik & J. Stagl, eds; Berlin: Dietrich Reimer '81) // Vol. 17/3, Sept. '82, pp. 582-583.
- Bharati A. India: South Asian Perspectives on Aggression // A.P. Goldstein & M.H. Segall, eds., Aggression in Global Perspective. Pergamon General Pschology Series. New York, Oxford, Toronto, Sydney, Paris, Frankfurt: Pergamon Press, 1983. viii+496 pages ISBN #0-08-026346-1. pp.237-261.
- Bharati A. Sivasutra et Vimarsini de Ksemaraja (review - Lillian Silburn, Paris: Institut de Civilization Indienne, l980) // XLII/3, May '83, pp. 710-711.
- Bharati A. Caste et Class in Asie du Sud" (review - Jacques Pouchepadass, ed., Paris: Edition de L'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, l982), in South Asia in Review (Columbia MO), vol. 7/4, May '83, pp. 2-3.
- Bharati A. Medusa's Hair: Essay on Personal Symbols and Religious Experience" (review- G. N. Obeyesekere; Chicago: University Press, l98l) // Mentalities/ Mentalites, vol. I. No. l, l983 Montreal P.Q.), pp. 39-40.
- Bharati A. Religious prestations (dana) in Contemporary India // Proceedings of the Fourth International Symposium on Asian Studies l982. Hong Kong: Asian Research Service, l983. pp. 551-559.
- Bharati A. Tribes of India: the Struggle for Survival" (review - Ch. von Furer-Haimendorf. Berkeley: University of California Press, l982) // South Asiain Review (Columbia MO), Vol. 8, No. 2, Dec. 1983, pp. 7-8.
- Bharati A. "Mircea Eliade: Priviligierte Information und Anthropologische Aporien // Sehnsucht nach dem Ursprung — zu M. Eliade, ed. Hans Peter Duerr. Frankfurt: Syndikat Verlag, 1983. ISBN#3-8l08-02ll-5, pp. 32-59.
- Bharati A. The Personality of Kerala (review — A. Aiyappan. Trivandrum: Dept. of Publications, l982) // 86/l, March 1984, pp. 213-214.
- Bharati A. History of the Tantric Religion: a historical, ritualistic, and philosophical study (review - N.N. Bhattacharya, New-Delhi: Manohar l982) // Journal of Asian Studies XLIII/4, Aug. '84, p. 778
- Bharati A. Tantricism: a study of the Yogini Cult (review - H.C. Das) // XLIII/4, Aug. 1984, p. 778
- Bharati A. Charisma of Office or Charisma of Person: the role of leaders in South Asian Sects // Identity and Decision: in Cults and Sects in South Asia, eds. P. Gaeffke & D.A. Utz, Philadelphia: Department of South Asia Regional Studies, University of Pennsylvania, l984, pp. 20-27.
- Bharati A. A Celebration of Demons (review-Bruce Kapferer, Bloomington: Indiana University Press, l983) // Vol. 86/3, Sept. 1984. pp. 728-9.
- Bharati A. Hinduismen og det Tredje Rige" (Danish) // Dialog (Aarhus, Denmark): No. l6-l7, Dec. 1984, pp. 2-8
- Bharati A. The kulakundalini template: analysis of reverie? // Religion and Society in Ancient India (Sudhakar Chattopadhyaya Memorial Volume), Calcutta: Roy & Chowdhury, 1984, pp. l62-206.
- Bharati A. The Notion of God": a crosscultural perspective // The Journal of Religious Studies, vol. XII/l, Spring № l, 1984, Patiala: Panjabi University, pp.1-19
- Bharati A. Theoretical Approaches to the Anthropology of Pilgrimage // Anthropology as a Historical Science — Essays in Honour of Stephen Fuchs, Eds. M. Bhuria & S.M. Michael, Indore (India): Sat Prakashan Sanchar Kendra, 1984. p. 203-222
- Bharati A. Pattini: The Anthropological Consummation of a Goddess (review article, G.N. Obeyesekere, Chicago: Chicago University Press, l984) // (87/2) June l985, pp. 364-369.
- Bharati A. The Self in Hindu Thought and Action // A. J. Marsella, G. deVos, F.L.K. Hsu, eds. Culture and Self: Asian and Western Perspectives. New York & London: Tavistock Publications, 1985, pp. 185-231.
- Bharati A. Dreams, Illusion, and Other Realities" (review — Wendy D. O'Flaherty, Chicago: University Press, 1984) // XLIV/4 (August 1985), pp 871-872.
