Interested Article - Голден, Питер Бенджамин

Питер Бенджамин Голден ( англ. Peter Benjamin Golden , род. в 1941 ) — американский историк , востоковед - тюрколог , исламовед , почётный профессор Рутгерского университета , научный руководитель Центра исследований Ближнего Востока ( Нью-Брансуик ).


Получил степень бакалавра в Queens College Городского университета Нью-Йорка в 1963, а степень магистра и Ph.D. по истории в Колумбийском университете в 1968 и 1970 годах, соответственно .

Является автором обширного перечня книг, статей и других печатных трудов в области тюркологических и центральноазиатских исследований .

Достижения, награды, и профессиональное признание

2005—2006 — член Института перспективных исследований ( Принстон ) ; 2001 — стипендиат Национального гуманитарного фонда ; 1994 — премия Совета попечителей Ратгерского университета за выдающиеся достижения в области научных исследований ; 1989 — избрание почётным членом Türk Dil Kurumu (Общество турецкого языка) .


  • (2006) «Some Thoughts on the Origins of the Turks and the Shaping of the Turkic Peoples» (Book Chapter in Contact and Exchange in the Ancient World )
  • (2006) «Khazarica: Notes on Some Khazar Terms» (Journal Article in Turkic Languages )
  • (2005) «The Khazars and the Kazakhs: New Perspectives» (Book Review in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (2005) «The Turks: A Historical Overview» (Book Chapter in Turks: A Journey of a Thousand Years 600—1600 )
  • (2005) «Review of 'The Indian Diaspora in Central Asia and its Trade, 1550—1900' by Scott C. Levi» (Book Review in Central Eurasian Studies Review )
  • (2005) «The Shaping of the Cuman-Qıpčaqs and Their World: Origins, Migrations, Political and Cultural Interaction» (Conference Paper in Il Codice Cumanico e il suo Mondo )
  • (2004) «Khazar Turkic Ghulâms in Caliphal Service» (Journal Article in Journal asiatique )
  • (2004) «Ascent by Scales; The System of Succession in Kievan Rus' in a Eurasian Context» (Book Chapter in States, Societies, Cultures. East and West. Essays in Honor of Jaroslaw Pelenski , ed. J. Duzinkiewicz, National Academy of Ukraine , European Research Institute and W.K. Lypynsky East European Research Institute, New York, 2004))
  • (2003) «Khazar Turkic Ghulâms in Caliphal Service: Onomastic Notes» (Journal Article in )
  • (2003) Review of «Orientalische Berichte über die Völker Osteuropas und Zentralasiens im Mittelalter: die Gayhani-Tradition» by Hansgerd Göckenjan and István Zimonyi (Book Review in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi)
  • (2003) «Formirovanie kumano-kypchakov» (Journal Article in Materialy po arkheologii , istorii i etnografii Tavrii)
  • (2003) Nomads and their Neighbours in the Russian Steppe. Turks, Khazars and Qipchaqs Aldershot, UK: Ashgate .
  • (2002) «War and Warfare in the Pre-Činggisid Western Steppes of Eurasia» (Book Chapter in Inner Asian Warfare 500—1800 )
  • (2002) «Tuši: The Turkic Name of Joči» (Journal Article in )
  • (2002) "Notes on the Tribes: Kimeks and Yemeks (Book Chapter in The Turks Volume 1 Early Ages)
  • (2002) Türk Halkları Tarihine Giriş . Ankara, Turkey: KaraM Publishing House (KaraM Yayıncılık)
  • (2001) «Some Notes on the Comitatus in Medieval Eurasia with Special Reference to the Khazars» (Journal Article in Russian history / Histoire russe )
  • (2001) «Khazars» (Book Chapter in Turkish-Jewish Encounters: Studies on Turkish-Jewish Relations through the Ages )
  • (2001) «Nomads in the Sedentary World: The Case of the Pre-Chinggisid Rus’ and Georgia» (Book Chapter in Nomads in the Sedentary World )
  • (2001) Review of «A History of Inner Asia» by Svat Soucek (Book Review in )
  • (2001) «The Terminology of Slavery and Servitude in Medieval Turkic» (Book Chapter in Studies on Central Asian History in Honor of Yuri Bregel )
  • (2000) «The Nomads of the Western Eurasian Steppes: Oghurs, Onoghurs and Khazars» (Book Chapter in History of the Turkic Peoples in the Pre Islamic Period )
  • (2000) «I Will Give the People Unto Thee: The Chinggisid Conquests and Their Aftermath in the Turkic World» (Journal Article in )
  • (2000) Review of «The Mongol Empire and Its Legacy», ed. Reuven Amitai-Preiss and David O. Morgan (Book Review in The International history review )
  • (2000) The King’s Dictionary. The Rasulid Hexaglot: Fourteenth Century Vocabularies in Arabic, Persian, Turkic, Greek, Armenian and Mongol Leiden: BRILL . (Book, Edited , Vol. 4 in the series Handbuch der Orientalistik, 8. Abteilung Zentralasien)
