Interested Article - Deg2DMS

0° 0' 0''



This template converts a positive value to degrees ° ' '' format or to degrees ° minutes m seconds s format (the degree symbol ° is invariant between the two formats).


{{Deg2DMS| positive decimal degrees |p= precision |sup= ms }} .

Parameter p is optional and defaults to 3.
Parameter sup is optional and defaults to not-used, <blank>, or <null>, which produces the apostrophe-format for and arcseconds , by default (1° 2' 3''). It may be activated by "ms", or any text, to produce the m-s-format for arcminutes and arcseconds (1° 2 m 3 s ).

For example:
{{Deg2DMS|266.416837|p=4}} returns 266° 25' 0.6132''.
{{Deg2DMS|266.416837|p=4|sup= }} returns 266° 25' 0.6132''.

{{Deg2DMS|266.416837|p=4|sup=ms}} returns 266° 25 m 0.6132 s .
{{Deg2DMS|266.416837|p=4|sup=no}} returns 266° 25 m 0.6132 s .
{{Deg2DMS|266.416837|p=4|sup=10}} returns 266° 25 m 0.6132 s .

Источник —

Same as Deg2DMS