Список эпизодов телесериала «Друзья»
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« Безмо́лвный свиде́тель » ( англ. Silent Witness ) — британский детективный сериал. В России демонстрировался каналом Fox Crime . Сериал отличается особой мрачностью расследуемых преступлений, и поэтому не рекомендуется детям до 18 лет, а также слабонервным людям из-за показа вскрытий человеческих тел и их внутренностей.
Полицейским при расследовании убийств помогает команда судмедэскспертов, которые работают в морге. Одной из патологоанатомов является Саманта Райан, человек с большим опытом и сложной судьбой. В её жизни все непросто — сложные отношения с родной сестрой, забота о сумасшедшей матери, а также чувство вины за гибель отца. С 9 сезона концепция телесериала кардинально изменилась, персонажа Саманты Райан заменяет на постоянной основе Никки Александер.
Сезон |
серий |
первой серии |
последней серии |
Дата выхода DVD | ||||
Регион 1 | Регион 2 | Регион 4 | Регион 5 | |||||
8 | 21 февраля 1996 | 3 апреля 1996 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 14 февраля 1997 | 5 апреля 1997 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 19 марта 1998 | 24 апреля 1998 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
6 | 30 мая 1999 | 16 июня 1999 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
6 | 11 декабря 2000 | 20 марта 2001 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 28 сентября 2002 | 27 октября 2002 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 11 октября 2003 | 2 ноября 2003 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 5 сентября 2004 | 26 сентября 2004 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
8 | 25 июня 2005 | 16 сентября 2005 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 16 июля 2006 | 14 августа 2006 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 28 августа 2007 | 25 сентября 2007 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
12 | 1 октября 2008 | 6 ноября 2008 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 7 января 2010 | 5 февраля 2010 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 3 января 2011 | 1 февраля 2011 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
12 | 1 апреля 2012 | 20 августа 2012 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 10 января 2013 | 8 февраля 2013 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 2 января 2014 | 31 января 2014 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 6 января 2015 | 3 февраля 2015 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
10 | 4 января 2016 | 2 февраля 2016 | н/д | н/д | н/д | н/д | ||
20 | 10 | 2 января 2017 | 31 января 2017 | |||||
21 | 10 | 8 января 2018 | 7 февраля 2018 | |||||
22 | 10 | 8 января 2019 | 5 февраля 2019 | |||||
23 | 10 | 7 января 2020 | 4 февраля 2020 | |||||
24 | 10 | 6 сентября 2021 | 5 октября 2021 | |||||
25 | 6 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
1-2 (1-2x01) |
Погребённая ложь
( англ. Buried Lies ) |
Гарри Хук | Кевин Худ | 21 и 22 февраля 1996 | |
Саманта исследует причины смерти двух маленьких девочек. Детективы Том Аддамс и Кокс подозревают что обе девочки страдали от жестокого обращения своего отчима. Проблема в том, что за убийство одной из девочек уже осуждён другой человек. | |||||
3-4 (3-4x01) |
Длинные дни, короткие ночи
( англ. Long Days, Short Nights ) |
Майк Баркер | Эшли Фароа | Колин Сэлмон и Эмили Мортимер | 28 и 29 февраля 1996 |
Убит молодой повеса Марк Джеймс. Главным подозреваемым в убийстве становится богатый наследник Себастьян Бёрд. Вскоре происходит убийство ещё одного знакомого Бёрда. Несмотря на то что Аддамс и Кокс уверены в его вине, расследование Саманты приводит к шокирующим результатам. | |||||
5-6 (5-6x01) |
Видимая тьма
( англ. Darkness Visible ) |
Ноэлла Смит | Эшли Фароа |
Кен Стотт
Филип Гленистер
и Брендан Койл |
13 и 14 марта 1996 |
В полицейском изоляторе погибает арестант. Главным подозреваемым в убийстве становится его сокамерник, но Саманта уверена что преступление совершил полицейский. Это вызывает раскол между полицией и службой патологоанатомов, а также грозит привести к большому скандалу. Саманте необходимо определиться с будущем, так как любимый мужчина предлагает ей уехать с ним из Великобритании. | |||||
7-8 (7-8x01) |
Грехи отцов
( англ. Sins of the Fathers ) |
Бен Болт | Кевин Худ | 2 и 3 апреля 1996 | |
Одна из учениц Саманты, молодая вьетнамка становится фигуранткой дела об убийстве своего жениха. А в это время конфликт в семействе Райан достигает своего пика. В итоге трагедии избежать не удаётся, и Аддамс винит во всём Саманту. | |||||
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
9-10 (1-2x02) |
Кровь, пот и слёзы
( англ. Blood, Sweat and Tears ) |
Джулиан Джаральд | Джон Милн | Идрис Эльба и Бэрри Джексон | 14 и 15 февраля 1997 |
Саманта хоронит мать и вместе с сестрой занимается вопросом наследства. Констебль Фармер и детектив Аддамс больше не работают в отделе. Вместе с инспектором Скоттом, Саманта расследует странную смерть боксёра и последующее убийство его тренера. | |||||
11-12 (3-4x02) |
Уход перед закатом
( англ. Cease upon the Midnight ) |
Кэтрин Моршад | Джон Милн | 28 февраля и 1 марта 1997 | |
На стол к Саманте попадает тело Стюарта Эванса, умершего на следующий день после своего 40-летия от "неожиданного дыхательноно спазма". Эванс был болен СПИДом и завещал своё тело науке. Во время вскрытия Саманта обнаруживает след от инъекции. А также во рту обнаружены семена. | |||||
13-14 (5-6x02) |
Только одиночество
( англ. Only the Lonely ) |
Ник Лафланд | Джиллиан Ричмонд | 21- 22 марта 1997 | |
15-16 (7-8x02) |
Такие друзья
( англ. Friends Like These ) |
Ричрд Сайни | Питер Ллойд | Кевин Бишоп | 4- 5 апреля 1997 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
17-18 (1-2x03) |
Академическое упражнение
( англ. An Academic Exercise ) |
Джонас Гримас | Тони МакХейл | 19- 20 марта 1998 | |
Sam is shaken when she has to look into the death of a very dear friend, Dr. Annabelle Evans, a Cambridge professor. She was found in her home, badly beaten in what appears to be a botched burglary attempt. | |||||
19-20 (3-4x03) |
Падший идол
( англ. Fallen Idol ) |
Алекс Пилай | Гвинет Хьюз | Лесли Мэнвилл | 2- 3 апреля 1998 |
21-22 (5-6x03) |
Круговая порука
( англ. Divided Loyalties ) |
Билл Андерсен | Ниал Леонард | 16- 17 апреля 1998 | |
23-24 (7-8x03) |
Братья по оружию
( англ. Brothers in Arms ) |