- Bharati A. Challenges to the Anthropological Study of Religion in the Year 2000 // , Vol. IV/1m 1984 (in print 1985), Delhi: National Publishing House, pp. 61-71.
- Bharati A. Karma: Cognition and Behavior in Contemporary South Asian Religions // , Vol. I 1981 - available 1985) UNESCO (Paris), Delhi: Concept Publishing House, pp. 9-21.
- Bharati A. Das dialektische Verhaeltnis des Menschen zur Natur. Philosophie-geschichtliche Studiej zur Naturproblematik bei Marx (review - W.D. Schmied-Kowarzik, Verlag Karl Alber, Freiburg-Muenchen, 1984) // 1986. 39/1, pp 21-23.
- Bharati A. Der Volksschullehrer Wittgenstein (review - Konrad Wuensche, Surkamp Verlag, Frankfurt 1985) and "Ludwig Wittgenstein — a Memoir (review - Norman Malcolm, Oxford University Press, Oxford 1984) // 1986. 39/2, pp. 168-171.
- Bharati A. Life and Culture in Orissa (review — Binod Sankar Das, ed., Calcutta; Minerva Associates, 1984) // South Asia in Review (Columbia, MO) 1986. Vol. 10/4, p. 3.
- Bharati A. Perspectives on Indian Fiction in English" (Review — M. K. Naik, ed. Delhi ABHINAV Publications, 1985) // South Asia in Review (Columbia, MO), 1986. Vol. 11/1, p. 2.
- Bharati A. Hindu-Faschismus // , Vol. XXXIII, Sept. 1986, No. 387/395, pp. 29-35.
Энциклопедии и словари
- Bharati A. Yoga // American Oxford Encyclopedia. New York: Little & Ives, 1961
- Bharati A. // Encyclopaedia Britannica (III), 15 ed., William Benton Publ., Chicago-London Toronto-Geneva-Sydney-Tokyo-Manila Seoul-Johannesburg, 1974. Vol. XII, 335-343 pp.
- Bharati A. Tantrism // Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981, pp. 734-738.
- Bharati A. Kundalini // Abingdon Dictionary of Living Religions, Nashville, TN: Abingdon, 1981, p. 420.
- Bharati A. Hinduism and Unbelief // The Encyclopaedia of Unbelief / ed. . Vol. I., Buffalo, New York: Prometheus Books, 1985. pp. 314-21.
Bharati A. The Ochre Robe: An Autobiography (
Бхарати А.
Неприкосновенный запас: дебаты о политике и культуре
. — 2015. —
№ 5 (103)
. —
С. 165—181
. —
— сокращённый перевод двух глав
по изданию
Bharati A.
The Ochre Robe: An Autobiography. — London: Allen and Unwyn, 1961. — P. 25–70.
- Bharati A. The Ochre Robe: An Autobiography. — Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1962.
- Bharati A. The Ochre Robe: An Autobiography. — Second Revised Edition, with New Epilog. — Santa Barbara: Ross-Erikson, 1980. — ISBN 0-915520-28-1 .
- Bharati A. Some Freaks of Discipleship. A Study in Indian Hagiography // , 1950
- Bharati A. Alma Mater vs. Pulpit. A Study in Hindu Scholastic Traditionalism // , 1950
- Bharati A. Hinduism as a Religion for Skeptics // The Indian Review, 1950
- Bharati A. Philosophy and Sadhana for Citizens of the World, Part I // Eurasia, 1950
- Bharati A. Der Kommunismus in Indien // Aussenpolitik, 1950
- Bharati A. Laenderbericht: Indien // Aussenpolitik, 1950
- Bharati A. Philosophy and Sadhana for Citizens of the World, Part II // Eurasia, 1951
- Bharati A. Monastic Musings on Death. // , 1951
- Bharati A. India's Message. (M. N. Roy, Fragments, review article) // The Radical Humanist. XV/30, 1951
- Bharati A. The Metamorphosis of Aesthetic Value in India // Radical Humanist Vol. XVI., 1952
- Bharati A. Monasticism as a Way of Life // Humanist Way Vol. V/1, 1952
- Bharati A. Philosophy and Sadhana // Radical Humanist XVI/7&8, 1952
- Bharati A. Materialism (review article, M. N. Roy) // Humanist Way V/I, 1952
- Bharati A. Is Hindu Sculpture obscene? // Radical Humanist. XVII, 1953
- Bharati A. On Heroism // Radical Humanist. XVII, 1953
- Bharati A. Was Samkaracarya a Crypto-Buddhist? // Thought, 1954
