Interested Article - Omotecho

Добро пожаловать, Omotecho !

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При вопросах можете обратиться к участнику Carn 17:19, 25 декабря 2021 (UTC) [ ]

Dear Omotecho , You have changed 泽 for 澤 in the name яп. 大泽寅一 . Are you sure? I found it in Japanese source . Another International source is using another name 大沢寅一 for the same person. Is there article about this person in Japanese Wikipedia? Thank you Hunu ( обс. ) 20:04, 7 января 2022 (UTC) [ ]

@ Hunu , hi, I forgot to add a reference at dedicated to WWII warriors. Could we look into the writing system of "WW2备忘录" together please?
  • 泽 is easy for me to spot. An abbreviated Kanji character borrowed from zh, which in ja language seldom used as records/printed documents. Or post education reform generation might not read even among my nieces/nephews. But still, this is a modern/post 1950s knowledge I admit.
  • Could there be any possibility that "WW2备忘录" transcribed from original handwriting to print/font?
  • Could "WW2备忘录" be in zh? While it is merely a possibility I suggest to you, and I am sure you have researched how was produced. I can't resist my doubt that it has been written in zh style Kanji. If a Japanese person titles a memorandum, the script should be 備忘録. Or in ja style kanji, we can write as 略忘録 (备忘录), but a very odd term.
  • I found today on the web that the term 备忘录 itself is Chinese. Please see . It is a very weak suggestion I admit since no double check with printed dictionary is done.
And still, another possibility. I imagine if I had been a ja military detainee recorded the memorandam, wish to bring it back with me or by some trusted person to Japan someday, I might have intentionally written in zh kanji to mimic as if I discovered the memo somewhere. To guard myself from accusation when I arrived to Japan, and prosecuted by ja military police: it could be regarded as if I had been selling heads/lives of comrade higher ranks in ja army to detainers . Sadly, before 1945 surrender, a detainee returning from camp alive were so very shameful action by the ja wartime ethics, to the extent that children were told not to return home alive if they were detained. "生きて虜囚の辱めを受けるなかれ" Bad history, but you can refer to mass suicide in Okinawa as proof.
Your article I hope will be a torchlight that wartime ethics is part of our history, and we have many survivors as proof bad ethics could be overcome, and how precious a person's life is anytime on the history. Good day to you, -- Omotecho ( ) 05:05, 8 января 2022 (UTC) [ ]

157 Удзихара Нобунори (no kanji)

Just preliminary try out with machine translation.

  • Transcription: Удзихара Нобунори ? (1892—?) — генерал-майор, начальник штаба Главного жандармского управления[98]. Арестован 2 октября 1945 в г. Чаньчунь[192]. В 1950 году репатриирован в Японию[190].
  • ru-ja machine translation: Ogiwara ShinNori (暫定/ 荻原信典)主要将軍、主参謀長 。1945年10月2日に長春で逮捕された 。 1950年に日本に送還された
  • machine translation suggests: could be Цудзихара Нобунари / 辻原信成

-- Omotecho ( ) 10:33, 8 января 2022 (UTC) [ ]


  1. ru_098 Карасев С. В. Проблемы плена в советско-японской войне и их последствия (1945—1956 годы). Изд-во Иркутского государственного техн. универ. 2006.
    • ru-en (Karasev S. V. Problems of captivity in the Soviet-Japanese war and their consequences (1945-1956) . Publishing house of the Irkutsk state tech. University. 2006.)
  2. .
    • 20th of December 1888
    • † October 1960
  3. .
    • 21st of December 1891
    • † 25th of May 1982
Источник —

Same as Omotecho