Йен Нокс | Джон Милн | Элизабет Беррингтон | 23- 24 апреля 1998 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
25-26 (1-2x04) |
Завтра тебя не будет
( англ. Gone Tomorrow ) |
Мэттью Эванс | Ниал Леонард | 30-31 мая 1999 | |
27-28 (3-4x04) |
Такое правосудие
( англ. A Kind of Justice ) |
Ричард Сайни | Питер Ллойд | Аден Гиллет | 8-9 июня 1999 |
29-30 (5-6x04) |
Загадка неопознанного тела
( англ. A Good Body ) |
Дэвид Такер | Джей Си Уилшер | Джек Ди | 15-16 июня 1999 |
Sam is reunited with newly promoted DCI Michael Connor when they investigate a fire in a cinema. Sam manages to identify all but one of the 12 victims, body #10. As she gathers more information, including the use of a facial reconstruction, she comes to believe that body #10 is in fact someone who was supposed to have been killed years before and for which Chris Caldwell was convicted of murder. | |||||
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
31-32 (1-2x05) |
Кругосветное путешествие
( англ. The World Cruise ) |
Коки Гедройц | Тони МакХейл | Ричард Тодд и Роберт Арден | 11-12 декабря 2000 |
When twin brothers Jake and Henry Davies are found dead in their home, the police initially suspect robbery, as the elderly gentlemen were known to keep large sums of cash in the house. | |||||
33-34 (3-4x05) |
( англ. Two Below Zero ) |
Роб Эванс | Том Нихэм | Энтони Хэд | 12-13 февраля 2001 |
35-36 (5-6x05) |
( англ. Faith ) |
Пол Анвин | Стивен Брэйди |
Кэтрин Хантер
Филип Джексон
и Джон Касл |
19-20 марта 2001 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
37-38 (1-2x06) |
( англ. The Fall Out ) |
Коки Гедройц | Тони МакХейл | Патерсон Джозеф | 28-29 сентября 2002 |
Sam assists the police in the investigation of a multi-vehicle collision that results in the death of eleven people. She is joined by two new colleagues: Dr. Leo Dalton, an experienced pathologist from Sheffield, and Dr. Harry Cunningham, a new trainee pathologist who has just graduated from university. | |||||
39-40 (3-4x06) |
Убить семью
( англ. Kith and Kill ) |
Рэни Рай | Питер Ллойд | Бен Кромптон и Рассел Тови | 5-6 октября 2002 |
41-42 (5-6x06) |
Не рассказывайте сказок
( англ. Tell No Tales ) |
Джон Дати | Аврил Рассел | Бенедикт Камбербэтч | 19-20 октября 2002 |
43-44 (7-8x06) |
Сомкнутые ряды
( англ. Closed Ranks ) |
Пол Вроблевски | Тони МакХейл | 26-27 октября 2002 | |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
45-46 (1-2x07) |
Ответный огонь
( англ. Answering Fire ) |
Николас Рентон | Дасти Хьюз | Дебора Финдли | 11-12 октября 2003 |
When a suspected terrorist attack causes an explosion at a hotel, the death of a highly respected government minister appears to be the key to the motive behind the attack. | |||||
47-48 (3-4x07) |
Роковая ошибка
( англ. Fatal Error ) |
Рэнни Рай | Майкл Кромптон | 18-19 октября 2003 | |
49-50 (5-6x07) |
Забег в никуда
( англ. Running on Empty ) |
Джон Ист | Эд Уайтмор | Кэтрин Келли | 25-26 октября 2003 |
51-52 (7-8x07) |
Хуже вины
( англ. Beyond Guilt ) |
Рэнни Рай | Майкл Кромптон | Дэниел Кейси и Тим Плестер | 1-2 ноября 2003 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
53-54 (1-2x08) |
Время исцелять
( англ. A Time to Heal ) |
Эшли Пирс | Стивен Брейди | Дара О’Мэлли | 5-6 сентября 2004 |
When the bodies of two men are exposed during a landslide in Ireland, Sam is forced to make a long overdue painful journey home. The subsequent investigation suggests the pair died during the sectarian violence of the 1970s. | |||||
55-56 (3-4x08) |
Смерть в воде
( англ. Death by Water ) |
Патрик Лау | Дасти Хьюз |
Антон Лессер
Кейт Флитвуд
Дэвид Хэрвуд и Филлис Логан |
12-13 сентября 2004 |
57-58 (5-6x08) |
Быстро в никуда
( англ. Nowhere Fast ) |
Дэнни Хиллер | Ричард Холланд | Рамон Тикарам | 19-20 сентября 2004 |
59-60 (7-8x08) |
Двадцать первый труп
( англ. Body 21 ) |
Дуглас Маккинон | Майкл Кромптон | Эдди Марсан | 25-26 сентября 2004 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
61-62 (1-2x09) |
( англ. Ghosts ) |
Ричард Сигни | Тони МакХейл | Лиам Гэрриган | 25-26 июня 2005 |
Leo receives devastating news from home – his wife and daughter have been involved in a hit-and-run accident, prompting him to set off for Sheffield immediately. Meanwhile, Nikki is called out to a river when the bodies of two unidentified women are discovered, both shot in an execution-style. | |||||
63-64 (3-4x09) |
( англ. Choices ) |
Энди Хей | Дуг Милбурн | Фрима Аджимен и Джон Макинери | 1-2 августа 2005 |
65-66 (5-6x09) |
Смысл смерти
( англ. The Meaning of Death ) |
Брин Хиггинс | Ридиан Брук |
Велибор Топич
Лео Билл
Рори Киннир |
8 и 10 августа 2005 |
67-68 (7-8x09) |
Душа и тело
( англ. Mind and Body ) |
Ричард Сайни | Джефф Пови | 15-16 сентября 2005 | |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
69-70 (1-2x10) |
( англ. Cargo ) |
Майкл Оффер | Дуг Милборн | 16-17 июля 2006 | |
Four bodies are found in the Thames after a boat full of illegal immigrants founders. Realising they are dealing with a people-trafficking operation gone disastrously wrong, Leo, Harry and Nikki set out to discover if there are any survivors - or any other deaths - while also delving into the victims' past. | |||||
71-72 (3-4x10) |
Конечная остановка
( англ. Terminus ) |
Олрик Райли | Джефф Пови | 23-24 июля 2006 | |
73-74 (5-6x10) |
Большое творение
( англ. A Body of Work ) |
Мартин Френд | Ридиан Брук | Линда Торсон | 30-31 июля 2006 |
75-76 (7-8x10) |
( англ. Supernova ) |
Филипп Лэнгдейл | Пол Фарелл |
Тэмсин Эгертон
Джон Макинери
и Наталия Киллс |
6-7 августа 2006 |
77-78 (9-10x10) |
( англ. Schism ) |
Николас Рентон | Кристиан Спурье | Джозеф Моул и Джемайма Рупер | 13-14 августа 2006 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
79-80 (1-2x11) |
( англ. Apocalypse ) |
Maurice Phillips | Стивен Дэвис | Джулиан Гловер и Хизер Блисдейл | 28-29 августа 2007 |
Harry and Nikki are called to investigate when an RAF helicopter crashes into a detention centre for failed asylum seekers, shortly after appearing at a nearby airshow, which both Harry and Nikki were attending. | |||||
81-82 (3-4x11) |
Страдающие дети
( англ. Suffer the Children ) |
Брендан Махер | Грег Диннер | Майкл Бирн | 3-4 сентября 2007 |
83-84 (5-6x11) |
Клятва Гиппократа
( англ. Hippocratic Oath ) |
Diarmuid Lawrence | Тони МакХейл | Наташа Литтл и Джейми Паркер | 10-11 сентября 2007 |
85-86 (7-8x11) |
Тебе слабо!