- Bharati A. Bad Grammar and Bad Manners: a Study in Contemporary Indian Semantics // Newsketch, 1954
- Bharati A. Belur and Halebid: the Hoyshala Shrines of Mysore // The Indian Tourist, 1954
- Bharati A. Lumen Spiritus seu Lumen Scientiae // Swami Bon Maharaj Felicitation Volume. Brindavan: The Vaishnava Theological University, 1954
- Bharati A. Dogmatism and Our Time // , 1954
- Bharati A. Philosophy: East and West // Quest, Vol. I/2. 1955
- Bharati A. The Monastic Manifesto // Radical Humanist, Vol. XIX. 1955
- Bharati A. Reply to Critics of the Manifesto // Radical Humanist, Vol. XIX. 1955
- Bharati A. The Status of the Individual in Indian Thought // Radical Humanist, Vol. XIX. 1955
- Bharati A. Vedanta and Ethics // Radical Humanist, Vol. XIX. 1955
- Bharati A. Inductive Reasoning in Indian Logic" (review, Bagchi) // The Statesman , 6/l9/55
- Bharati A. Basic Beliefs of Hinduism" (review; K.W. Morgan ed.) // The Statesman , 6/19/55
- Bharati A. Foundations of Hinduism" (review; Jadunath Sinha) // The Statesman , 6/26/55
- Bharati A. Hatha-Yoga" (review; Muzumdar) // The Statesman , 6/26/55
- Bharati A. The Illusion of the Epoch" (review; H.B. Acton) // The Statesman , 7/2/55
- Bharati A. The Meaning of the Creative Act" (review; N. Berdyaev) // The Statesman , 7/2/55
- Bharati A. Kant's First Critique" (review; H.W. Cassirer) // The Statesman , 7/9/55
- Bharati A. Hindu Rashtra" (review; Balraj Madhok) // The Statesman , 7/16/55
- Bharati A. The Nature of Philosophy" (review; Daya Krishna) // The Statesman , 7/16/55
- Bharati A. Sanskrit and Culture" (review; Goldstuecker) // The Statesman , 7/23/55
- Bharati A. Democracy in the Early Buddhist Sangha" (review; Gokulde) // The Statesman , 7/23/55
- Bharati A. Indian Ethical Teachings" (review; B.S. Roy) // The Statesman , 7/30/55
- Bharati A. Giitaa — a Sanskrit-English Bridge" (review; Sita Devi) // The Statesman , 7/30/55
- Bharati A. The Integral Yoga of Aurobindo" (review; Donnely) // The Statesman , 7/30/55.
- Bharati A. Performance Intelligence Tests Under Indian Conditions" (review; Bhatia) // The Statesman , 8/7/55.
- Bharati A. Social and Moral Attitude Tests in India" (review; Brahmachari) // The Statesman , 8/7/55.
- Bharati A. The Book of Mirdad" (review, Fairy) // The Statesman , 8/14/55.
- Bharati A. "Mohammedanism — a Historical Survey" (review; A.R. Gibb) // The Statesman , 8/14/55.
- Bharati A. A Mystic's Epistle // Topolski's Chronicle, 1956
- Bharati A. Saffron Robes and Joie de Vivre — Letters from Thailand // Quest, 1956
- Bharati A. Changes in Japanese Buddhism: a Letter from Japan // Quest, 1957
- Bharati A. The Dalai Lama and Buddhism (1st part) // Radical Humanist. XXIII/27-28. 1958
- Bharati A. The Dalai Lama and Buddhism (2nd part) // Radical Humanist. XIII/47. 1958
- Bharati A. The Dalai Lama and Buddhism (last part) // Radical Humanist XXIV/16. 1960
- Bharati A. Jeopardy to Specific Scholastic Pursuits // Maral IIA/5. 1960
- Bharati A. Tagore and the Hindu Renaissance // Radical Humanist XXV/15-16. 1961
- Bharati A. Gandhi and Buddhist Atheism // Gandhi Marg, New Delhi, India.
- Bharati A. India and the Tourist" (letter to the editor) // The Hindu, 29.05.1961
- Bharati A. Education of Tribals in India: a Rejoinder to DeMeulder // Quest, 1961
- Bharati A. Saundaryasastra evam Ravindra ka darsan" (article in Hindi) // Visvajyotih Ravindradarsanank (Tagore Centennial Issue). Hoshiarpur: Vishveshvarananda Vedic Research Institute, 1961
- Bharati A. Aesthetical Doctrine and the Philosophy of Tagore (article; English version) // Tagore Centennial Volume, Hoshiarpur, Pb. India.
