Interested Article - Премия Майкла Фарадея

Премия Майкла Фарадея ( англ. Michael Faraday Prize ) — награда, присуждаемая Лондонским королевским обществом за популяризацию науки в Великобритании . Учреждена в 1986 году, названа в честь Майкла Фарадея . Премия состоит из серебряной медали и денежного приза в размере 2500 фунтов стерлингов.

Лауреат должен прочитать лекцию в рамках ежегодной программы Общества, которая обычно проходит в январе следующего после присуждения года. После лекции президент Королевского общества вручает награду.


Год Изображение Имя Номинация Комментарии
1986 «for his outstanding presentations of physics and applications of physics, aimed at audiences from six-year-old primary school children to adults»
1987 Питер Медавар «for the contribution his books had made in presenting to the public, and to scientists themselves, the intellectual nature and the essential humanity of pursuing science at the highest level and the part it played in our modern culture»
1988 «for the contributions he has made to the popularization of mathematics»
1989 Колин Блэйкмор «for his written, broadcast and public presentations on the science of the brain, which are superbly crafted for lay and expert audiences alike»
1990 Ричард Докинз «for his written, broadcast and public presentations which are accessible, imaginative and enjoyed by large audiences»
1991 Портер, Джордж «in recognition of his outstanding contribution to improving the public understanding of science through his many public lectures and broadcasts, his directorship of the Royal Institution and presidencies of the Royal Society and British Association and his seminal role in the establishment and leadership of COPUS»
1992 «for his many popular books and papers, his countless public lectures and television and radio appearances, and his creation of the Exploratory Hands-on Science Centre in Bristol»
1993 «for his many written articles for the national press and popular science journals, his public lectures on many platforms often tailored for school children, and his major contribution in broadcasting where he has had an input to over 350 radio and television programmes»
1994 «for his outstanding achievement in raising the public understanding of science and technology as an issue of the highest importance to individual scientists and engineers and to many bodies that represent them»
1995 Иэн Стюарт «for his work in communicating mathematical ideas to the widest possible range of audiences through his many thought-provoking books and magazine articles, his radio and television presentations, and his energetic public lectures in schools and industry on a variety of mathematical and quasi-mathematical topics»
1996 «for his numerous, wide ranging contributions to the public understanding of science in areas such as human evolution and variation, race, sex, inherited disease and genetic manipulation through his many broadcasts on radio and television, his lectures, popular science books, and his regular science column in The Daily Telegraph and contributions to other newspaper media»
1997 Филлипс, Дэвид «for his outstanding talents in the communication of scientific principles, methods and applications to young audiences through his many demonstration lectures with wit, clarity and enthusiasm on a wide variety of topics from basic science to modern laser research and for his major role in various collaborative ventures for young people with the Royal Institution, the British Association and CREST, and for his popular science articles and contributions to a variety of radio and television broadcasts, combined with his full professional workload as Head of Chemistry at Imperial College and overseeing a research group»
1998 Гринфилд, Сьюзен «for her outstanding talents in communicating to the public how the brain works, popularising brain studies via The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures, lecturing both in Britain and overseas to a wide variety of audiences, including young people, both in schools and outside the classroom, and through her activities as an author of popular books, newspaper articles and columns and her many television appearances»
1999 «for his outstanding contribution to the public understanding of human infertility and in vitro fertilisation. He has published five books as well as contributing to many newspaper articles. He is renowned as a gifted communicator especially to non-scientists, describing complex issues relating to human infertility clearly and without over-simplification. His major contribution has been in the field of television and radio both hosting and contributing to programmes»
2000 Льюис Вулперт «for his enormous contribution to the public understanding of science most notably through his Chairmanship of COPUS and his varied and wide-ranging television and radio programmes as well as his regular contributions to the national broadsheet newspapers. For over two decades, Lewis Wolpert has brought public attention to many subjects including depression which still carries considerable social stigma through books, lectures, newspaper articles using his own brand of enthusiasm and charisma»
2001 Крото, Харольд «for his dedication to the notion of working scientists being communicators of their work and in particular for his establishment of the Vega Science Trust whose films and related activities reflect the excitement of scientific discovery to the public»
2002 Пол Дейвис on The origin of life .
2003 Дэвид Аттенборо on Perception, deception and reality
2004 Мартин Рис on Einstein’s legacy as scientist and icon
2005 on A silent killer
2006 on A natural history of scientists
2007 Аль-Халили, Джим on The House of Wisdom and the legacy of Arabic science
2008 Джон Барроу on Every picture tells a story
2009 Маркус дю Сотой on The secret mathematicians
2010 Бернелл, Джоселин Белл on The end of the world in 2012? Science communication and science scares
2011 Колин Пиллинджер on Stones From the Sky: A Heaven-sent Opportunity to Talk About Science
2012 Брайан Кокс «for his excellent work in science communication»
2013 «for his excellent work in science communication»
2014 «for his excellent work in science communication»
2015 «for her excellent work in science communication»
2016 Ник Лейн «for his excellent work in science communication»
2017 «for his excellent work in science communication»
2018 Джордж, Даниэлла «for her excellent work in science communication»
2019 Мартин Полякофф «for his exemplary work to promote chemistry to an international audience via YouTube in a way that is understandable to viewers of all ages.»
2020 «for bringing key insights from the disciplines of statistics and probability vividly home to the public at large, and to key decision-makers, in entertaining and accessible ways, most recently through the COVID-19 pandemic.»
2021 «for her work in engaging the public with neuroscience through events, talks, TV and radio, and exemplifying how science communication can enhance scientific excellence.»
2022 «for her significant contributions to the field of planetary science, and her dedication and enthusiasm for public engagement, particularly in raising the profile of STEM subjects for young women.»
2023 Анил Сет «for his ability to inspire and communicate concepts and advances in cognitive neuroscience and consciousness, and therefore what it means to be human, to the public.»