( англ. Double Dare ) |
Maurice Phillips | Майкл Кромптон | Хьюго Спир и Анна Винг | 17-18 сентября 2007 |
87-88 (9-10x11) |
Периферическое зрение
( англ. Peripheral Vision ) |
Брюс Гудисон | Кристиан Спурье | Арчи Панджаби и Джим Картер | 24-25 сентября 2007 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
89-80 (1-2x12) |
( англ. Safe ) |
Сьюзан Талли | Тимати Прейгер | Дэниел Калуя и Эмел Амин | 1-2 октября 2008 |
Nikki investigates the murder of a teenage girl, who fell from a ride at a funfair after being brutally raped and stabbed and suspects the killing may have been part of a gang initiation. Meanwhile, Leo finds himself doing community service after getting caught drink driving and is first on the scene when an attack takes place where he's working. | |||||
91-92 (3-4x12) |
На пороге смерти
( англ. Death's Door ) |
Даермуид Лоренс | Стивен Дэвис | Нил Даджен и Фил Дэвис | 8-9 октября 2008 |
93-94 (5-6x12) |
( англ. Terror ) |
Алекс Пилай | Майкл Кромптон | Шон Дули и Майкл Хиггс | 15-16 октября 2008 |
95-96 (7-8x12) |
( англ. Judgement ) |
Diarmuid Lawrence | Кристиан Спурье | Рис Ричи | 22-23 октября 2008 |
97-98 (9-10x12) |
Пропавший ребёнок
( англ. The Lost Child ) |
Дуди Эппелтон | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл | 29-30 октября 2008 | |
99-100 (11-12x12) |
В поисках Рейчел
( англ. Finding Rachel ) |
Майкл Кромптон | Тим Файвелл | Роберт Пью и Кевин Дойл | 5-6 ноября 2008 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
101-102 (1-2x13) |
( англ. Intent ) |
Удаян Прасад | Тимати Прейгер | Рут Шин | 7-8 января 2010 |
Harry and Nikki are tasked to investigate the death of insurance investigator William Byfield, who appears to have committed suicide by suffocating from fumes from an exhaust pipe piped into his car. | |||||
103-104 (3-4x13) |
( англ. Voids ) |
Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Эд Уайтмор | Дебора Финдли | 14-15 января 2010 |
105-106 (5-6x13) |
( англ. Run ) |
Сьюзан Талли | Эндрю Холден | Алек Ньюман | 21-22 января 2010 |
107-108 (7-8x13) |
( англ. Shadows ) |
Фаррен Блэкбёрн | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл |
Логан Филлис
Анн Чанселлор
и Иэн Гелдер |
28-29 января 2010 |
109-110 (9-10x13) |
( англ. Home ) |
Paul Wilmshurst | Майкл Кромптон | 4-5 февраля 2010 | |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
111-112 (1-2x14) |
Преступный умысел
( англ. A Guilty Mind ) |
Сьюзан Талли | Тимати Прейгер | Сорча Кьюсак | 3-4 января 2011 |
The day after Professor Silverlake, a consultant neurologist at the Dartmouth London hospital, raised his voice at three patients for smoking and drinking on the premises, all three are found murdered in their hospital beds. | |||||
113-114 (3-4x14) |
( англ. Lost ) |
Anthony Byrne | Ричард Дэвидсон | 10-11 января 2011 | |
115-116 (5-6x14) |
Первая боевая потеря
( англ. First Casualty ) |
Keith Boak | Майкл Кромптон и Oliver Brown | Саймон Джозетт | 17-18 января 2011 |
117-118 (7-8x14) |
Кровное родство
( англ. Bloodlines ) |
Дуди Эппелтон | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл | Джулиан Гловер и Лили Бордан | 24-25 января 2011 |
119-120 (9-10x14) |
Блудный сын
( англ. The Prodigal ) |
Джеймс Стронг | Майкл Кромптон | Мэттью Макналти и Дерек де Линт | 31 января-1 февраля 2011 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
121-122 (1-2x15) |
Смерть не властна
( англ. Death Has No Dominion ) |
Andy Hay | Эд Уайтмор | Шелли Конн и Риган Винсент | 1-2 апреля 2012 |
The team attend a triple murder at a farmhouse, where the investigating detective, DI Connie James, wastes no time making her presence felt. The pathologists soon make a breakthrough when DNA found at the scene matches that of a mysterious female serial killer – although Nikki has cause to question the direction they are heading in. | |||||
123-124 (3-4x15) |
Семейный конфликт
( англ. Domestic ) |
Anthony Byrne | Ричард Дэвидсон | Меган Прескотт | 8-9 апреля 2012 |
125-126 (5-6x15) |
Потерянный рай
( англ. Paradise Lost ) |
Edward Bennett | Stephen Davis | Джеймс Космо | 15-16 апреля 2012 |
127-128 (7-8x15) |
( англ. Redhill ) |
Andy Hay | Эд Уайтмор | Джульет Обри и Лео Грегори | 22-23 апреля 2012 |
129-130 (9-10x15) |
( англ. Fear ) |
Майк Баркер | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл | Тамзин Аутуэйт и Том Эллис | 29-30 апреля 2012 |
131-132 (11-12x15) |
И тогда я влюбилась
( англ. And Then I Fell in Love ) |
Keith Boak | Тимати Прейгер | Сэм Тротон и Элиес Габел | 19-20 августа 2012 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
133-134 (1-2x16) |
( англ. Change ) |
Anthony Byrne | Тимати Прейгер | Тим Пиготт-Смит | 10-11 января 2013 |
Michael Trenter, his business advisor, seems keen to conceal Briggs’ murky private life from the press, as it threatens to devalue the "family brand." Briggs' brother, Philip, is shocked to learn that Briggs has left control of the company to his estranged daughter, Geraldine, who ponders on the reason for her involvement. | |||||
135-136 (3-4x16) |
( англ. Trust ) |
Ричард Дэвидсон | Ричард Кларк | 17-18 января 2013 | |
137-138 (5-6x16) |
Настоящая любовь
( англ. True Love Waits ) |
Эд Уайтмор & Tracey Malone | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Кристина Коул | 24-25 января 2013 |
139-140 (7-8x16) |
( англ. Legacy ) |
Stephen Gallagher | Дэвид Ричардс | 31 января-1 февраля 2013 | |
141-142 (9-10x16) |
Великая любовь
( англ. Greater Love ) |
Дуглас Макиннон | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл | Сэм Хэзелдайн | 7-8 февраля 2013 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
143-144 (1-2x17) |
( англ. Commodity ) |
Тимати Прейгер | Тимати Прейгер | 2-3 января 2014 | |
Top-flight footballer Isaac Dreyfus' days at the top are numbered when a sex tape links him to the brutal murder of a young woman, threatening to destroy his reputation and marriage. Nikki struggles to come to terms with Leo's death following the arrival of the new Lyell Centre boss, pathologist Thomas Chamberlain. | |||||
145-146 (3-4x17) |
Решающий удар
( англ. Coup de Grace ) |
Ричард Дэвидсон | Graham Mitchell | Тобайас Мензис | 9-10 января 2014 |
147-148 (5-6x17) |
В уединенном месте