- Bharati A. Integrating Indian Society: Education among Adivasis // Quest, №. 31, 1961
- Bharati A. The Unity of All Religions: a Critique of H. Syed's Views // The Hindu , 09.10.1961
- Bharati A. Cultural Criticism as a Tool for Social Studies // Quest, April/June, 1962
- Bharati A. Spiritual vs. Materialistic — a Corrective Analysis // Thought, March '62, p. 12-14, April '63, p. l3-15, 2 pts.
- Bharati A. Sri Bali Perai — the Historical Background of the Dispute about the Vivekananda Rock // The Hindu Weekly Review IX/53, December, 1962. p.4
- Bharati A. Contributions of Indian Thought and Tradition Toward a Human Culture Summary of five lectures // Esperance — Goddard Associates Quarterly III/3, Fall 1962, p. 28ff.
- Bharati A. The Mind-Body Dichotomy and some Psychosomatic Syndromes in Modern India // Thought, XIV/45, 1962. p. 13f.
- Bharati A. In Defense of the Robe: a Rejoinder to Prof. D. McCutchion // Writers Workshop, II, 1962. pp. 47-55.
- Bharati A. Nationalism and Humanism: Two incompatible -isms // Radical Humanist XXVI/32-33, 1962. pp. 381-400
- Bharati A. The Sino-Indian Border Situation and the Indian Student in America // Radical Humanist, M.N. & Ellen Roy Memorial Issue, Vol, XXVII, Nos. 3-5, Calcutta, January 1963. 31-36.
- Bharati A. Critic versus Pandit and Puritanism — Some Reflections on Prof. McCutchion's Essay // Radical Humanist XXVII/6, 1963. p. 65 ff.
- Bharati A. Tongue-Tide — the Battle of Babel (letter to the editor) // Newsweek International, LXI/19, May 12, 13, 14, 1963.
- Bharati A. Tasks before Philosophers and Tasks before Indian Philosophers // Quest №. 37, Spring 1963, 106f
- Bharati A. Coup in Vietnam. (letter to the editor) // Newsweek International, Nov. 25, l963, p. 5,8.
- Bharati A. China, Cuba, and Conflict: Ideology vs. Intellect // Gandhi Marg, Vol. VII/4, New-Delhi, Oct. l963.
- Bharati A. The Ramakrishna Mission of Culture — Thoughts on Prof. McCutchion's statement, // Radical Humanist XXVII/45, Nov. l963, p. 527f.
- Bharati A. A First Appraisal of the Indian Minority in Kenya // Sunday Post, March 22, 1964.
- Bharati A. Die Ansprueche der Logistiker auf die Logik und ihre Geschichtsschreibung" (review , M. Jacoby) // Thought, XVI/24, Jan. 1964, 12-15.
- Bharati A. Prospects of Secularism in India // Radical Humanist XXVIII/38-40, October 1964, Nehru Commemorative Issue, Calcutta, 453ff.
- Bharati A. The Contribution of Hinduism to the Modern World." Interfaith Lecture Series 1964, Wells Express, (Wells College Bulletin), Aurora, NY, January 1965, Vol. LI/5, 16-18.
- Bharati A. Hindu Scholars, Germany, and the Third Reich // Quest, (No. 44), Bombay (India), Jan., March 1965, p. 74-78.
- Bharati A. The Intellectual and Modernity: the Occidental Situation" in two parts // Thought XVII/13-14, 13-17, 12-14, New Delhi, March & April 1965.
- Bharati A. Fringe Reference and Non-Commitment // Writers Workshop, T.S. Eliot Special Issue, Calcutta 1965, 6 pp.
- Bharati A. Problems of Asian Minorities in East Africa // Pakistan Horizon XVII/4, Karachi 1965. Based on Lecture delivered at the Pakistan Institute of International Affairs, Karachi, on August 4, 1964.
- Bharati A. Indo-African Cultural Ties // India News, XV/4, 1965. p.2.
- Bharati A. Decline of Philosophical Thought (review article based on P. Linke's Niedergangserscheinungen) // Thought XVII/34, 1965, p. 14-17.
- Bharati A. Directed 'massification' and the Failure of Philosophy (review article based on G. Schischkoff's Gesteuerte Vermassung // Thought XVII/24, 1965. p. 13-16.
- Bharati A. Humanism 'and' Religion: a Problem of Communication // Radical Humanist, Fall Issue 1965, Calcutta, XXXIX/39-40, 459-61.
- Bharati A. Plurality and Antimony. Cultural Foundations of Spiritual Conflicts (review; Michael Landmann) // Thought XVIII/13, New Delhi, March 1966, p. 15-17.
