Interested Article - Oavle

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К изменениям в статье Аборт

В английской статье, в указано, что статья была лишена звания "хорошей" и будет снова выдвинута, если будут выполнен Todo list. Выделяю интересные на данный момент пункты:

  • Properly source the majority of information under "Forms of abortion" and "Health effects."
  • Discuss potential creation of "Abortion in art, literature, and film" section.
  • Более сбалансированный раздел «аборт и психика», чтобы лучше отразить масштаб противоречий в науке и политике. (Create more balanced sub-section on abortion and mental health to better describe scope of controversy in both science and politics).
  • Source and write a sub-section on compulsory abortion for "Social issues" (see for a draft).
  • Add statistics on national abortion rates. Rework the table for "Incidence" (see for a work-in-progress version)
  • Discuss creation of "Historical perspectives" topic under "Abortion debate."
  • Discuss potential summary section of article.
  • Streamline article per . Copyedit to simplify prose and discuss content which could be reduced or removed.
  • CORRECT MAP KEY on main "Abortion Law" page. Right now the dark blue means abortion is illegal in all circumstances and North America, Europe, and Russia are all dark blue (it shows up in the correct colors on the other "Abortion Law" page). ( ) 17:28, 5 November 2010 (UTC)
  • Переписать последнюю часть раздела "Терапевтический аборт". Она оправдывает данный вид абортов с социологической точки зрения на благо уже рожденных детей, но не говорит о тех детях, которые не были рождены первыми. Т.е. не говорит об аборте вместо первой беременности. Rewrite later half of article. It justifies such abortions sociological based on the good of already born children, but does not address the topic as it relates to unborn first children. In other words, the logical justification for therapeutic abortions provided by that article does not address abortions against pregnancies that would result in first children.

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Same as Oavle