( англ. In a Lonely Place ) |
Craig Viveiros | Эд Уайтмор & Tracey Malone | 16-17 января 2014 | |
149-150 (7-8x17) |
( англ. Undertone ) |
Николас Рентон | Эд Уайтмор & Tracey Malone | 23-24 января 2014 | |
151-152 (9-10x17) |
( англ. Fraternity ) |
Dusan Lazarevic | Graham Mitchell | Хейдн Гуинн | 30-31 января 2014 |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
153-154 (1-2x18) |
Гнездо снайпера
( англ. Sniper's Nest ) |
Дэвид Ричардс | Эд Уайтмор | Пол Блэкуэлл | 6-7 января 2015 |
Nikki and Jack investigate when a sniper randomly picks off three people in a petrol station car park. As Jack tries to identify the weapon, a fourth victim is found nearby, having been shot at the wheel of her car. | |||||
155-156 (3-4x18) |
Падшие ангелы
( англ. Falling Angels ) |
Craig Viveiros | Graham Mitchell | 12-13 января 2015 | |
157-158 (5-6x18) |
( англ. Protection ) |
Daniel O'Hara | Тимати Прейгер | 19-20 января 2015 | |
159-160 (7-8x18) |
Квадратура круга
( англ. Squaring the Circle ) |
Marek Losey | Matthew Arlidge | 26-27 января 2015 | |
161-162 (9-10x17) |
Один из нас
( англ. One of Our Own ) |
David Drury | Tom Butterworth и Chris Hurford | 2-3 февраля 2015 | |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
163-164 (1-2x19) |
После грехопадения
( англ. After the Fall ) |
David Drury | Эд Уайтмор | Эрион Бакаре | 4-5 января 2016 |
When terminally ill DJ Max Walsh is found dead in his bath, a case which the team initially dismiss as suicide turns out to be something much more sinister, when the post-mortem uncovers traits similar to a case that Nikki previously dealt with three months ago. | |||||
165-166 (3-4x19) |
( англ. Flight ) |
Richard Senior | Graham Mitchell | 11-12 января 2016 | |
167-168 (5-6x19) |
Пожизненное заключение
( англ. Life Licence ) |
Майк Эверест | Tom Butterworth & Chris Hurford | Ллойд Оуэн и Линдси Маршал | 18-19 января 2016 |
169-170 (7-8x19) |
На виду
( англ. In Plain Sight ) |
Keith Boak | Matthew Arlidge & Tracey Malone | Даниэла Денби-Эш | 25-26 января 2016 |
171-172 (9-10x19) |
Берег реки
( англ. River's Edge ) |
Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Эд Уайтмор | 1-2 февраля 2016 | |
Номер | Название | Режиссёр | Сценарий | Приглашённые актёры | Дата премьеры |
173-174 (1-2x20) |
( англ. Identity ) |
Stewart Svaasand | Тимати Прейгер | 2-3 января 2017 | |
The team are drawn into the murky world of illegal immigration when they are asked to analyse a lone, single severed finger which has been sent to asylum seeker Akka Khoury. She suspects the finger may belong to her mother, who is missing. | |||||
175-176 (3-4x20) |
( англ. Discovery ) |
Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Эд Уайтмор | Саския Ривз | 9-10 января 2017 |
177-178 (5-6x20) |
( англ. Remembrance ) |
Ричард Дэвидсон | Graham Mitchell | Харрис Дикинсон | 16 и 18 января 2017 |
179-180 (7-8x20) |
( англ. Covenant ) |
David Drury | Ричард Дэвидсон | 23-24 января 2017 | |
181-182 (9-10x20) |
( англ. Awakening ) |
Дуди Эппелтон | Дуди Эппелтон и Джим Кибл | Ракель Кэссиди | 30-31 января 2017 |
№ | Название | Режиссёр | Автор сценария | Дата премьеры |
Зрители UK
(млн) |
183 | « Moment of Surrender - Part 1 » | Charles Palmer | Ed Whitmore | 8 января 2018 | 9.41 |
Haunted by her experiences in Mexico, Nikki Alexander struggles to come to terms with life back home. While on leave, she seeks out fellow pathologist Sally Vaughan for support. However, a few days later, and troubled by Sally's failure to return her calls, Nikki heads over to her house only to find that it has become a crime scene, and Sally is nowhere to be found. NCA Investigator Guy Bernhard tasks Nikki to help him by employing the chief suspect in Sally's disappearance, pathologist David Cannon ( ), at the Lyell. As a result, and to Jack and Clarissa's surprise, Nikki returns to the Lyell early with David in tow. As Jack, Clarissa and Thomas share concerns about Nikki's wellbeing, a body is found in a reservoir, uncovering the mystery of a 16-year-old murder case. | |||||
184 | « Moment of Surrender - Part 2 » | Charles Palmer | Ed Whitmore | 9 января 2018 | 9.07 |
Nikki's suspicions about David Cannon are aroused further when she discovers blood in the boot of his car. With Thomas's support, she takes samples to process - does it belong to Sally Vaughn? The uncovering of a family murder from the past shines the spotlight on three people who went to the same school. |
185 | « Duty of Candour - Part 1 » | Destiny Ekaragha | Matthew Arlidge | 15 января 2018 | 8.86 |
Nikki and Jack deal with their feelings post-Mexico in very different ways. Jack is boxing with his sparring partner, DCI Naomi Silva, when he is called to a crime scene. While Nikki is busy examining the body of a young woman Karen Sawyers, Jack is surprised to find the SIO on the case is Naomi Silva. The first prime suspect, Karen's husband Pete, is found covered in blood and clearly suffering. The forensic evidence leads the team to a cosmetic clinic, where a pregnant Karen had been receiving various treatments seemingly free of charge. Nikki and Silva soon become frustrated when Simon Laing, the CEO of Hamilton Ashe hospital, blocks their access to Karen's medical records. However, when a second body is found, and all evidence leads back to Hamilton Ashe, Laing is forced to help the team. Meanwhile, when Thomas's daughter Rosie unexpectedly turns up at the Lyell, Thomas has to deal with a more complex role... being a father. | |||||
186 | « Duty of Candour - Part 2 » | Destiny Ekaragha | Matthew Arlidge | 16 января 2018 | 8.34 |
Nikki comes face to face with CEO Simon Laing when it becomes apparent that the motive for the murders may have been blackmail. When the team finds that the hospital computer database has been hacked, Clarissa and Max follow the forensic clues to a teenage hacker called Splinter. However, the danger grows much closer to home when Nikki receives a threatening text with a picture of Thomas's daughter Rosie. | |||||
187 | « A Special Relationship - Part 1 » | Diarmuid Goggins | Graham Mitchell | 22 января 2018 | 8.71 |