  • (1999) «The Nomadic Linguistic Impact on Pre-Chinggisid Rus' and Georgia» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1998) Religion among the Qipchaqs of Medieval Eurasia (Journal Article in Central Asiatic journal )
  • (1998) Nomads and sedentary societies in medieval Eurasia Washington, D. C.: American Historical Association .
  • (1997) «Cumanica IV: The Qipchaq Tribes» (Journal Article in )
  • (1997) «Wolves, Dogs and Qipchaq Religion» (Journal Article in Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae )
  • (1996) «The Chernii Klobouc» (Book Chapter in Symbolae Turkologicae )
  • (1995) «The Days of the Week in Turkic: Notes on the Cuman-Qipchaq Pattern» (Journal Article in Acta orientalia Academiae Scientiarum Hungaricae )
  • (1994) «Chopsticks and Pasta in Medieval Turkic Cuisine» (Journal Article in Rocznik Orientalistyczny )
  • (1993) «Gosudarstvo i gosudarstvennost' u Xazar: vlast' Xazarskix kaganov» (Book Chapter in Fenomen vostochnogo despotizma: Struktura upravleniya i vlasti )
  • (1992) An introduction to the history of the Turkic peoples: Ethnogenesis and state-formation in medieval and early modern Eurasia and the Middle East Wiesbaden: O. Harrassowitz.
  • (1992) «Codex Comanicus» (Book Chapter in Central Asian Monuments )
  • (1991) «Nomads and Their Sedentary Neighbors in pre-Chinggisid Western Eurasia» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi)
  • (1991) «The Qipchaqs of Medieval Eurasia: An Example of Stateless Adaptation on the Steppe» (Book Chapter in Rulers from the steppe: State formation on the Eurasian periphery )
  • (1991) «Aspects of the Nomadic Factor in the Economic Development of Kievan Rus'» (Conference Paper in Proceedings : Ukrainian economic history: Interpretive essays )
  • (1991) «The Dogs of the Medieval Qipchaqs» (Book Chapter in Varia Eurasiatica Festschrift für Professor )
  • (1991) «Vyxod» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1990) «Cumanica III: The Urusoba» (Conference Paper in Proceedings : Aspects of Altaic civilization III: Proceedings of the thirtieth meeting of the Permanent International Altaistic Conference , Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, June 19-25, 1987)
  • (1987) Review of «Avars and Ancient Hungarians» by Pal Liptak (Book Review in The American Historical Review )
  • (1986) «Cumanica II, The Ölberli (Ölperli): The Fortunes and Misfortunes of an Inner Asian Nomadic Clan» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1985) The Byzantine Greek Elements in the Rasûlid Hexaglot (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1984) «Cumanica I: The Qipchaqs in Georgia» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1984) «A New Discovery: Khazarian Hebrew Documents of the Tenth Century » (Book Review in Harvard Ukrainian studies )
  • (1983) Khazaria and Judaism (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1983) «The Turkic Peoples and Caucasia» (Conference Paper in Proceedings : Transcaucasia: Nationalism and social change : essays in the history of Armenia, Azerbaijan, and Georgia )
  • (1982) «Imperial Ideology and the Sources of Political Unity Amongst the Pre-Chinggisid Nomads of Western Eurasia» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1982) «The Question of the Rus' Qaghanate» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1980) «The Polovci Dikii» (Journal Article in Harvard Ukrainian Studies )
  • (1980) Khazar studies: An historico-philological inquiry into the origins of the Khazars Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó.
  • (1980) «Review of 'Les Coumans au Bas-Danube aux XIe et XIIe siècles' by Petre Diaconu» (Book Review in The American Historical Review )
  • (1979) «The Oghuz Turkic (Ottoman/Safavid) Elements in Georgian: Background and Patterns» (Book Chapter in The mutual effects of the Islamic and Judeo-Christian worlds: The East European pattern )
  • (1979) «Review of 'Tataro-mongoly v Azii i Europe: Sbornik statei' by S. L. Tikhvinskii» (Book Review in The American Historical Review )
  • (1975) «The Q’azaro-Hungarian Title/Personal Name Yilik ~ Yelegh» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1975) «The People nwkrdä» (Journal Article in Archivum Eurasiae medii aevi )
  • (1972) «The Migrations of the Oghuz» (Journal Article in Archivum Ottomanicum )
  • (1971) Hazar Dili (Journal Article in Türk Dili Arastirmalari Yilligi Belleten )


  1. Peter B. Golden //
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Same as Голден, Питер Бенджамин