- Bharati A. M. S. Subbulaxmi and the Karnataka Tradition: Performance and Appreciation in the U.S.A." (review; in Tamil) // Kalki, Madras, 10.30.1966.
- Bharati A. How Sacred is the Sacred Cow? // , Calcutta, 1/12/1967, p.6.
- Bharati A. M. N. Roy, Narcissism and the Anomic Theme in India // Radical Humanist, Calcutta, 1967. pp. 37-38.
- Bharati A. The Sadhu's Jargon: a Note on Indian Anti-Intellectualism // Thought (New-Delhi), January 1967. pp. 11-12
- Bharati A. Dr. Conrad Schwartz and L.S.D." (report) // , February 6, 1967. p. 2.
- Bharati A. The Integration of Behavioral Sciences // Humanist Review, Vol. I/1, Bombay, 1969. 7-30
- Bharati A. Essays on the Caste System (review article; C. Bougle, Cambridge University Press 1971) // Quest No. 28 (Bombay), Sept., Oct. `72, 82-85.
- Bharati A. Serendipity Suddenly Armed: the 1971 SriLanka Insurgence // QUEST 80, January — February 1973, 35-45.
- Bharati A. Ignorant Hindus and Phoney Swamis Abroad // (Holi Special, March 18 1973), Bombay, 22-27.
- Bharati A. Hare Krishna vs Shiva Shiva // . — 17.03.1974.
- Bharati A. The Ontological Status of Psychic Phenomena in Hinduism and Buddhism. // A. Angoff & D. Barth, eds., Parapsychology and Anthropology, (Proceedings of an International conference held in London, U.K., August 29-31, 1975). New York: Parapsychology Foundation, Inc. 223-241).
- Bharati A. Ernest Becker — an Obituary // Maxwell News and Notes (Syracuse), Vol. 10/1, 1975. 10.
- Bharati A. The Anthropology of Hindi Movies // , Bombay: Jan. 30 1977, 24-3l, Feb. 6, 22-27 pp.
- Bharati A. Broad, Noeticness, and other Guentheriana, // Kailash — Journal of Himalayan Studies (Kathmandu, Nepal), V/2, 1977. 185-200 pp.
- Bharati A. Separate Realities: Sense and (mostly) Nonsense // Extra-sensory Ecology: Parapsychology and Anthropology, ed. Joseph K. Long, Metuchen N.J. & London: The Scarecrow Press, 1977. 12-28 pp.
- Bharati A. Nirad Chaudhuri and the Intellectual Content of Hinduism (review article of Chaudhuri's Hinduism: a Religion to Live by, New York: Oxford University Press, and London: Chatto & Windus, l978) // New-Delhi. Aug. 20, 1979, pp. 34-39, Aug. 27.
- Bharati A. Religion for the Thinking Person: an Area of `As If', // New Delhi (New Delhi, India), Oct. 29, 1979, pp. 69-75.
- Bharati A. Sab Azad Sab Barbad: Indian Parents and their American Children // , Nov. 11-17, 1979, Vol. C 32) pp. 27-31.
- Bharati A. Sans-critic! Rejoinder to the critics of Chaudhuri Essay // New-Delhi, Jan. 21, 1980. p. 5.
- Bharati A. The Only Tribe Permanently Settled on Airports // Letter to the Editor, LIFE, June 1980, p. 16.
- Bharati A. Springing Tiger to Himalayan Rishi: the Persistence of the Netaji Bose Legend // New Quest No. 2l, Bombay, May-June 1980, pp. 147-153.
- Bharati A. The Guru Industry // Hindustan Times (Weekly), New-Delhi, March 19, 1981 and Overseas Hindustan Times, Vol. XXVII, No. 12, p. 7-9.
- Bharati A. Bose and the German Indian National Army — an Unexplored Chapter // New Quest No. 26, Pune, March-April, 1981. pp. 73-78.
- Bharati A. The Meaning of a Hindu Temple in the Diaspora // Hindu Temple Society No. 5., Dec. '81, Loudonville, N.Y. 12211, pp. 3-7.
- Bharati A. Fanatics: More Dangerous than Hypocrites? Analysis of Religious Politicization. // Times Higher Education Supplement . Nov. 12, 1982, p. 11.
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- Bharati A. The Life of Marpa the Translator" (review - The Nalanda Translation Group. Boulder: Shambala Publ., l983) // The Vajradhatu Sun, Dec. '83/Jan '84. p. 15.
- Bharati A. Sikhism — a form of Hinduism response to Gopal Alankar // , December 2, 1984, p. 24A
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