Diplomat Ryan Reed is watching the US ambassador on a late-night current affairs show. But as he heads home, he is seemingly targeted by a biker. Led by SIO DCI Ben Solomon, the Lyell team arrives at the scene to find Reed's body posed - sitting upright on a bench with his hand tucked inside his jacket. An argument quickly ensues between the Police and the US Embassy staff, who claim the murder falls under their jurisdiction. The Lyell team fight against the bureaucracy of the FBI, aided only by the US Chief of Mission, Matt Garcia. However, when Matt goes missing, Nikki is disturbed. Might Matt be the next target? | |||||
188 | « A Special Relationship - Part 2 » | Diarmuid Goggins | Graham Mitchell | 23 января 2018 | 8.29 |
Nikki is still in shock when the team arrives at Matt's residence but, determined to help, she insists on returning to the Lyell. When analysing crime scene photos and the positions of the victims' bodies, Nikki quickly spots a pattern. | |||||
189 | « One Day - Part 1 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Timothy Prager | 29 января 2018 | 8.59 |
Two care home staff, Patrick Flannery and Tillie Maddox, burst out of Kingscote Bows Residential Care Home - a facility for those with physical disabilities - chasing resident Kevin McDowd. He is forcibly restrained as his friend Serena Prentice watches the scene from a window of the home. Meanwhile, Nikki and Jack arrive at the site of a car crash, where a female driver lost control of her car. There they meet PC Button, who is running the investigation and claims to know Nikki from a previous case. Forensic evidence links the car driver to the Kingscote Bows Residential Care Home - and Button realises that he may have to inform the next of kin of her death - Kevin. It becomes clear that things are not all they seem at Kingscote Bows. Believing that he must take matters into his own hands, Kevin escapes - and takes Serena with him, prompting a manhunt across London. | |||||
190 | « One Day - Part 2 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Timothy Prager | 30 января 2018 | 8.73 |
Determined to find out the truth about Kingscote Bows, and unbeknownst to the rest of the Lyell team, Clarissa rents a room there. She is shocked to see the body of resident Dorothy Williams being removed when she had seemed fine just the day before. Clarissa sneaks into Dorothy's old room to investigate when the coast is clear - unknowingly putting herself in grave danger. Will her partner in crime, Jack, be able to rescue her in time? | |||||
191 | « Family - Part 1 » | Colin Teague | Michael Crompton | 5 февраля 2018 | 8.77 |
It is Christmas morning, and Nikki is awaiting a call from Matt, who is back in the States. Instead, she receives a call to say that the team is needed: a family has been massacred at an enormous property owned by Andy McMorris, the CEO of a haulage company. Greeted by SIO DI Gibbs, Nikki is first on the scene whilst Clarissa is connected to the action via screens and microphones back at the Lyell. Having left his father to celebrate Christmas without him, Jack is just arriving to join them when a gunshot suddenly rings out. With Gibbs lying on the floor with a life-threatening injury, the team realise that the shooter might still be on the grounds. Are they also in danger? | |||||
192 | « Family - Part 2 » | Colin Teague | Michael Crompton | 7 февраля 2018 | 8.71 |
As the truth behind the McMorris family is revealed, the team is brought together by the conclusion of a shocking Christmas family tragedy. Reuniting with their respective families, Nikki finds her secret Santa gift is a visit from a loved one. |
№ | Название | Режиссёр | Автор сценария | Дата премьеры |
Зрители UK
(млн) |
193 | « Two Spirits - Part 1 » | Diarmuid Goggins | Graham Mitchell | 8 января 2019 | 8.70 |
Nikki and the Lyell unit are called in to investigate an attack against a transgender man. | |||||
194 | « Two Spirits - Part 2 » | Diarmuid Goggins | Graham Mitchell | 9 января 2019 | 8.44 |
A mistake has been made during the course of the investigation, and Thomas is targeted as a scapegoat. | |||||
195 | « Lift Up Your Hearts - Part 1 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Timothy Prager | 14 января 2019 | 8.62 |
After a teenager is killed in an explosion the drug ring to which it is linked uncovers the dark underbelly of the community in which it has been operating. | |||||
196 | « Lift Up Your Hearts - Part 2 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Timothy Prager | 15 января 2019 | 8.44 |
Noah is put on a collision course with the criminals behind the drugs. | |||||
197 | « To Brighton, to Brighton - Part 1 » | Dominic Leclerc | Michael Crompton | 21 января 2019 | 8.86 |
The Lyell team are summoned to a waste dump in Brighton where a body part has been found. The search is on to recover the other remains. | |||||
198 | « To Brighton, to Brighton - Part 2 » | Dominic Leclerc | Michael Crompton | 22 января 2019 | 8.77 |
The team must painstakingly piece together the evidence and unearth the connections between a diverse range of suspects. | |||||
199 | « Death Maker - Part 1 » | Marteinn Thorisson | 28 января 2019 | 8.65 | |
A shocking incident on a suburban street brings back painful memories for Jack, forcing him to revisit his past. | |||||
200 | « Death Maker - Part 2 » | Mary Nighy | Marteinn Thorisson | 29 января 2019 | 8.60 |
During the team's search for the killer, Jack works alongside an old friend from Northern Ireland, and they uncover a complex conflict. | |||||
201 | « Betrayal - Part 1 » | Emma Sullivan | Virginia Gilbert & Michael Crompton | 4 февраля 2019 | 8.56 |
Nikki is humiliated in court when a barrister accuses her of making a serious error in the case of a policeman who may or may not have been murdered. | |||||
202 | « Betrayal - Part 2 » | Emma Sullivan | Virginia Gilbert & Michael Crompton | 5 февраля 2019 | 8.50 |
When Thomas sides against her findings on a controversial case, Nikki suspects foul play and takes steps to prove her theory. It turns out that lab assistant Alice has switched two corpses' hearts and falsified Nikki's reports to get her father released. Meanwhile the Lyell team solves another case, in which a team of pharmaceutical researchers is secretly testing a new drug on themselves, leading to an accidental death and then a murder. |