  1. Дата обращения: 4 мая 2012. 5 октября 2012 года.
  2. Thomas, John Meurig. (англ.) . — CRC Press , 1991. — P. . — ISBN 0-7503-0145-7 .
  3. The Biologist (неопр.) . — 35. — (англ.) , 1987.
  4. (Fee required) . The Scientist . 1988-09-05 . Дата обращения: 16 марта 2009 .
  5. Fazackerley, Anna (2003-11-11). . The Guardian . Дата обращения: 16 марта 2009 .
  6. Abel, Donald C. Fifty Readings in Philosophy (неопр.) . — 2. — McGraw-Hill Education , 2004. — С. 53. — ISBN 0-07-281886-7 .
  7. . The Telegraph . 2002-09-01. из оригинала 11 ноября 2012 . Дата обращения: 16 марта 2009 .
  8. The Psychologist (неопр.) . — 6. — British Psychological Society, 1988. — С. 84.
  9. . The Times . England. 2005-10-02 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  10. Year-book of the Royal Society of London (неопр.) . — 92. — (англ.) , 1988. — С. 245. — ISBN 0-85403-343-2 .
  11. (Fee required) . Coventry Evening Telegraph . 2001-05-15. из оригинала 25 октября 2012 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  12. Sleeman, Elizabeth. The International Who's Who 2004 (неопр.) . — 67. — Routledge , 2003. — С. 831. — ISBN 1-85743-217-7 .
  13. Randerson, James (2006-05-30). . The Guardian . England. из оригинала 11 февраля 2009 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  14. Sleeman, Elizabeth. The International Who's Who 2004 (неопр.) . — 67. — Routledge , 2003. — С. 647. — ISBN 1-85743-217-7 .
  15. MacLeod, Donald (2004-02-06). "Royal Society split over Greenfield fellowship". The Guardian . England. {{ cite news }} : |access-date= требует |url= ( справка )
  16. Birkett, Dea (2000-08-19). . The Guardian . England. из оригинала 21 февраля 2011 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  17. . ScienceDirect (18 мая 2004). Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009. 30 июня 2012 года.
  18. (Fee required) . M2 Presswire. 2006-12-14 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  19. Bakewell, Joan. Belief (неопр.) . — (англ.) , 2005. — С. 84. — ISBN 1-58567-697-7 .
  20. Clayton, Philip; Arthur Robert Peacocke. In whom we live and move and have our being: panentheistic reflections on God's presence in a scientific world (англ.) . — (англ.) , 2004. — P. 266. — ISBN 0-8028-0978-2 .
  21. . Europa. 2005–02. из оригинала 14 февраля 2010 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 . {{ cite news }} : Википедия:Обслуживание CS1 (формат даты) ( ссылка )
  22. Walden, Brian (2005-03-28). . England: BBC News. из оригинала 15 февраля 2009 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  23. Fleming, Nic (2006-01-31). "Laws of attraction in action". The Telegraph . England. {{ cite news }} : |access-date= требует |url= ( справка )
  24. Gage, Logan (2007-02-14). "Fortey's Ego and the ID". Discovery Institute. {{ cite news }} : |access-date= требует |url= ( справка )
  25. Al-Khalili, Jim (2008-01-21). . The Guardian . England. из оригинала 10 сентября 2012 . Дата обращения: 17 марта 2009 .
  26. . The Royal Society. Дата обращения: 4 февраля 2012. 5 октября 2012 года.
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