Interested Article - Petrov Victor

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Последнюю правку он сделал 12 июля 2018 года (2057 дней назад).

Выборы в АК

Выдвинул вас в арбитры . Просьба дать согласие или отказ. T-Ramush ( обс. ) 17:33, 13 мая 2018 (UTC) [ ]

Give your feedback about changes to Special:Block


You are receiving this message because you are a top user of Special:Block on this wiki. Thank you for the important work that you do. There is a discussion happening about plans to improve Special:Block with the ability to set new types of blocks. To get the best design and new functions added, it is essential that people who use the tool join the discussion and share their opinions about these changes.

Instead of a full site wide block, you would be able to set a Partial Block. A user could be blocked from a single page, multiple pages, one or more namespaces, from uploading files, etc. There are several different ways to add this feature to Special:Block. Right now Important decisions are being made about the design and function.

Please review the and share your feedback on the Or you can reach me by Also, share this message with anyone else who might be interested in participating in the discussion.

I appreciate any time that you can give to assist with making improvements to this feature. Cheers, SPoore (WMF) (talk) , Trust and Safety Specialist, Community health initiative ( talk ) 02:04, 10 августа 2018 (UTC) [ ]

  • Apologizes for posting in English.

Некачественное патрулирование

. Викизавр ( обс. ) 18:12, 16 марта 2020 (UTC) [ ]

Источник —

Same as Petrov Victor