№ | Название | Режиссёр | Автор сценария | Дата премьеры |
Зрители UK
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203 | « Deadhead - Part 1 » | Julia Ford | Graham Mitchell | 7 января 2020 | 9.43 |
204 | « Deadhead - Part 2 » | Julia Ford | Graham Mitchell | 8 января 2020 | 8.93 |
205 | « Close to Home - Part 1 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Ed Whitmore | 13 января 2020 | 8.61 |
206 | « Close to Home - Part 2 » | Thaddeus O'Sullivan | Ed Whitmore | 15 января 2020 | 8.29 |
207 | « Seven Times - Part 1 » | Kate Saxon | Timothy Prager | 20 января 2020 | 8.37 |
208 | « Seven Times - Part 2 » | Kate Saxon | Timothy Prager | 21 января 2020 | 8.14 |
209 | « Hope - Part 1 » | Tracey Larcombe | Lena Rae | 27 января 2020 | 8.59 |
210 | « Hope - Part 2 » | Tracey Larcombe | Lena Rae | 28 января 2020 | 8.45 |
211 | « The Greater Good - Part 1 » | Dominic Leclerc | Michael Crompton | 3 февраля 2020 | 8.34 |
212 | « The Greater Good - Part 2 » | Dominic Leclerc | Michael Crompton | 5 февраля 2020 | 7.51 |
№ | Название | Режиссёр | Автор сценария | Дата премьеры |
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213 | « Redemption - Part 1 » | Lena Rae | 6 сентября 2021 | 8.16 | |
Following a riot at Haworth Prison, Jay Selwyn is found dead in a food freezer. Upon arrival, Nikki Alexander has flashbacks when seeing another prisoner, Scott Weston, who was responsible for a shooting at her university ten years prior. Selwyn’s cause of death is deemed natural due to hypothermia, but Nikki and Hodgson later discover other signs that could imply otherwise. Meanwhile, detective inspector Dan Mason questions other prisoners about Jay, and is pointed to Lewis Harvey, who claims Jay was in debt to him, but doesn’t elaborate further. Weston’s mother, Pamela, fights against her son’s chances of getting an appeal, something that has caused division in her local community. Mason learns from Jay’s supervisor that he had hidden him in the freezer during the riot so he wouldn’t be beaten by other prisoners, but must have forgotten to let him out early enough. Nikki discovers shoe marks on Jay’s stomach and uses it to halt Weston’s appeal hearing. Mason warns her afterwards to not try to blame the crimes on Weston alone. Pamela Weston later perishes in a house fire. | |||||
214 | « Redemption - Part 2 » | Gordon Anderson | Lena Rae | 7 сентября 2021 | 7.56 |
With the investigation into Pamela Weston’s death under way, Mason turns the focus towards Weston’s girlfriend, Paisley Robertson ( Evanna Lynch ), who was his only contact in the outside world. Despite her having a motive for killing his mother, there’s not enough evidence to put her on the scene. Nikki determines that Pamela was killed before the fire was started, and Hodgson figures that there were two fires started and they never met. Nikki and Hodgson scour through Jay’s belongings for a second time, and discover cream containing bee venom, which he was allergic to. Initially Mason thinks it could have been Jay’s brother Henry who planned to break him out of prison via the hospital he worked at, but Nikki later learns that it was their mother Dionne’s idea. While looking through a burner phone that was found on Pamela’s body, Hodgson and Nikki discover videos of sexual origin of men, supposedly of Jay and Weston. Nikki deduces that one of them was shot in dr. Taylor Lawson’s office due to a noice from the air conditioning. As she and Mason visit Lawson at the prison, another riot breaks out and they are separated. Escaping to the basement with Lawson, Weston arrives and confronts them. Nikki deduces that Lawson exploited Weston and Jay, and that the scratches on his neck was from Pamela when he killed her. Weston tries to stab Lawson, but it backfires. In an attempt to escape, Lawson is cornered by other prisoners led by Lewis Harvey and is beaten up. Upon leaving the prison, Nikki reflects on human nature and the cause for redemption. | |||||
215 | « Bad Love - Part 1 » | Delyth Thomas | Susan Everett | 13 сентября 2021 | 7.38 |
Swimming instructor Laura Jennings is murdered in her home. Nikki Alexander uncovers that she was six weeks pregnant before her death, while Jack Hodgson finds urine traces on her toilet belonging to police detective Ron Radford, with whom DSI Meredith Hughes has prior history with, which she kept disclosed from Alexander and her team before being confronted with it. Nikki learns that Jennings reported a break some time earlier, and her parents accused Hughes of covering for Radford. Jennings’ pregnancy is traced back to bus driver Frank Johnson, who kept a shed of sperm donation for women who required it. Hughes has Radford arrested for installing spyware onto Jennings’ computer, who was his ex-wife. Her last location is discovered by Hodgson, and upon further investigation, traces of flood is found, later accompanied by two bodies buried under the outdoor terrace. Frank Johnson is attacked by the same assailant that attacked Jennings. Hodgson meets Cara, who claims to be his brother Ryan’s daughter, making him uneasy. | |||||
216 | « Bad Love - Part 2 » | Delyth Thomas | Susan Everett | 14 сентября 2021 | 7.28 |
Ron Radford is released on bail, but Meredith Hughes later finds herself arresting him again after Alexander and her team find DNA traces on a baseball bat that was used to attack Frank Johnson. Initially the bodies in the garden doesn’t come through with a match, but Nikki is able to make a facial recondition of both victims and they are identified as Sally and Michael Trask. The case gets complicated when it’s revealed that they migrated to Australia, which is proven false when another couple wears their names. The couple in question are identified as Joanna and Tim Garrick, whom Hughes initially thought were the victims. Nearby CCTV cameras and at the swimming hall shows a young man named Simon Morton following Jennings. He explains during questioning that he didn’t follow Jennings, but Tim Garrick. He has investigated the Garricks on his own after Michael’s mother, Molly, who is in a care home, was the only one left to miss him and his wife. Tim is arrested and Joanna flees with the children to a shoreline, where she attempts suicide by walking into the water. Hodgson, Adam Yeun and Hughes arrive just in time and Hodgson manages to save Joanna. Hodgson allows Cara to stay at his new place along with his father, and manages to convince her that Ryan isn’t a pedophile. Cara later decides to visit Ryan in prison. | |||||
