Свобо́дная импровиза́ция
Free improvisation
) —
музыкальная импровизация
, которая реализуется без каких-либо изначально заданных правил, то есть не ограничена никакими жанровыми, стилистическими, гармоническими, мелодическими, ритмическими и прочими рамками
Для более точного определения смыслового содержания понятия «свободная импровизация» английский
Дерек Бейли
Derek Bailey
) предложил термин «неидиоматическая импровизация» («non-idiomatic improvisation»)
Bailey, Derek
, 1980. «Musical Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice in Music». Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall; Ashbourne: Moorland.
ISBN 0-13-607044-2
. Second edition, London: British Library National Sound Archive, 1992.
ISBN 0-7123-0506-8
«The lack of precision over its [free improv’s] naming is, if anything, increased when we come to the thing itself. Diversity is its most consistent characteristic. It has no stylistic or idiomatic commitment. It has no prescribed idiomatic sound. The characteristics of freely improvised music are established only by the sonic-musical identity of the person or persons playing it.» —
Derek Bailey
, FREE IMPROVISATION, Guitar Player, January 1997, Cortical Foundation.
Bailey, Derek
, 1980. «Musical Improvisation: Its Nature and Practice in Music». Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall; Ashbourne: Moorland.
ISBN 0-13-607044-2
. Second edition, London: British Library National Sound Archive, 1992.
ISBN 0-7123-0506-8
Costa, Rogério. 2011. «
Free Musical Improvisation and the Philosophy of Gilles Deleuze
Perspectives of New Music
49, no. 1 (Winter): 127-42.
Sutherland, Roger, 1994.
New Perspectives in Music
. London: Sun Tavern Fields.
ISBN 0-9517012-6-6
An information resource for European free improvisation
A publication focusing on avant-garde jazz and electro-acoustic improvisation