Interested Article - Graph:Weather monthly history


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{{Graph:Weather monthly history

| York
| title=New York City weather

Графики временно недоступны из-за технических проблем.

See or edit .

Нет описания.

Параметры шаблона [ ]

Параметр Описание Тип Статус
table table

Name of the table on Commons

Пример York
Строковый (без форматирования) обязательный
title title

Optional graph title

Строковый (без форматирования) необязательный
imperial imperial

If set to a value, the graph will show data in Fahrenheits at first

Логическое значение необязательный
height height

без описания

Число необязательный
width width

без описания

Число необязательный
hideoverview hideoverview

If set, will hide the bottom section of the graph

Логическое значение необязательный
debug debug

If set, shows JSON instead of the graph

Логическое значение необязательный
  // ATTENTION: This code is maintained at
  //            Please do not modify it anywhere else, as it may get copied and override your changes.
  //            Suggestions can be made at

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      "expr": "if(isMetric,'°C','°F')"
      "name": "len", 
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      "expr": "if(isMetric,'mm','inches')"

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    "name": "table",
    "url": "tabular:///{{{table}}}",
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      {"type": "filter", "test": "datum.avgLowTemp != null && datum.avgHighTemp != null"},
      {"type": "formula", "field": "avgInC", "expr": "(datum.avgHighTemp+datum.avgLowTemp)/2"},
      {"type": "formula", "field": "tempHigh", "expr": "if(isMetric,datum.avgHighTemp,datum.avgHighTemp*9/5+32)"},
      {"type": "formula", "field": "tempLow", "expr": "if(isMetric,datum.avgLowTemp,datum.avgLowTemp*9/5+32)"},
    "name": "stats",
    "source": "table",
    "transform": [{"type": "aggregate", "summarize": [
      {"field": "tempHigh", "ops": "max"},
      {"field": "tempLow", "ops": "min"}
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              "fill": {"value": "black"},
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              "fill": {"value": "black"},
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              "text": {"template": "snow days / total \u007b{len}\u007d: \u007b{tooltip.datum.snowfallDays|number:'.1f'}\u007d / \u007b{tooltip.datum.snowfall|number:'.1f'}\u007d"},
              "fill": {"value": "black"},

Источник —

Same as Graph:Weather monthly history