217 | « Reputations - Part 1 » | Gordon Anderson | Pete Hambly | 20 сентября 2021 | 7.13 |
Dr. Arnie Rahul is found murdered in a operation theatre after having taken a break from a surgery. Detective Inspector Ruth Cracknell and Detective Sargent Steve Galloway discover a note with Linda Fletcher’s fingerprints on it, which stemmed from her husband Harry having recently passed away during a surgery conducted by Rahul. Hodgson comes up with a plan to find the bloody scrubs used during Rahul’s murder, which is identified to have been used by cleaner Simi Jacobs. But due to the lack of evidence against him, he’s released, until Nikki Alexander discovers more certain evidence that puts him at the scene. At. Jude’s Hospital Director Emily Braithwaite asks Adam to conduct Harry Fletcher’s autopsy, hoping it would clear Rahul’s name, however his conclusion is that Rahul was incompetent during Fletcher’s surgery, angering her. He also abruptly resigns, revealing that his CV was falsified and keeps his distance from Alexander and Hodgson for a while. Alexander and the investigators become puzzled when it’s specified that Wilfred Okoye’s DNA is found at the murder scene, despite him having actually been under anaesthetic at the time. | |||||
218 | « Reputations - Part 2 » | Gordon Anderson | Pete Hambly | 21 сентября 2021 | 6.87 |
Wilfred Okoye is attempted killed in his hospital bed and Cracknell has him transferred for his own safety. Nikki and Hodgson discovers that Okoye was attempted killed by a syringe with bacteria, which proves enough for him to eventually die. Simi Jacobs arrives to identify Okoye’s body, but prior to his arrival, Hodgson Alexander and Adam, who reluctantly decides to help them after several missed calls from Nikki; deduce that Simi has a bone marrow transplant from Okoye, explaining how his DNA ended up at the crime scene. Jacobs explains to Cracknell that he has bluffed to Rahul in order to get his attention and to hopefully pressure him not to conduct Harry Fletcher’s surgery, arguing it was self defence. The team also learn that Okoye’s village was floated with stem cells from leukaemia, for which he was treated for in the UK. Adam theorises that Braithwaite, who is his god mother, had deliberately planted the stem cells in Okoye’s village in able to have a continuous source to take it from. He, Nikki and Cracknell present this to Braithwaite’s rival, Adrian Cowley of the Cowley Institute, who agrees with their theory. Cracknell and Galloway agree that Braithwaite conspired to kill Rahul, but she is found dead in her own home. Adam later deduces that this was caused by a deliberated lack of flow of oxygen through her air condition. He concludes that Crowley was responsible for it and confronts him. He alerts Alexander and Hodgson to the institute, and is run over by Crowley, who attempts to escape. The police manage to stop him in his tracks and arrest him. Adam dies of his injuries. | |||||
219 | « Brother's Keeper - Part 1 » | Marteinn Thorisson | 27 сентября 2021 | 7.17 | |
A young couple attempt to steal a car when the body of a young man lands on the roof. Jack Hodgson discovers that the man frequented a local gym, and together with Detective Inspector Lisa Brodle, discover that their victim is Kieran Johnson. Nikki Alexander brings in archeologist Simone Tyler to assist with soil and similar traces in their investigation. Hodgson discovers a note in his locker that points them to one of Johnson’s daughter’s stuffed animals, which contains a flash drive. On it is footage of Lee Coogan speaking to boxing sponsor Glen Scowcroft, whom Brodle thinks could have been blackmailed by Johnson. At Johnson’s home, they discover a condom in the bathroom garbage, which was used by Johnson’s brother Noah, who had an affair with Kieran’s wife. Lee is in debt to car washer Vanessa Lloyd, and has his fingers cut off when he fails to pay his debts for his brother Ben to continue fighting in illegal boxing. Hodgson’s brother Ryan is released on parole, but shortly after discovers a gun among his belongings. Ryan in turn confronts him about his paternity tests. Ryan later escapes, steals their father’s money and credit card. Ben Coogan reluctantly continues illegal boxing, but freezes during a match. After leaving, he escapes wounded before being hit by a car against a container. | |||||
220 | « Brother's Keeper - Part 2 » | Paulette Randall | Marteinn Thorisson | 28 сентября 2021 | 6.95 |
Simone Tyler determines that Ben Coogan travelled through several fields, possibly from a nearby farm before stopping where he was killed. Upon further analysis, this is narrowed down to an abandoned farm, where a makeshift boxing ring is discovered. Hodgson deduces that Coogan participated in illegal boxing and that his last match took place at the farm. Once his father’s credit card is used by Ryan, he tracks him down to talk to him. He convinces Cara to come with him, leaving Ryan to his own devices. Jack informs her that he slept with Ryan’s girlfriend about eighteen years ago. His paternity results come back, but he leaves it ambiguous as to who the father is. He also uncovers that Michelle Lafferty took part in illegal boxing and used steroids about thirty years ago. Both she and Lee Coogan are under the impression that Vanessa Lloyd had Ben killed, and decide to take her out, but leave once they spot Hodgson and Brodle arrive to talk to her enforcer, Samuel Kavic. Forensics prove that he killed and dumped Johnson. Lafferty later fights Lloyd in her own gym, before torching the place. Tyler’s inquires determine that the shoes used in Lee’s car come from a construction site near water. While there, Brodle takes chase after Noah Johnson. He arrives home at Teresa’s, where Hodgson is, looking for any other flash drives in the daughter’s stuffed animals. He confronts Noah and informs that forensics clear Ben of murdering Kieran. Noah had a grudge against Ben, and was under the impression that he had killed Kieran, but had instead killed someone innocent. | |||||
221 | « Matters of Life and Death - Part 1 » | Lawrence Till | Michael Crompton | 4 октября 2021 | 7.18 |
Michael Robson’s father dies at a care home under uncertain circumstances. When he learns that he donated his body for medical studies, he protests the decision but can’t do anything as his father already signed off on it before his death. Eight weeks later, Nikki Alexander and her medical students discover unusual signs that would indicate that Robson’s father was murdered. DS Steve Galloway returns to assist with the investigation, but demands concrete evidence for it to hold any merit. One of Alexander’s medical students, Ollie, takes a keen interest in her and invites her to a Halloween Party. While there they end up sleeping together after getting drunk. While investigating the care home, Hodgson bonds with one of the patients, Beattie Elleston. Further investigation reveals that Robson had fentanyl in his body, but died of choking. A storm ravages the country, stranding Nikki at the student party, Hodgson and Simone at the care home and Hodgson’s father at home, where he slips on wet floor. During all the commotion, a care worker, Amrita Naidu, goes missing. | |||||
222 | « Matters of Life and Death - Part 2 » | Lawrence Till | Michael Crompton | 5 октября 2021 | 6.98 |
The morning after the storm, the police discovers and recover Naidu’s caravan. Some time later, her body is discovered in a flooded field. Nikki concludes that she didn’t die due to drowning, and upon further post mortem discovers that she has signs of carbon monoxide poisoning in her lungs. Simone discovers traces of chicken poo under Naidu’s boots, which are traced back to Michael Robson’s farm. He is in the midst of talking to her sister Hannah, who returned to say goodbye to their father. Michael explains how he was never told anything after their mother’s death and how his father refuses to discuss it. He also explains that Naidu helped him, but he couldn’t help her. Hodgson discovers via Nikki’s voicemail that she slept with Ollie, and confronts him, warning him that he’s putting Nikki’s job as risk. With Galloway and Nikki’s arrival at the care home, they discover that another patient, Derek Galton, also has died. Nikki discovers that he died the same way that Robson did, pointing to the same person being responsible. Simone finds traces from a step ladder under Naidu’s fingernails, and her colleague Mary Thorpe, reveals that she hid in the attic, where she died of the fumes from the fireplace. Thorpe had also disposed of her body, while also giving her a second chance as a care worker following the death of a family in Aberdeen . Hodgson’s fingerprints are discovered on the syringe with morphine that was used on Galton, forcing Galloway’s boss to take Hodgson on the investigation. Hodgson, in secret, had put his laptop in Robson’s room with the camera on, capturing the killer, who is revealed to be Beattie Elleston. She tells him that she killed Robson and Derek because they were both in pain and asked her to end their suffering. |
After the series 24 finale, a trailer was shown on BBC1 announcing that Amanda Burton would be reprising her role as Sam Ryan in series 25, consisting of six episodes starting on 23 May 2022. Unlike the previous series’, the twenty fifth series features one story spread over six parts.
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223 | « History - Part 1 » | Bill Anderson | Ed Whitmore | 23 мая 2022 | 7.00 |
Following the murder of the health secretary, the Lyell team are called into assist by Sam Ryan, a forensic pathologist who had worked on the Lyell eighteen years before. Whilst the team are originally happy to help, they slowly become suspicious that Sam has ulterior intentions for calling the team in as the health secretary's death casts light upon their health passport project. Meanwhile, Nikki is shocked when the investigation leads her to another historic face from the past. | |||||
224 | « History - Part 2 » | Bill Anderson | Ed Whitmore | 24 мая 2022 | 6.59 |
As Nikki faces the fall-out of her discovery, she faces difficult decisions between assisting the police and protecting those she loves. Meanwhile Sam continues to fight for her health passport programme despite concerns about data handling and that something sinister hides behind the facade. Nikki makes a shocking discovery that could potentially change the face of forensic science. | |||||
225 | « History - Part 3 » | Tracey Larcombe | Caroline Carver | 30 мая 2022 | 6.26 |
The Lyell team investigate the case of a woman who walks into a police station confessing to the murder of her husband. Despite the police's initial reluctance, they are persuaded that all may not be as it seems. After stealing evidence from the Lyell, Sam continues to protect her new programme even if it requires sacrificing those close to her. Another member of the Lyell team faces issues when a detective on the case turns out to be an old face from the past. | |||||
226 | « History - Part 4 » | Tracey Larcombe | Phil Mulryne | 31 мая 2022 | 6.10 |
Jack returns home after news of his father's deteriorating health conditions. Nikki notices that Sam may have stolen evidence from the Lyell which proves that they are testing illegally producing fake DNA. The team investigate a case that leads them to a farmhouse which places them all in danger as they realise the killer is amongst them. | |||||
227 | « History - Part 5 » | Rob Evans | Alyn Farrow | 6 июня 2022 | 6.12 |
The death of a journalist investigating the DNA fabrication throws up more questions than answers. When tragedy strikes Jomo's family and the Lyell is infiltrated under cover of darkness, Nikki realises they may be next. | |||||
228 | « History - Part 6 » | Rob Evans | Katerina Wilson | 7 июня 2022 | 5.92 |